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View Full Version : ATTN: Emperor's Long Fist Practitioners

11-03-2001, 01:00 AM
Hi, I am thinking about going to the Cloud Forest Chin Woo Martial Arts Headquarters
in Winston-Salem, NC and I had some questions about the curriculum. I saw that a variety of styles were offered and I was wondering if you picked what you wanted or if you studied all of them. Thanks

Piccolo Junior
11-03-2001, 01:23 AM
Stay away from them, they're fake.

"It is necessary to drink alcohol and pursue other fun human activities. The art of someone who is too serious has no flavour."- Choki Motobu

Nick Monticello
11-03-2001, 01:37 AM
Why do you say they are fake? Do they claim to teach Emperor's long fist and then teach something else? or did they just make up thier Kung Fu out of thin air? What's the deal with those guys anyway?

Worship me for I am GOD!!!!!

Piccolo Junior
11-03-2001, 01:56 AM
Well they make very strange and lofty claims. For example, David Kash claims to be a "10th degree Grandmaster", now since when does Kung Fu have a Dan ranking system. They also use the name "Chin Woo" even though they have no connection to the Chin Woo athletic association. Aw hell, just look at they're website http://www.dokungfu.com/

"It is necessary to drink alcohol and pursue other fun human activities. The art of someone who is too serious has no flavour."- Choki Motobu

Piccolo Junior
11-03-2001, 02:00 AM

They claim ELF is a combination of Taiji, Bagua, amd Xingyi, but the date they claim it was created predates all of those except possibly Xingyi.

"It is necessary to drink alcohol and pursue other fun human activities. The art of someone who is too serious has no flavour."- Choki Motobu

Nick Monticello
11-03-2001, 02:04 AM
No connection to Chin Woo? How do you know?

I met a guy here in Chicago, at a tournament, that used to belong to that group, and he said they WERE part of Chin Woo. Apparently there was some sort of infighting between his Sifu and the guy in NC and they seperated, but I never heard they were out and out liears or anything.

Do they teach real Kung Fu? Have you seen them move at all?

Please tell all.


Worship me for I am GOD!!!!!

Piccolo Junior
11-03-2001, 02:18 AM

Do you see them mentioned anywhere, didn't think so.

"It is necessary to drink alcohol and pursue other fun human activities. The art of someone who is too serious has no flavour."- Choki Motobu

Nick Monticello
11-03-2001, 02:26 AM
Yeah, but all those schools are descendent from the Malaysia branch. Is'nt the North Carolina branch descendent directly from Shanghi?? Don't you have to call Shanghi directly to confirm them?

From what I understand Chin Woo has several branches, and you have to verify a school by contacting the specific branch it claims ties too. If the Emperor's Long Fist guys are direct from Shanghi, then you have to contact Shanghi to verify, trying to verify from the Malaysian branch will get you nowhere. At least that's the way "I" understand it.

I have a flyer from a study group run here in my area somewhere, I'll find it and post the url and phone number in a few minutes, it should shed some light on this stuff. I don't remember there being a tie to all those internal styles when I met with the guy, I was under the impression Emperor's Long fist was a Northern and Southern "External" style.


Worship me for I am GOD!!!!!

Nick Monticello
11-03-2001, 02:39 AM
Ok, the guy's name is John, his number is 630 458 1558 and his url is royaldragon.4dw.com

He teaches out of a gym at a elementary school out in the west burbs. I met with him and took a couple of classes early last spring, the guy could MOVE. He was suposed to have been connected to them at one time, and his Kung Fu is NOT fake.

BUT, he also was'nt trying to say all internal styles come from Emperor's Long Fist (Tai Tzu Wu Gong on his flyer)

The Flyer says Emperor's Long Fist is a Northern, and Southern external style with the Six Stepp monkey also being descended from the founder's family. There is no mention of internal stuff here, at all. So you may be right about the fraud claim.


Worship me for I am GOD!!!!!

11-04-2001, 04:49 PM

11-04-2001, 07:18 PM
Is a fake for sure.

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:


11-04-2001, 07:51 PM
A fake what? He is not claiming to be a "master". He is a student of Tai Tzu(not kash's)who is looking for some people to practice with. What's the problem with that? He makes sure to remind people of this over and over. I trained with him a few times over last summer and he kept telling me this so much I just wanted to say "Shut up I know" So how can you be a fake if you constantly tell people what you are doing and your goals?

www.shaolindynasty.cjb.net (http://www.shaolindynasty.cjb.net)

11-04-2001, 07:52 PM
Royal Dragon !!!!

R. :D

11-04-2001, 08:06 PM
Why don't you tell us somthing about yourself like who your teacher is, are you a teacher, what is your connection with Tai Tzu? I just would like to know if you have some info that I need to know.

www.shaolindynasty.cjb.net (http://www.shaolindynasty.cjb.net)

11-04-2001, 10:27 PM
Relik, Cowards never tell. You're obviously another "Kash Cow".

Yen Hoi, why do you hate me? And, what style of "kung Fu" do you practice? Your profile is very vague. Relik has none, of course.

I don't trust schools that have to rely on an "organization" for credentials.

Rolling Elbow
11-04-2001, 11:49 PM
Have on elook at the "history of martial arts map" on the site...anyone who tels me hapkido gave birth to Aikido is a moron...aikido is a product of aiki-jujusu ..enough said.

Michael Panzerotti
Taijutsu Nobody from the Great White North..

11-05-2001, 01:26 AM
Are you three joined at the hip?
Or is this a private affair???

R. :D

11-05-2001, 01:34 AM
I was joking about Royal Dragon, sorry.

I practice Wing Chun Kung Fu.
I have a background in Aikido.
I sparr frequently, and train/sparr regularly with a very competent TKD'ist - I learn alot from him.

I also cross-train with a BJJ'er who teaches me some BJJ stuff, but more importantly, how to avoid/counter BJJ stuff.

I dont hate SifuAbel, I was just making noise a few threads back.


11-05-2001, 01:39 AM
it's on your profile

Are you immortal?


11-05-2001, 01:57 AM
That was from your thread about blank profiles.

I like it. :rolleyes:


Royal Dragon
11-05-2001, 03:23 AM
you see, no matter HOW many firk'in time I expalin this whole thing to people, they STILL don't get it, now you under stand why I'm like a broken record with you guys about this stuff.

I think I'll just go train with Choi These Kash asss Holes are'nt worth it anymore..............

Those that are sucessful are also the biggest failures. the difference between them and the rest of the failures is this, they keep getting up over and over again, until they succeed. "The more they try, the more they fail, BUT, the more they try & fail, the more opertunity they have to succeed, and succeed they do!!"

Check out the Royal Dragon Web site


11-05-2001, 09:27 AM
Shaolin dynasty: There is nothing that I wish to tell you, fundamental history would go right over your head.

Sifu Gabel: Go away!!
Ah, kids.

Rolling Elbow: Everybody knows that Hapkido came from Aikido, just like Kung Fu, Karate and even Pentak Silat came from Tae-Bo. God, I thought that everybody knew that, sigh. Get with the program, if you want to learn listen to Royal Dragon.

Royal Dragon: Seriously, you should invest in a spell check or something, and then get a life.

R. :p

11-05-2001, 10:25 AM

Would you say they are "Kash-Holes"?


Why don't you go Re-Lick yourself some more. You don't ever need to leave home, do you. Or better yet why don't you come over here and make me shut up.

Are you immortal?


11-05-2001, 03:14 PM
Which one of the eight are you?
Snow White or one of the dwarfs?
I bet DOPEY. I am right aren't I.
Or is this a Highlander fantasy? Your threat makes me quiver, you can't see it but my legs are shaking. Oh no, what am I to do.
I've told you once, shut up.


11-05-2001, 03:35 PM
I am not totally sure what I stumbled into, but could someone explain to me why it is not a good school. I am new to the area and not familiar with the local martial arts politics. Thanks.

11-05-2001, 10:53 PM
They are involved in alot of "shady" things. Do a search, you'll find all kinds of crap about how they think they are part of the Chin woo org I have researched that and looked over several branches and find no reference to them at all. and how Tai Tzu is a mix of Bagua Hsing Yi and Tai chi when there is absoultely NO way they are. They also are "lineage collectors" and want to have their name on a fancy paper and will also sell this "honor" to the highest bidder oh and they will also yank thses titles from under you once you have them and give them to someone else.

Relik: I am open minded about history so why would your story go over my head? Also I wasn't asking about history just about who you are affiliated with? If you can't say that then why should anybody take you seriously? Every one here would proudly tell anybody to what school, style they belong and who their Sifu is/was, so why can't you?

www.shaolindynasty.cjb.net (http://www.shaolindynasty.cjb.net)

11-05-2001, 11:28 PM

I would kick your butt ten ways 'till sunday. Come out of the shadows you little biitch.

Kash-hole hahahahaahahahahahahahahaahaha

Are you immortal?


11-05-2001, 11:30 PM
Why would I shut up for a punk like you? Give me one good reason. I don't care if you're kash himself, make me.

Are you immortal?


[This message was edited by SifuAbel on 11-06-01 at 01:50 PM.]

11-05-2001, 11:45 PM
Abel you said "kash himself" like that would be impressive. Hahaha I say we get together and go to the "Cloud Forest Chin woo" and kick the crap out of all those "kash holes". hehehehe Wait that would be too expensive and those cowards would never come to us but they sure don't mind talkin over the internet.

www.shaolindynasty.cjb.net (http://www.shaolindynasty.cjb.net)

11-05-2001, 11:56 PM
This forum gives a voice to those that shouldn't have one.r

Are you immortal?


Royal Dragon
11-06-2001, 02:08 AM
It's nice to see so much support for me out here!!!!

Chris, If I had the $$ I think I would just fly us all out there, and non-shelontly pay Mr. Ca a visit. I would be cool, like I'm looking for a new school or something, and as soon as he started with the "GOD" crap I'd just start pounding on him and his seniors untill they were crying and begging for forgiveness like the little babys they are.

You know, I promised Livingston I would stay out of these controversy's, but when I've got a guy who peviously had ONE post in his entire life suddenly starts following me around and attacking my credibility and credentials and slandering my name, and has NO other post outside of stalking me, I can't just sit on my hands any more. Hopefully he will understand that, and not cut me off or anything, but if he does....................I'M GOING TO PARALYSE NANWU!!!!! FROM THE NECK DOWN!!!!!!

Hey Relik/Nanwu, You working on your "Hook" Punch yet?? Is your insurance paid up yet? I'd make sure my "affairs" are in order if I was you.

Gian Lencioni

Those that are sucessful are also the biggest failures. the difference between them and the rest of the failures is this, they keep getting up over and over again, until they succeed. "The more they try, the more they fail, BUT, the more they try & fail, the more opertunity they have to succeed, and succeed they do!!"

Check out the Royal Dragon Web site


Royal Dragon
11-06-2001, 02:46 AM
Ka Holes, God, I LOVE that one!!! Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, ha!!!!!!!!!!

I'm waiting Relik you little pansy!!!! You want me to Fax you the relese form??? How 'bout a plane scedual??? or should I just come down there and Kick your ass infront of your whole school!!!!!??

Those that are sucessful are also the biggest failures. the difference between them and the rest of the failures is this, they keep getting up over and over again, until they succeed. "The more they try, the more they fail, BUT, the more they try & fail, the more opertunity they have to succeed, and succeed they do!!"

Check out the Royal Dragon Web site


11-06-2001, 04:19 AM
RD, If you would like to come to NC, you are more than welcome, you have been asked to come before but you didn't have the balls. Don't talk to me about challenges, your a cripple. If you come, bring Gabel and that smurf looking Biitch with you. And we'll sort this out once and for all.
It's easy to threaten over the internet.
Well Boys, what's it to be ?????????
Come get some.

R. :cool:

Royal Dragon
11-06-2001, 05:52 AM
Really, I was "INVITED" to come there before? HA that's a laugh, who told you that? the same ass hole that said I can't block a punch? You want to stalk me, and run around to every conversation I'm in and assasinate my charecter with lies? Come and prove your self, I'm calling your bluff.

Oh, and by the way, Your "Traditional Master" SOLD a lineage inheritance to a TWO YEAR student that knows no more of the system than "I" do. His Student admitted it to the whole forim LAST time you asses started **** here.

You guys are a bunch of two faced back stabbing frauds, even Shaolin Do is better than that!!!

And I called you HERE!!!, If your so good that you have to stalk my converssations even when they're NOT Tai Tzu related, come and show me how to fight!!! I got news for you thogh, we have streetfighters here that anialate Black belts. Chicago's not some little Hick NC town.

By the way, What happend at the Kou Shou tournment between Kash and the Judges again? I nhear he majiorly embarassed himself.

Your an embarassment to your art, and martial arts in general.

Those that are sucessful are also the biggest failures. the difference between them and the rest of the failures is this, they keep getting up over and over again, until they succeed. "The more they try, the more they fail, BUT, the more they try & fail, the more opertunity they have to succeed, and succeed they do!!"

Check out the Royal Dragon Web site


11-06-2001, 08:18 AM
Hey Re-lick or should I say Mr. Blojob,

Are you going to the Anthony Goh tournie this month in FLA? If you are why don't you approach my teacher and tell him that you are the only real sung fist. Later, when you are removing his foot from your candy a$$ and picking up your head from the corner of the room, you can respectfully thank him, put your head under your arm and quietly leave. And that's no internet threat, real place real time, put up or shut up.

P.S. Go where? You haven't told us who you are or at least who you think you are. No profile either, you're the big bad tai tzu man what do you have to hide? The fact that you are a nobody? You do NOT know who you're messing with.

11-06-2001, 08:26 AM
I see by your profile that you are a male and you do traditional kung fu.

Both of those facts are questionable.

Are you immortal?


11-06-2001, 08:35 AM
I feel really sorry for the poor guy who started this thread.