View Full Version : Bak Mei

06-10-2013, 11:03 AM
I've been taking Bak Mei for about a year now wanted to know if it was ok to fuse jui jitsu along with it or not? Any other suggestions that don't go against my style.

06-10-2013, 11:05 AM
yes it is ok.

Dale Dugas
06-10-2013, 11:06 AM
have you talked to your Shifu about this?

There are many kum la concepts that your teacher should understand within the confines of Bak Mei Pai.

Who is your teacher? Bak Mei Pai is very rare here in the US.

David Jamieson
06-10-2013, 11:12 AM
At a year in...he's probably not that familiar with the myriad of locks, holds and releases that are kum na.

Otherwise, jiu jitsu is a separate art with a whole different focus.

What you want to do is learn with the correct attidtude towards learning. Do you think you're good enough after 1 year of lessons to start making a fusion with another art?

You know for most of us it takes years to get good at one thing. Worth considering.

06-10-2013, 11:15 AM
No I don't what I was trying to find out was it ok to take another style or not. You answered the question if another style is a completely different approach from an bak mei then I will not. I'm still grasping things I would tell you my teacher but prefer to remain anonymous, his father was in the military is all I'll state.

06-10-2013, 11:17 AM
I wanted to take a martial arts I could go to competitions with that's one of the reasons I'm fairly competitive.

06-10-2013, 11:37 AM
Then it really depends on what kind of competing you're looking to do.

Golden Arms
06-10-2013, 12:46 PM
I would not mix Pak Mei with anything until you are very skilled with it as it has a very distinct way it goes about doing things. Coming TO Pak Mei from another style though works just fine, so long as you can empty your cup and learn things the Pak Mei way.

Go back in time, start with Jiu Jitsu and then learn Pak Mei later.

Yum Cha
06-10-2013, 01:01 PM
I would not mix Pak Mei with anything until you are very skilled with it as it has a very distinct way it goes about doing things. Coming TO Pak Mei from another style though works just fine, so long as you can empty your cup and learn things the Pak Mei way.

Go back in time, start with Jiu Jitsu and then learn Pak Mei later.

This is a Troll thread, started by mms troll 'west' who just deleted a bunch of threads in the main forum. He was trying to make the conclusion that Pak Mei can't grapple, so, brothers, just be advised you're casting pearls before swine.

But, hell, might become an interesting thread nevertheless.

I teach (and drill) some of my guys in Bjj 101. All about the consolidation strategy, 3 side controls, guard and mount, Escape from standing guillotine and how to grab one and falling into guard. Sprawling, keeping arms in and other fundamentals. And as Golden Arms will appreciate, you can turn anything into "Pak Mei" <grin>.
There is a bunch of good stuff in Dey Sut Kuen for when you are on the ground and getting back up.
Practicing some basics of other arts, to understand what you might come up against should be part of any MA training.

06-10-2013, 01:02 PM
It was decided earlier cya

06-10-2013, 01:03 PM
No its not I could tell you my master and everything. I haven't even ventured into another forum I'm from NC btw.

06-11-2013, 04:03 AM
I wanted to take a martial arts I could go to competitions with that's one of the reasons I'm fairly competitive.

if you are talking about BJJ then i cant see the harm, its ground based, not a striking art and totally different and deals with a totally different enviroment and set of attacks than bak mei, now whether you have the time to learn both is another matter

If you are talking about japanese ju jitsu then thats something different

06-11-2013, 05:45 AM
I wanted to take a martial arts I could go to competitions with that's one of the reasons I'm fairly competitive.

Then yes, take BJJ.

3 essentials for a competitive fighter:
Confidence, Conditioning, Technique

06-11-2013, 08:42 AM
You should combine Tae Kwon Do, Bak Mei and Jiu Jitsu

Then you would have "Tae Mei Jiu"
the ultimate system!

06-11-2013, 08:56 AM
On a side note: This blog is fascinating http://chinesemartialstudies.com/2012/10/03/lives-of-chinese-martial-artists-2-cheung-lai-chuen-part-i/

06-11-2013, 09:22 AM
On a side note: This blog is fascinating http://chinesemartialstudies.com/2012/10/03/lives-of-chinese-martial-artists-2-cheung-lai-chuen-part-i/

good read and doesn't mince words

06-11-2013, 09:33 AM
On a side note: This blog is fascinating http://chinesemartialstudies.com/2012/10/03/lives-of-chinese-martial-artists-2-cheung-lai-chuen-part-i/

Thanks B


06-12-2013, 01:22 PM
Is it possible for me to cross train with jiu jitsu and not have the two styles compete. When did bruce lee begin his cross training. The fact that its been two days since I''ve been on here is reason enough im not a troll. I'll read the blog, however; I have a px90 workout to do thanks.

Golden Arms
06-12-2013, 01:37 PM
Ask your Sifu. If he is the real deal then there is nobody on here that is going to give you a better answer than he is.

06-12-2013, 08:45 PM
You could cross train Capoeira with Bak Mei. You could cross train anything with Bak Mei. But, I think some arts wouldn't lend much to it. I can't see the point in training Shorin-Ryu Karate with Bak Mei, but maybe I am totally wrong and their would be some good benefits.

Take what is useful and discard the rest right? And if everything is useful then take all of it.

Bak Mei is good for stand up, is okay for clinch, and is very so so for ground(depending on how one looks at it is the argument for groundwork).

Find your ranges and find the best arts that suit you for each range.

06-13-2013, 04:51 AM
that blog you posted was good mightyb. Interesting historical perspective.

08-01-2013, 04:49 PM
Bringing this back up he'll train me in Muay Boran until a certain level so that will be my cross training. Thanks for all the info.

08-01-2013, 08:11 PM
I've been taking Bak Mei for about a year now wanted to know if it was ok to fuse jui jitsu along with it or not? Any other suggestions that don't go against my style.

Why do you even ask this question? You are the master. All MA styles are your slaves. The law may say that you can only have one wife. But who is going to stop you from seeing other girls?

08-01-2013, 09:05 PM
Why do you even ask this question? You are the master. All MA styles are your slaves. The law may say that you can only have one wife. But who is going to stop you from seeing other girls?

Sig worthy!

08-01-2013, 09:14 PM
Why do you even ask this question? You are the master. All MA styles are your slaves. The law may say that you can only have one wife. But who is going to stop you from seeing other girls?
Considering the current situation of our lazy-chubby-coward-greedy wives I think all of us need to start cheating sooner or later.

seeing other more practical arts might even help to understand TCMA better.

08-01-2013, 09:22 PM
I've been taking Bak Mei for about a year now wanted to know if it was ok to fuse jui jitsu along with it or not? Any other suggestions that don't go against my style.Bak Mei , Did you ask your Bak Mei Sifu ?
If you can take jujitsu or not ? Some Sifus may allow it , while some sifus may not allow it . Your Bak Mei Sifu may think is Jujitsu alot better than Bak Mei ? But I may be wrong ? I don ' t know what your sifu may think . But go and ask your Sifu first .

Bak Mei is a stand up striking art which is good , jujitsu is grappling and ground fighting too . But ! yeah ! It'll work , but you need to worry about what your opponent can do against you . Jujitsu is a very sensitive subject on this topic thread forum so I ' ll let you figure it out .

08-01-2013, 09:43 PM
Bak Mei , Did you ask your Bak Mei Sifu ?
If you can take jujitsu or not ? Some Sifus may allow it , while some sifus may not allow it . Your Bak Mei Sifu may think is Jujitsu alot better than Bak Mei ? But I may be wrong ? I don ' t know what your sifu may think . But go and ask your Sifu first .

Bak Mei is a stand up striking art which is good , jujitsu is grappling and ground fighting too . But ! yeah ! It'll work , but you need to worry about what your opponent can do against you . Jujitsu is a very sensitive subject on this topic thread forum so I ' ll let you figure it out .

Doooood, fix them keys!!!! lol

I would be ****ed if I had a sifu that said I wasn't allowed to train another art that deals with a range not covered in the current art.

I'm all for respect, but it goes both ways. If the answer is no, I would require a **** good reason. A reason beyond the obvious bluh bluh bluh.

08-02-2013, 03:08 AM
Doooood, fix them keys!!!! lol

I would be ****ed if I had a sifu that said I wasn't allowed to train another art that deals with a range not covered in the current art.

I'm all for respect, but it goes both ways. If the answer is no, I would require a **** good reason. A reason beyond the obvious bluh bluh bluh.

Syn7 , well some Sifus are like that , well if the Sifu is open minded then he ' ll let Bak Mei learn other arts too . But If his Sifu in Bak Mei is closed minded then he 'll probably warn bak mei that if he learns another art then his bak mei Sifu may in turn discontinue teaching him . So to be on the safe side bak mei should ask his bak mei Sifu first .

Here in Hawaii , I ' ve heard that a Sifu once kicked out an assistant teacher for not asking his Sifu himself permission for learning another kung fu art under a different sifu . To the sifu themselves it ' s like stealing a student from another Sifu , that ' s why . So it all depends on the Sifu themselves .

08-02-2013, 11:06 AM
Syn7 , well some Sifus are like that , well if the Sifu is open minded then he ' ll let Bak Mei learn other arts too . But If his Sifu in Bak Mei is closed minded then he 'll probably warn bak mei that if he learns another art then his bak mei Sifu may in turn discontinue teaching him . So to be on the safe side bak mei should ask his bak mei Sifu first .

Here in Hawaii , I ' ve heard that a Sifu once kicked out an assistant teacher for not asking his Sifu himself permission for learning another kung fu art under a different sifu . To the sifu themselves it ' s like stealing a student from another Sifu , that ' s why . So it all depends on the Sifu themselves .

If you pay your sifu for classes, they really have no say. Personally, I would inform my sifu, respectfully, and ask for his opinion. But then I guess it depends on how you can talk with your sifu. For me, it's always been on equal ground in every area accept the actual material. He's not my dad, he's my friend and a respected elder.

If your sifu has taken you in and feeds you and trains you as a disciple, well... that's different. But that old school way of thinking holds no weight when you charge money for 2 hour classes three days a week. It would be like kicking somebody out of one grocery store because they also shop at safeway.

08-02-2013, 02:10 PM
If you pay your sifu for classes, they really have no say. Personally, I would inform my sifu, respectfully, and ask for his opinion. But then I guess it depends on how you can talk with your sifu. For me, it's always been on equal ground in every area accept the actual material. He's not my dad, he's my friend and a respected elder.

If your sifu has taken you in and feeds you and trains you as a disciple, well... that's different. But that old school way of thinking holds no weight when you charge money for 2 hour classes three days a week. It would be like kicking somebody out of one grocery store because they also shop at safeway.

Syn7 , I agree with you .

08-02-2013, 02:14 PM
There is a big difference between student and disciple.

wiz cool c
08-02-2013, 03:10 PM
in my opinion, judo blends better with kung fu then bjj. although judo has some ground work in it, it main goal isn't to drag your opponent to the ground,and fight him there. it is to toss him and remain standing. this theory blends well with kung fu. bak mei is an aggressive close range system,it would blend nicely with the clinch and throws of judo. also plenty of completions in judo.

Yum Cha
08-02-2013, 06:26 PM
Shui Jau blends better with Pak Mei....or BJJ, but judo has a different spirit.

08-05-2013, 11:13 PM
Shui Jau blends better with Pak Mei....or BJJ, but judo has a different spirit.That ' s because shuai chiao is the chinese version of judo , BJJ is the chinese version of chin na , well people on this thread will probably debate me on this topic .

08-06-2013, 12:33 AM
Shui Jau blends better with Pak Mei....or BJJ, but judo has a different spirit.

really now do you mean?

08-06-2013, 12:36 AM
That ' s because shuai chiao is the chinese version of judo , BJJ is the chinese version of chin na , well people on this thread will probably debate me on this topic .

no debate just flat out smiling at you as im not sure WTF you are on about, BJJ as the chinese version of chin na....mmm what the hell does that mean?
Its nice to have an opinion but please have an informed one :)

Yum Cha
08-06-2013, 03:00 AM
really now do you mean?

I never underestimate the abysmal ignorance that comes up now and again.

Kinda like the English cricket umpires....:D

08-06-2013, 03:14 AM
I never underestimate the abysmal ignorance that comes up now and again.

Kinda like the English cricket umpires....:D

im more or a union fan :) seriously was interested in why you felt judo was different to bjj or Chinese wrestling and not as good a fit for bakmei???

Yum Cha
08-06-2013, 03:40 AM
im more or a union fan :) seriously was interested in why you felt judo was different to bjj or Chinese wrestling and not as good a fit for bakmei???

Anything can work. Any skills you have can be applied in any situation, that goes without saying.

Its about the spirit of the art and the training. Aggression. Choosing something to add to your pak mei that is more compatible, I would choose the two above the one for that reason.

I see John's stuff and I see how it could seamlessly transition from things I do, stance, position, grip.

Judo is blunted, they use a GI even! All respect, but not like Pak Mei, and that was the question.

08-06-2013, 04:00 AM
Anything can work. Any skills you have can be applied in any situation, that goes without saying.

Its about the spirit of the art and the training. Aggression. Choosing something to add to your pak mei that is more compatible, I would choose the two above the one for that reason.

I see John's stuff and I see how it could seamlessly transition from things I do, stance, position, grip.

Judo is blunted, they use a GI even! All respect, but not like Pak Mei, and that was the question.

but both bjj and Chinese wrestling use the gi as well and judo is much more aggressive than bjj due to the rules they fight under, but as you say anything can be used and its personal preference really

Yum Cha
08-06-2013, 07:46 AM
but both bjj and Chinese wrestling use the gi as well and judo is much more aggressive than bjj due to the rules they fight under, but as you say anything can be used and its personal preference really

I think of Judo as the sport version of JuJitsu. JuJitsu is more direct. to my mind, and has the joint attacks Judo lacks, or should I say, doesn't favour.

08-06-2013, 11:23 AM
I think of Judo as the sport version of JuJitsu. JuJitsu is more direct. to my mind, and has the joint attacks Judo lacks, or should I say, doesn't favour.

fair enough

Golden Arms
08-12-2013, 10:27 AM
There is a big difference between student and disciple.

I agree 100%. I have a feeling there are very few disciples on this forum however.

08-12-2013, 12:06 PM
IMO, SC is easier to be integrated into Bak Mei for the following reasons:

- The SC training has included "striking" in mind.
- Most of the time, the jacket is not used.
- ...


In the above clip, students learned "leg blocking" throw from his opponent's "haymaker". Also the "arm wrapping" is part of the basic training which can be used in no-jacket environment without modification.

08-12-2013, 12:19 PM
another example:

08-12-2013, 12:31 PM
That was a cool vid. Looks like stuff I do.