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View Full Version : About some style names

07-12-2013, 04:15 PM
Meihua Quan:
why is it named "mei hua"?, ok, plum blossom... but... is it just a nice name? or it has something inside it like the Liu He Quan (the 3 external and 3 internal harmonies and all that stuff)

Qi Xing Quan:
Is it a "major" style itself? or it's more lika a concept than a whole system?

07-12-2013, 05:07 PM
Meihua Quan:
why is it named "mei hua"?, ok, plum blossom... but... is it just a nice name? or it has something inside it like the Liu He Quan (the 3 external and 3 internal harmonies and all that stuff)

Qi Xing Quan:
Is it a "major" style itself? or it's more lika a concept than a whole system?

meihuaquan comes from hongquan. explanation for name change is 1. plum flower means the five element pentagram from hongquan. 2. plum flower is a codeword from white lotus

qixing quan is a fighting stance. an ancient style that uses a lot qixing stance is called qixingquan. most famous descendent is seven stars praying mantis

07-12-2013, 05:23 PM
Many styles retained their 'folk' names or changes based on the 'cultural milieu' or the social agendas of the day. As an example, when people see some kind of slow moving/movement stuff, they automatically call it taijiquan (tai chi) so it would sense that people in their historical era, called an art what the common people attached to it. When I see tournament taijiquan (tai chi) I usually call it performance art:D

07-12-2013, 06:27 PM
meihuaquan comes from hongquan.

The Hua Quan and Hong Quan are 2 separate branches of the longfist system besides the other 3 such as Zha, Pao and Tan.

My main longfist system is Hua Quan, but I know nothing about Hong Quan. Hong Quan is my only miss branch from my longfist system. My longfist teacher told me that Hong Quan went to south. That's why Hong is missing in the northern China.

07-12-2013, 07:07 PM
What bawang said about White Lotus and the five elements is correct. That's the origin. In early nationalist propaganda it also came to mean the five major ethnic nations of China to illustrate the ideal of a united country as also shown by the five-color flag.

07-12-2013, 07:16 PM
The Hua Quan and Hong Quan are 2 separate branches of the longfist system besides the other 3 such as Zha, Pao and Tan.

My main longfist system is Hua Quan, but I know nothing about Hong Quan. Hong Quan is my only miss branch from my longfist system. My longfist teacher told me that Hong Quan went to south. That's why Hong is missing in the northern China.

hongquan is shanxi word for longfist

chang quan -> consonant shift -> hang quan/hong quan
chang quan -> vowel shift -> cha quan /chan quan
hong quan -> vowel shift -> hua quan/hou quan

longfist is so old that its name predates the evolution of mandarin. from the language shift you can trace the family tree of northern kung fu

07-12-2013, 08:18 PM
The Hua Quan and Hong Quan are 2 separate branches of the longfist system besides the other 3 such as Zha, Pao and Tan.

meihuaquan is not from huaquan

1.northern plum flower (five elements)

hongquan + lotus cult -> lotus flower boxing
lotus flower boxing -> yihequan, shaolin lianhuanquan, meihuaquan

after 1900:
yihequan -> mostly extinct
meihuaquan -> rename back to hongquan

2. southern plum flower (plum flower post)

Kunlun mountain branch of white lotus cult -> bagua cult + plum flower cult
bagua cult -> baguazhang
plum flower cult -> meihuaquan
meihuaquan -> martial art of hmong, palang and tai ethnic groups (zuo quan, chiyou quan, scorpion boxing etc)

3. Cantonese plum flower forms (clf, hung ga)

made up bullsh1t

07-12-2013, 08:51 PM
As for a non-WC thread, is this the best that we can do? 7 posts only so far. Should Bawang and I argue about whether meihuaquan and Hua Quan are the same or different for the next 50 pages? Just hate to see this forum turns into a WC only forum.

07-13-2013, 02:11 AM
You guys have it covered.

On an interesting side note the most common sabre style I have encountered in China is Meihua Dao, and the most common sword style is called QiXing Jian. Many sects, whatever their style, will have a Meihua dao and a Qixing jian set.

xiao yao
07-13-2013, 02:33 AM
In meihua mantis I believe the name refers to stepping and hand patterns. Also to combinations being in fives........

xiao yao
07-13-2013, 02:37 AM
its interesting to note the major branches of mantis all contain numbers

taiji mantis - 2 (yin and yang)
meihua mantis - 5 (petals of the flower)
liu he - 6
qixing - 7
babu - 8

07-13-2013, 07:27 AM
1. mei hua duo duo

It is not used to mean 5 moves linked together.

It is used to mean many varied hands/moves linked in a sequence.

so it could be 6, 7, 8 or more.

It is like many and many flowers on a plum tree.

2. Tai ji mantis

It is consisted of both soft and hard methods back to back and change.

3. 7 star

It is referred to a stance. It is also referred to step methods and use of 7 body parts, fist, elbow etc.

07-13-2013, 02:16 PM
Thanks to all who answered, bawang, YouKnowWho, and everyone else i'm missing. I love learning from all this threads (not when the thread turns into a childish argument fight :( ), i hope this one to get more info for keep the learning

Thank you again :)

David Jamieson
07-15-2013, 05:21 AM

07-15-2013, 05:51 PM
Read The 7 Star General of the Celestial Realm in our Shaolin Special 2012 (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/magazine/article.php?article=1036) for more info on the roots of qixing. :cool: