View Full Version : interview of Sifu Fernandez : Wing Tchun Do

08-20-2013, 04:32 PM

Some say that genius is the ability, in one mind, to live with two opposite ideas and deal with it, cope, and being able to create something personal.

Sifu Fernandez started his Journey really young, learning Wing Chun in the Tsui Sheung Tin lineage in Australia
To put things in perspective, TST is the oldest senior still alive of Yip Man, the creator of the Yip Man Wing Chun Lineage in HK in the Sixties, TST is called "The King of Siu Lim Tao", because of his long life obsession in working the basics, the structure and the meditation in the first Tao of the style.

In this lineage, they call the 2 main concepts of Siu Lim Tao Niem Lik (or Nim Lik) and long bridge energy :
(An article written by TST on the Siu Lim Tao, a must read and re read)

Than, because he wanted to learn more on how to fight, and, from his own testimony, he was too young to immerse entirely in TST work, he went into different practices, in various arts and also made a full technician course in the Leung Ting Lineage, and met, and is still in contact with many of them.
What makes Sifu Fernandez interesting fo me, is his choice to go back with his early teachings, and not to reject all his adventures, all his researches with all the people who crossed his path.

Like he says : "There’s something good to take from everyone you work with"

I won’t summarize the interview here, it lasts 2 hours and it’s full of anecdotes, tips, madness and wisdom, for one who takes the time to look, take some time and listen.

What I can do here is to express again my gratitude, for the hospitality first, but also for the out of camera tips on teaching, self defense tips against teachings and teachers ( You are the second one who teaches me that, it brought me 6 years in the past, memories of an interesting person, thank you for that, these kind of teachings are really precious to me), for the generosity of what you gave on the camera of course and for the time you took, simply discussing with a junior teacher on life universe and everything.

Don’t let you fool by internet or youtube’s image on Sifu Fernandez, I’ve met a few people who went the path you had taken, managing to go in every extremes of gong fu starting Yin , going to the depths of Yang and to finally choose the soft way, the way of the infinite progression, the never ending quest, of finding one’s self.

Muscles, field experience, intelligence and finesse, that’s what you’ll expect meeting Wing Tchun Do, the path of Sifu Fernandez.

08-21-2013, 12:25 AM
Thanks for taking the time and effort to put this information together. It is very much appreciated so thank you! Sifu Fernandez is someone I would very much like to touch hands with and I am envious of you.

EDIT: I forgot to ask, did you make the other training videos you alluded to and are they available?

08-22-2013, 02:15 AM
Thanks for taking the time and effort to put this information together. It is very much appreciated so thank you! Sifu Fernandez is someone I would very much like to touch hands with and I am envious of you.

EDIT: I forgot to ask, did you make the other training videos you alluded to and are they available?

I made tree videos with Sifu Fernandez, I only stayed one day because of a tight family schedule, and we chatted a lot.

This man is ... an Human being in every aspect, rigor in his objectives, heart, passion and reflexion on himself.

I took my camera to meet people, starting by my friends, and I went to see Sifu Fernandez knowing nearly nothing on him, on a hunch, seeing partially his videos (I'm currently watching them all, there's a lot of material ou there), i was amazed by this meeting.

That encourages me to continue in this way, the journey is what matters.

08-22-2013, 02:40 AM
That encourages me to continue in this way, the journey is what matters.

Yep - you have to enjoy the ride. :)

And thanks for sharing these clips - interesting stuff and nice to hear his thoughts about his studying a little with Leung Ting in Hong Kong.

Sifu Fernandez has an interesting background (TST and LT) in Wing Chun, and a great grounding in boxing too. He knows his way around fighting, no doubt. ;)

08-22-2013, 02:55 AM
[...] Fernandez knowing nearly nothing on him, on a hunch, seeing partially his videos (I'm currently watching them all, there's a lot of material ou there), i was amazed by this meeting.

That encourages me to continue in this way, the journey is what matters.

It is good to hear you had a great time. I have been following his videos for a while now so pleasantly surprised to see you throw up this thread.

(I have a question for you unrelated to this thread. In one of your videos taken on a cold, snowy day under some sort of gazebo you look at defending a 'hook'. My French is quite poor so I wanted to ask if you cited fut sau from chum kui for that hand shape and movement to it?)

08-22-2013, 03:32 AM
Oh, it's an old video (not so old, but...) (I try to remember the things I said, lazy summer)

To divert a hook, first I move, second I try to evaluate if it can be done with one hand or two, or if I can simply duck if I have no choice.

With one hand, If the situation is fit, i choose to put it in pronation, so the elbow is heavier than in a tan sao form because of the muscles of the forarm blah blah on the Humerus.

So it's a fook like movement, attached to the same principles of saam pai fut, but you adjust depending on the direction of what goes to your head.

Or something like that.

08-22-2013, 04:55 AM
Oh, it's an old video (not so old, but...) (I try to remember the things I said, lazy summer)

To divert a hook, first I move, second I try to evaluate if it can be done with one hand or two, or if I can simply duck if I have no choice.

With one hand, If the situation is fit, i choose to put it in pronation, so the elbow is heavier than in a tan sao form because of the muscles of the forarm blah blah on the Humerus.

So it's a fook like movement, attached to the same principles of saam pai fut, but you adjust depending on the direction of what goes to your head.

Or something like that.

Yeah, I was going to cite a very well known Ip Man student that had taught fut sau from chum kui as a response to a hook/haymaker (not a close range hook), with the same discussion on deactivating the bicep in that position. I am not going to name him because it will attract the wrong crowd into this thread!

08-23-2013, 02:29 PM
Kenneth Cheung ?

08-23-2013, 11:55 PM
Kenneth Cheung ?

Rhymes with bong.

08-24-2013, 02:15 AM
Rhymes with bong.

Euuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh ,Wu Song ?