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View Full Version : ankle ligament tear

07-26-2013, 10:42 AM
Soooo I tore my Superior and Inferior Fibular Retinacula. I got into one PT session, but my insurance doesn't cover PT so I went in out of pocket to get some ideas.

I figured I would come to you fine folk here and see if there is any additional advice I might need.

I'm using a resistance band to flex my ankle in four directions, 10 reps, 4 sets. I've also started riding my bike to and from work instead of skateboarding...in addition I'm taking opportunities to stand on that one leg when I can...brushing teeth, shaving, putting on shoes, etc.

I feel like I should be able to facilitate my own recovery all right going forward like this. I initially injured the ankle coming out of a jump. I was fatigued at the time and just kept pushing stupidly and came down, ankle roled hard to the inside, popped, yada yada. Made sure nothing was broken, finished training with adjustments, went home. woke up to massive swelling and throbbing pain.

Soaked, wrapped, acupuncture the next day, with some follow ups a couple times after.

fast forward two weeks, like a super genius i started skating again. was busy looking at a pretty girl, hit a pine cone, went flying, reflexes caused me to catch myself on bad ankle, rolled it again, went down and took a concusion.

I went to see a podiatrist for diagnosis of my ankle. My primary concern is that he told me with an injury like mine (and i cannot remember the technical terms) there is a risk during rehabilitation that the nerves that send the messages to the brain to let the ankle make proper adjustments for balance, etc. can be damaged and if proper care is not taken, these pathways may not make a recover and can cause the injury to happen again more easily.

Over the years I have rolled my ankles several times, however it's never been to this degree. I'm sure age has an influencing factor.

I know there are some pretty knowledgable people here who may be able to let me know if there are any additional steps I should take to help myself make as complete a recovery as possible.

I've taken a bit of time off from training at the school, but will be starting training again next week, now that my ankle can support my weight, and has a bit of mobility again. I plan to buy an ankle brace to wear while I train.

Any additional advice would be welcome.


07-26-2013, 10:44 AM
Oh also, when i flex my toes up toward my knee, there is a popping on the inside between my heel and the ankle joint. there is also a constant very small bruise in that spot. When i wake up i cannot flex my foot up at all. When i walk around after waking, that place give a nice healthy pop, then i can flex my foot up from that point on. but each flex causes a minor popping.

the doc was basically like:

'thats weird'

07-26-2013, 11:10 AM
Greetings Lucas,

I would seriously press your podiatrist about what "proper care" is before you have to walk in spirals to get from one place to another, like an escapee from a roach motel.

What exercises did the PT offer?

Is anyone recommending rest? I ask because working through an injury does not make any sense.

Are you mentioning the bruise thing to your podiatrist?


07-26-2013, 11:34 AM
Before providing accurate medical advice here, I would need to gather a bit more information, so if you would be so kind to answer the following which would help us all help U, cause that's what we're here for.

1) If you're over 30, WTF you riding a skateboard for? Wanna be?????
2) Are you Tim Hudson?
3) You obviously suffering from lingering effects of your concussion, so why not detail that injury as it's the more serious one.
4) What weight training protocol are you using?
5) Lastly, walk it off!!!

07-26-2013, 12:40 PM

1. ive been riding for 21 years.

2. no

3. meh. ;)

4. monkey bars

5. :eek:

07-26-2013, 12:44 PM
The advice your PT gave you is exactly the same - exactly - as what I was told with a similar injury. So, it seems to be the standard.

07-26-2013, 12:44 PM

I showed the doc the bruising and explained the symptoms, he pretty much just said that its likely some resistance with the tendon there from swelling due to the injury itself...idk im medically ignorant.

the PT gave me a resistance band and gave me four directions of flex i mentioned im doing...rest was talked about but its been a few weeks so i feel like the rest period is over and its time to put im some work to keep the ankle active and regain motion and strength.

07-26-2013, 12:45 PM
The advice your PT gave you is exactly the same - exactly - as what I was told with a similar injury. So, it seems to be the standard.

oh okay, thanks! It seems like i'm on the right road then.

07-26-2013, 12:57 PM
I will say, though, that if the injury is as severe as it sounds, you may want to rethink all the activity you're doing. Biking to work, training, etc. Focus on recovery for now. Just an opinion.

07-26-2013, 01:07 PM

1. ive been riding for 21 years.

2. no

3. meh. ;)

4. monkey bars

5. :eek:

1. Give it up already, ya hippie !

2. Lucky you, his ankle is really effed up.

3. Ok

4. Add trampoline

5. Eat more beef tendon and lay off the granola.

07-26-2013, 01:22 PM
Right. I've been using the biking as a form of light ankle work. i'm riding at a casual pace and not pushing too hard. its a challenge cuz i dig the speed and have a hard time not pushing my limits, but it feels healthy so far.

i plan on using the training as a form of rehabilitation also. the school i attend has a very open minded approach to training. working with injuries, and limitations to develop a healthy body is one element of focus if you are in that limited position. my sifu also operates a clinic of his own where i have had some work done; jow soaking, acupuncture, setting etc.

i feel pretty comfortable going back to gongfu based on a previous joint injury that was pretty severe and has been developed back to working order through work with my sifu.

he also helps me with concusions. lol

07-26-2013, 01:23 PM
lol brule i'm actually really considering it. :(

its a lot of fun though, plus there is a very zen aspect to skating that i really enjoy. its such an 'in the moment' activity. you ride the line of bodily injury almost the entire time so its a great tool for focus and balance, plus its a constant on hands weapon in disguise!!

07-26-2013, 01:25 PM

I second the beef tendon.

I suggest you progress to a stronger resistance band.

I also have issue with your activity level. Why break yourself down when you need to build yourself up?


07-26-2013, 01:31 PM
What do you suggest i set my activity level to? Strictly working on my own PT until I have a certain degree of health back in my ankle?

Just as a point of reference, I do not drive. Skating has been my means of transportation until my ankle injury, at which point I began walking to work. I started cycling again to cut 40 minutes off of my commute

07-26-2013, 02:39 PM
Goodness, man,

I am at a loss considering how you travel. If you could carpool, you would be doing it already.


07-26-2013, 03:11 PM
Ya...man power isn't always what it's cracked up to be. I save a lot of money not driving, but you miss a giant convienience that motorized transportation can give you.

i think i may just finance a new motorcycle...

07-26-2013, 04:25 PM
Would a motor scooter be more to your liking? As in more aligned with your lifestyle, since your injury is a temporary one?


07-26-2013, 04:35 PM
I would but unfortunately im not ghey. :p

07-26-2013, 04:50 PM

It is a whole lot cheaper than a motorcycle. You know what you need.


07-26-2013, 05:02 PM
I've been wanting a new bike for a while. I got on this man power kick for the past decade or so but I think I'm done for the most part.

I've had my eye on the 2013 suzuki sfv650 for a little while now. It's pretty cheap, and financing in todays market is some really cheap money so I think i'll treat myself. its only $8000.


07-26-2013, 05:48 PM

That is a really nice looking bike.

Have fun with it when you get it. Just don't do any girl watching while riding it.


07-26-2013, 06:10 PM
Here's a question for the physical therapists here.

Why is the prescription for rehabbing injuries usually some type of isolation exercise? I'm assuming it is to strengthen all areas of the injured area. But, honestly it makes no sense to me.

We don't use any of our muscles, ligaments, or tendons in isolation. There are no movements that we are capable of that don't involved more than one muscle(that I'm aware of). So why are these movements prescribed?

Shouldn't loaded compound exercises be prescribed instead since that's what these body parts are designed for anyways?

07-26-2013, 09:48 PM
Here's a question for the physical therapists here.

Why is the prescription for rehabbing injuries usually some type of isolation exercise? I'm assuming it is to strengthen all areas of the injured area. But, honestly it makes no sense to me.

We don't use any of our muscles, ligaments, or tendons in isolation. There are no movements that we are capable of that don't involved more than one muscle(that I'm aware of). So why are these movements prescribed?

Shouldn't loaded compound exercises be prescribed instead since that's what these body parts are designed for anyways?

have u ever even been injured lolz

07-26-2013, 10:14 PM
have u ever even been injured lolz


I rehabbed all three of my injuries using the Starr protocol. Which is loaded compound movements.

I also had a good friend that messed up his ankle in a similar fashion to Lucas. He used loaded compound exercises to strengthen his.

07-26-2013, 10:29 PM

I rehabbed all three of my injuries using the Starr protocol. Which is loaded compound movements.

I also had a good friend that messed up his ankle in a similar fashion to Lucas. He used loaded compound exercises to strengthen his.

ur injured part can spontaneously give out from trying to stabilize. if ur seasoned lifter no problem, but lucas is 30 year old skinny man who never lifted weights.

if u lift weights bill starr say u rehab wit the exercise that injured u, but lucas doesn't lift weights, it don't matter if hes not "functional"

07-26-2013, 11:11 PM
ur injured part can spontaneously give out from trying to stabilize. if ur seasoned lifter no problem, but lucas is 30 year old skinny man who never lifted weights.

if u lift weights bill starr say u rehab wit the exercise that injured u, but lucas doesn't lift weights, it don't matter if hes not "functional"

No one said anything about being "functional."

And to suggest that someone is going to only get stronger from an isolation exercise is stupid. It doesn't matter if he lifts or not. Your body gets strong the same. Plus the fact that he skateboards tells me he is much stronger stabilizing with his lower legs than the average person. It's not like it happened from atrophy or detraining.

A loaded compound exercise doesn't have to be heavy. You can hold a 5lb weight in you hand and that makes it loaded.

07-26-2013, 11:43 PM
rehab is tissue remodeling. don't matter if u isolate or use compound. for me doing wit the bar made me want to add weight too fast.

stabilizing takes concentration and when the weight goes up for me I cant pay as much attention to the injury.

07-26-2013, 11:54 PM
If you're using a physical therapist they are the ones adding weight. And load bearing compound exercises are the best way to work on stabilization. That's what the foot does during those exercises. The most common issue after an ankle sprain is stabilizing. It probation has a lot to do with people trying to isolate muscles that don't need to be.

Strengthen it all at the same time in the manner in which you want it to get stronger.

07-28-2013, 01:17 AM
Bummer man. No advice to give that hasn't been given, just don't rush it. One of my ankles does that popping thing too...just something to live with, I think. Hope you have a speedy recovery.

07-29-2013, 10:34 AM
i've added doing single leg barefoot romanian deadlift with a dumbell on friday night, and started doing sumo deadlifts again at a light weight. the sumo feels pretty good, and safe. i'm also wearing an ankle brace when i work it. a friend suggested i do quarter squat jumps, and that also seems pretty good. i just have to be careful when i do the actual jump to go at a very light pace.

but because of the year i spent studying wing chun in 2008, my muscles have been in a constant state of atrophy so i cant lift more than 10lbs. :D

07-29-2013, 11:22 AM


07-29-2013, 12:24 PM
Where do you find this ****?

We need to convince them to put that in their magazine. Then I'll have lots of entertainment at my gym while I watch all the tards give it a try

07-29-2013, 12:26 PM
And her shirt makes it look like she was assaulted by a mechanic...

07-29-2013, 02:31 PM
that chicks badass.

07-29-2013, 04:37 PM

I am really impressed with what the person is doing in that photo.

I think she will make a perfect wife for bawang.


07-29-2013, 04:46 PM
Where do you find this ****?


the Couch Thread (http://irongarmx.net/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=5075&start=32775)

that chicks badass.

I think crossfit is a perfect solution for your ailment.

You can suffer a severe, crippling injury in a presently healthy part of your body and you'll forget all about your ankle.

I think she will make a perfect wife for bawang


07-29-2013, 05:09 PM
Hi wenshu,

I do not know who trained that lady, but she was given a very good foundation. Her form is perfect.

bawang would need a supply of flashlights because he would count her pubes often. He will have a name for each strand. :)


07-31-2013, 08:36 PM
1.Isolation exercises are given to strethen individual muscles due to atrophy sustained with inflammation and edema.
2. Proprioception exercises have to be progressed slowly so as to not over train the area due to over use . This is due primarily along with instability with a Ligament Tear.
3. What degree tear is it 1, 2, or 3 . # is a full / complete tear.
4. Is there an evulsion / part of the bone along with the Lig Tear?
5. If the tear is incomplete try Gua Sha or ASTYM. It works great for this type of injury.
6. The bruising occurs primarily due to Micro Tearing and Vascular damage in the area that causes bruising.
7. Prolotherapy will help as well. It is a method to lay dawn tissue in a symetrical pattern and promote healing.
8. If you progress to quickly micro tearing can occur and weaken the area and thus promote instability. Hope this helped PM me and we can talk further if need be. KC

08-02-2013, 10:20 AM


LOL. Another Crossfit moron, I'm sure.

08-02-2013, 12:36 PM
hey thanks kwaichang. sorry i've been really busy lately havnt had a chance to hop on line. I'll review your post when i have a bit of free time and get back to you if i need some additional advice.

thanks again

08-02-2013, 12:53 PM
hey thanks kwaichang. sorry i've been really busy lately havnt had a chance to hop on line. I'll review your post when i have a bit of free time and get back to you if i need some additional advice.

thanks again

Wait, you mean you're not going to do the one legged overhead squats balanced on a kettle bell rehab?

It's the obvious conservative choice.

08-02-2013, 12:57 PM
well of course i am, i just didnt mention anything because i thot that was obvious

08-22-2013, 08:50 AM
How is the ankle coming along? KC:)

08-22-2013, 09:00 AM
pretty slow... :(

It is improving though, but it's just taking forever. I keep tweaking it with just regular activity like walking and stuff...its annoying.

Scott R. Brown
08-26-2013, 09:48 AM
You know you have just begun to learn when you are able to snatch while standing one legged on a green water balloon.

I would show you how it's done, but I am way to humble to demonstrate such a skill in public!:o