View Full Version : 永春 "eternal spring"

08-01-2013, 07:15 AM
Is there an artistic/spiritual meaning to the name or was it just a famous training hall?. Like Catholics save it for marriage in theory and honour the Virgin Mary. What's the idea behind Beautiful Spring time?. Is it like a Native American thing "watch the seasons, pray for the ancestors?."

etymology.com is my best friend I always thought the "Spring" idea in Wing Chun sounded interesting.:)

08-01-2013, 07:17 AM
it means forever young, because gangsters died young

08-01-2013, 07:29 AM
it means forever young, because gangsters died young

wiki said southern white crane uses "eternal spring" did those guys all die onsome James Dean ****?:cool:lol

08-01-2013, 10:58 AM
Is there an artistic/spiritual meaning to the name or was it just a famous training hall?. Like Catholics save it for marriage in theory and honour the Virgin Mary. What's the idea behind Beautiful Spring time?. Is it like a Native American thing "watch the seasons, pray for the ancestors?."

etymology.com is my best friend I always thought the "Spring" idea in Wing Chun sounded interesting.:)

This is funny but I learned that forever spring referred to continual growth and change which were hallmarks of the system. Only once I began meeting other wing chun people and reading forums I see that many are locked into fixed dogmas where there is no growth or change. So maybe the founders of wing chun had a nasty sense of humor.

08-02-2013, 09:07 AM
it means forever young, because gangsters died young

best explanation eva. :D

08-10-2013, 08:42 AM
Is there an artistic/spiritual meaning to the name or was it just a famous training hall?. Like Catholics save it for marriage in theory and honour the Virgin Mary. What's the idea behind Beautiful Spring time?. Is it like a Native American thing "watch the seasons, pray for the ancestors?."

etymology.com is my best friend I always thought the "Spring" idea in Wing Chun sounded interesting.:)

As far as I know "Weng Chun Tong" was a hall inside Shaolin grounds that was used rather like this forum! A place to discuss and exchange ideas and this would have happened every year during the Spring season.

Ofcourse there are many stories but I like the idea that these conversations were never written down (as the weng character suggests) and some say the hall was also used for local Opera troupes rehearsal space but there are many stories that also suggest a round table type affair for revolutionaries too so take what you want from that ;)

08-10-2013, 09:10 AM
What Shaolin grounds?

k gledhill
08-10-2013, 04:19 PM
Is there an artistic/spiritual meaning to the name or was it just a famous training hall?. Like Catholics save it for marriage in theory and honour the Virgin Mary. What's the idea behind Beautiful Spring time?. Is it like a Native American thing "watch the seasons, pray for the ancestors?."

etymology.com is my best friend I always thought the "Spring" idea in Wing Chun sounded interesting.:)

From a DP article:

"Then there is the issue of the name of the system. Was, as the legend suggests, the system named after the first and only student of the nun Ng Mui, or is there another explanation? According to most accounts of the original Shaolin Temple, one of the halls in the grounds of the Temple was known as the Evergreen Hall (Wing Chun Tong), the first two characters being identical in sound, though differing in form and meaning, to that which makes up the first part of Yim Wing Chun’s name. In mainland China today there still exists at least one style of wing chun which uses this same character rather than the one favoured by the “Hong Kong” school.

Some other schools of southern Chinese martial arts also make reference to this Evergreen Hall, claiming it was one of the main sites in the Shaolin Temple for training, or that it was the residence of the monk Ji Sin and that when he taught his version of the hybrid style, he named it wing chun in memory of his former home. While training in Hong Kong over the years I have spent many long hours discussing the history of wing chun with instructors of the style, one of whom teaches another branch of the wing chun tree which traces its line back to the monk Ji Sin.

This instructor, Sifu Cheng Kwong, relates a history which brings the two branches of the wing chun line back together, firstly around the time of Yim Wing Chun’s husband, Leung Bok Chau, and again at the time of Leung Yi Tai. Sifu Cheng Kwong also believes that when the funeral tablet for Yim Wing Chun was being prepared, the first character of her personal name was written down incorrectly and was in fact meant to be the word meaning “evergreen” rather than the one which has come to be used, the meaning of the combined words in the “Hong Kong” wing chun meaning “to sing praises to springtime”. "
"Sifu Wong had himself surmised that the system was more likely to have been transmitted down the coast and along the rivers of south-eastern China by the people who ply those waters, such as fishermen, traders, opera junk performers and others, who would have had a use for good fighting skills and many an opportunity to test, refine and exchange skills. Finally, one extra piece of the puzzle fell into place during my quest for answers when I found, quite by accident while reading a Chinese book on a completely different subject, that tucked away in southern Fujian province, about one hundred kilometres “as the crow flies” north of the port city of Xiamen lies the small town of Wing Chun (Yong Chun in Mandarin), the characters being exactly the same as those in the name for the Evergreen Hall!

Could it be then, that over several generations a group of dedicated martial artists, seeking more efficient ways to engage in combat, gradually came to develop this unique method, and that they passed it on, friend to friend, relative to relative, teacher to student, until it made its way to Fatsaan where it was eventually learnt and refined even further by Leung Jan? Perhaps, as Sifu Wong suggested, they were people living on the water who travelled regularly up and down the coastline of southern China?

That would account for the opera performer Leung Yi Tai coming across the art while himself travelling on the opera boat. It would also help to explain how the wing chun system inherited its Luk Dim Boon Gwan or “Six-and-a-half-point-Pole” form, the techniques of which greatly resemble the poling actions used when travelling upstream along the many river deltas in that region. And what better name for their brilliant invention than wing chun, the name of the village from whence they had come?

08-10-2013, 07:26 PM
Wing chun and weng chun are two different art from red boat based Chinese martial art DNA and official history.

Late Gm Ipman has publicly address it in his new martial hero interview. In the following scan.

also there is not shao Lin in 1855, shao Lin is pseudoname used by the hung mun triad at that time.

Phil Redmond
08-12-2013, 11:47 AM
Hello Diego, the character you posted isn't the one used by "most" WC people. The radical for "speak/chant/recite" is missing.