View Full Version : New Kung Fu movie Bearers of the Flame, needs your support!

06-29-2013, 09:51 PM
Hello fellow Kung Fu enthusiasts!

My name is Derek, a film maker from Colorado. I have been a kung fu enthusiast for my whole life, and have always dreamed of making a kung fu movie. I'm now living in Taiwan and have met a man named Zhao Wen Chan, who is an Action Director from Taiwan. He shared the same master as Jackie Chan, and taught kung fu to Colin Chou (The Matrix, The Forbidden Kingdom). With his help, I plan to shoot a 20 to 30 minute kung fu movie here in Taiwan that will hopefully promote Taiwanese culture to the world.

I've started a kickstarter project in order to raise funds. I'd really appreciate it if you guys could check it out. The link is below and has a video with a description of the story, goal, etc. If you could help me share this with your friends and spread the word, it would help us out greatly! If you yourself want to help out and become a backer, then we are more than grateful, and we will send you a DVD after the project is finished and list your name in the credits.

If the funding is successful, I hope to finish in about 5 to 7 months from now. I will use part of the funds to join numerous international film contests. I will also definitely share it on Kungfu.com forum after it's success, but only backers can get a copy of the DVD sent by mail. The movie can be put online after about 10 months (so it can run its course in the film festival circuit).

Here is more info about the project:
Link with a video:


Three brothers that come from a small kung fu warrior tribe migrate to the city when they begin losing students. However, when hope of sparking interest in kung fu amongst the average city crowd seems grim, and when the restrictions of a city life and take their toll, the brothers begin undertaking vigilante missions at night to find satisfaction. Eventually, this leads to a final brawl between these three kung fu masters and a local gang and it's powerful leader.


The project has multiple purposes: to fulfill my own dream of exhibiting new and fresh ideas for an action movie, to reignite an interest in kung fu for Taiwanese, and to promote the little known Taiwan and it's culture to the rest of the world.


You can help by spreading the word to your friends or on facebook, or even becoming a backer yourself. Also, giving feedback about the project on kickstarter, or even about my post here would be helpful as well, as it can help me with my campaign. I would truly appreciate anything you could do to help!


If you would like to know more about my work, please feel free to visit my websites:

Thank you kindly for your support!