View Full Version : How To Win A Street Fight WIth Head Movements

07-17-2013, 11:50 AM
"You can learn how to win a street fight simply by learning how to move your head (http://youtu.be/qSX0PCQXiO4)! If you make your opponent miss, you stay safe and he gets tired... then it becomes easy to win a street fight."

Kellen Bassette
07-17-2013, 02:48 PM
I liked his video...

07-17-2013, 03:14 PM

It is just boxing technique. What is the big deal?


07-17-2013, 03:15 PM
To dodge a punch is like to break your opponent's grip. If you don't "take advantage on it", your opponent will come back and do it to you again. It will make sense that the moment you dodge his punch, the moment that you attack him with "single leg".

head circle 1 - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ozqjSw2LzdQ)

To allow your opponent's fists to be so close to your head is not a good strategy. You should reverse the situation and try to bring the fight to your opponent's territory, and not to fight in your own territory.

If your opponent is a better striker than you (your opponent's punches makes you to dodge and your punches can't make him to dodge), you have to take off your "striking" hat and put on your "grappling" hat. You should try to "wrap" your opponent's arms ASAP.

07-17-2013, 04:26 PM
Great example of head movement.

07-18-2013, 11:59 AM
Perfect example for why a professional fighter usually has no excuse for engaging on the level that they sometimes do. You see clips of guys starting trouble with professionals and they often receive quite a bit of damage. The gap between "fought a lil in the street" and "train everyday as a career" is HUGE! All martial artists have a responsibility to mitigate damage in a physical confrontation with an inferior opponent. There are exceptions, of course. Like multiple opponents. It's best to just start dropping people to discourage more attacks. Knowing the difference is real wisdom.

07-18-2013, 01:38 PM
all the head movement in the world doesn't mean anything in the clinch


07-18-2013, 01:51 PM
all the head movement in the world doesn't mean anything in the clinch


It's very interest to read those discussion on that clip. I can see 2 sides of arguments. Those who are on the wrestling side and those who are on the BJJ side. A

- wrestler may agree that ground skill is needed.
- BJJ guy may think that throwing skill won't be needed.

To look down on the throwing skill from the BJJ side is not a healthy attitude IMO.

Yum Cha
07-18-2013, 01:54 PM
all the head movement in the world doesn't mean anything in the clinch


I saw an old Vale Tudo fight where this girl gets the guy in Mount, (anyboey seen that one?) does hand control, then starts working on his face with her forehead. That's a bit of head movement....

07-18-2013, 02:00 PM

At 0.06 of this clip, when the guy on the left punched, the guy on the right moved in. He didn't try to dodge the punch. Which skill do you think is more useful in "street fight"? To move your head

- "back" to dodge a head punch? or
- "forward" to wrap your opponent's punching arms with your arms?

Yum Cha
07-18-2013, 02:07 PM
Which skill do you think is more useful if you have to pick one side or another. To move your head

- "back" to dodge a head punch? or
- "forward" to wrap your opponent's punching arms with your arms?

how about both in succession?

I think mobility is the key skill, and head movement is a key part of that skill. For a striker....or in a striking situation.

07-18-2013, 02:07 PM
all the head movement in the world doesn't mean anything in the clinch


Yeah, but it can go a long way in keeping someone from getting the clinch in the first place.

Yum Cha
07-18-2013, 02:14 PM
Yeah, but it can go a long way in keeping someone from getting the clinch in the first place.

Big head movements dictate attacks to the legs and body. IMHO
You have to plant to move the top like that.

07-18-2013, 04:54 PM
block the punch wit ur face

my face is my shield

David Jamieson
07-21-2013, 09:34 AM
It takes a lot of practice to get your head bob & weave going on with any efficacy.

source: got punched in the face a lot in practice. :)

07-26-2013, 06:10 PM
"You can learn how to win a street fight simply by learning how to move your head (http://youtu.be/qSX0PCQXiO4)! If you make your opponent miss, you stay safe and he gets tired... then it becomes easy to win a street fight." You can do that , but what if the opponent fakes you , that ' s where you ' re vulnerable .

07-30-2013, 08:59 PM
That was a good vid.

I remember this guy who would help teach our class sometimes was a boxer and would do that drill. We would basically try to punch him and he would just bob and weave and we'd all miss. Well, I would, because I sucked.

I want to learn to do that.

07-30-2013, 09:15 PM
I wanted to see that first guy in the camo pants punch him. He looked like he was ready to go. When they asked him if he was interested in a martial arts challenge his reply was "yeah, who am I fighting?" lol.