View Full Version : HK: Forbidden Super Hero HK 変態仮面

09-16-2013, 09:47 AM
Not quite a martial arts flick exactly....well, maybe...I dunno. One of us should see this and find out if there's martial arts in it.

HK: Forbidden Super Hero HK 変態仮面 (http://www.filmbiz.asia/reviews/hk-forbidden-super-hero)
Contemporary fantasy action comedy
2013, colour, 16:9, 105 mins
Directed by Fukuda Yuichi (福田雄一)
By Derek Elley
Wed, 11 September 2013, 16:35 PM (HKT)

http://www.filmbiz.asia/media/BAhbB1sHOgZmSSI4MjAxMy8wOS8xMC8yMy8zMS8xNC80OTgvaG tfZm9yYmlkZGVuX3N1cGVyX2hlcm8uanBnBjoGRVRbCDoGcDoK dGh1bWJJIg01MDB4MTAwMAY7BlQ?suffix=.jpg&sha=887c6e53
Panty-masked super-hero spoof is good clean fun but could have been wilder. Asian and genre events.


Tokyo, the present day. Shikijo Kyosuke (Suzuki Ryohei), a student at Koyu High School, is the son of a professional dominatrix, Maki (Katase Nana), and the late Hario (Ikeda Narushi), a senior detective with the Metropolitan Police Department's Criminal Investigation Department who was once one of her clients at the Sin Club. Bullied at home by his mother, but with a strong sense of justice inherited from his father, Kyosuke has joined the school's martial arts club to increase his self-confidence. He immediately falls for the cute Himeno Aiko (Shimizu Fumika), a transfer student from Kobe, who is made manager of the club. Later that day, he finds Aiko is among those being held hostage at a loan company by a group of young robbers, and sneaks into the building to secretly rescue her. The only disguise he can find in the company's locker room is women's underwear; as a mask, he uses a pair of panties which, as soon as he puts them on, awakens his mother's DNA in him and transforms him into an "ecstatic" super-hero known as Hentai Kamen (変態仮面, "Pervert Mask"). He rescues the hostages and Aiko, though conflicted by the fact that he's a pervert, falls for the super-hero, not realising he's actually Kyosuke. Hentai Kamen becomes a popular hero, though he soon discovers the transformation only works with used, not new, panties. Meanwhile, the next-door karate club, led by Ogane Tamao (Muro Tsuyoshi), tries to take over the school to get some money that is said to be buried underneath it. Defeated by Hentai Kamen, they send in other masked heroes, including Very Serious Mask (Sato Jiro), Cool Guy Mask (Daito Shunsuke) and Skinny Macho Mask (Omizu Yosuke), all defeated by Hentai Kamen. Suspecting that Hentai Kamen's powers may be linked to Aiko's crush on him, Tamao recruits a true pervert, Towatari (Yasuda Ken), to join the school as a replacement maths teacher, seduce Aiko, and ruin Hentai Kamen's reputation by dressing up as him and running around flipping girls' skirts up.

Gleefully spoofing the whole super-hero genre (especially Spider-Man), as well as extreme cinema in general and the Japanese obsession with young women's panties in particular, HK: Forbidden Super Hero HK 変態仮面 is by turns amusing, out-there and just plain silly. Based on the six-volume manga Ultimate!! Pervert Mask (究極!! 変態仮面, 1992-93) by ANDO Keishu あんど慶周, the loony central idea is that a shy high-schooler, the offspring of a masochistic cop and professional dominatrix, finds he's transformed into an "ecstatic" super-hero ("Pervert Man") when masking up with female knickers that awaken his mother's naughty DNA.

Around this single idea, writer-director FUKUDA Yuichi 福田雄一 — with credited script help from actor OGURI Shun 小栗旬, Crows: Episode 0 クローズ ZERO (2007), Peak: The Rescuers 岳 (2010), and director of likeable youth drama Surely Someday シュアリー・サムデイ (2010) — spends less time on plot and more on internal conflict, with the hero anguishing in monologues over whether he's a pervert or not and the pretty classmate wondering whether she's a pervert for falling for a buff, half-naked super-hero in stockings and panty-mask. Despite a very funny opening which promises lashings of crazed, extreme cinema, the movie, despite copious close-ups of our hero's Golden Power Bomb codpiece, is visually as clean as a whistle — and even comically cute in a uniquely Japanese way — despite whole scenes that delve into the effect of wearing said underwear in various ways and various states of newness.

Though the film could have done with considerably more plot and some sharper dialogue (lines like "In the 21st century, perversion is justice" are thin on the ground), it's never boring, keeps moving and, apart from a very silly section in which the hero battles other equally weird types, stays a notch or two above kids' fare. An experienced director could have made much more of the material, and probed its darker side to more comic effect; as it is, film/TV's Fukuda, who's had two other movies released so far this year (the wacky Kids Police コドモ警視 and manga-derived comedy I'll Give It My All... Tomorrow 俺はまだ本気出してないだけ, both also produced by L'espace Vision), delivers a solid, conservatively directed package, with budget visual effects and so-so action.

The performances are the film's main motor. As the teenage super-hero with a mixed-up line in masculine and feminine sides, SUZUKI Ryohei 鈴木亮平 (the drummer in Surely Someday) is believable despite being twice his character's age, while SHIMIZU Fumika 清水富美加, 20, from the Kamen Rider 仮面ライダ movie series, plays the high-school cutie with an impressively straight face. But it's 31-year-old actress-singer KATASE Nana 片瀬那奈 (The Serialist 二流小説家 シリアリスト), in a brief but wild performance as the boy's dominatrix mum, who provides a tantalising glimpse of how bat-**** crazy HK really could have been.

09-16-2013, 02:26 PM
Might be funny...


09-17-2013, 12:29 PM

Jimbo, you fell for it, man.

It is Gene's modus operandi to post a link, even with an article. He "kept" it distant so we would think he was just too high minded to even look at something like this, not even a trailer; yet, secretly, he loves Hentai with great passion. If he has not done so already (he has connections), he will see this flick, NO DOUBT!!! If he doesn't see it, it will nag and bother him. The man has edges we do not need to know about.


09-17-2013, 01:49 PM
Actually, I was in a bit of a rush yesterday and didn't think to post a link to a trailer or I might have. I do love psychotropic Asian cinema - obviously - and never meant to come off 'high minded' about the genre. I'm not sure if I'll watch this. If it comes to me, well, then probably I would, but I won't actively seek it out.

Honestly, I'm way behind in my video viewing. :o

09-18-2013, 12:18 PM

I will have to accept your excuse, Gene. It is dangerous to do otherwise.

Nevertheless, I have heard about you (unverified):

On the West Coast there is a growing fear of saying the work "Kink" out loud because you show up before the second k is pronounced. There have been reports of this happening also in Canada and Australia.


P.S.: Just some positive energy, bro. Stay strong.


09-18-2013, 02:28 PM
I used to work in Soma - Folsom St. to be exact. The heart of the leather district. I saw so much 'kink' back in those days, it has led me to drinkin... ;)

So I think it's a race, mickey - a race between you and me to see who can get the first forum review of this film posted here. May the kinkiest man win.

09-18-2013, 03:03 PM
Holee Catholic Confessional, Batman!! Gene dropped it with a wink.

I can not see a flick like that. The closest I got to that kind of stuff was an anime called Guy: Double Target. What has kept me away from that genre was a scene from Legion of the Overfiend where a woman is raped and then torn in half by a tentacled monster. My sister sent me a recording of Number 1 Killer. I found it strange and bizarre.

Just recently a person on the West Coast, Chuck Norris, was asked to say "Kink" (it was written on a piece of paper). Instead, he said "Candyman" five times.


09-19-2013, 12:14 PM
mickey, can I call you 'candyman' now? ;)

09-19-2013, 02:28 PM
Hahaha! Nice one.

Only after you see this strange flick.


09-19-2013, 03:09 PM
It would be if you put panties on your head when YOU LOSE!


09-20-2013, 09:32 AM
Well, for whoever loses' sake, you better hope the owner of said panties hadn't eaten bad sushi earlier that day.:eek:

09-20-2013, 11:21 AM
Official film website (http://hk-movie.jp/index.html).

Official manga website (http://comic-bunko.shueisha.co.jp/plan/hk/).

Click them, you lowly dogs. Click them, then lick my boot. You know you've been bad and you know you deserve it. Click them.

09-20-2013, 02:26 PM

I only put panties on my head before or after lunch...... and sometimes during.


02-25-2016, 10:56 AM
Dropped with a ;)


04-27-2016, 10:17 AM
Help Wanted: Pervy security detail to guard panties for upcoming Hentai Kamen film release (http://en.rocketnews24.com/2016/04/27/help-wanted-pervy-security-detail-to-guard-panties-for-upcoming-hentai-kamen-film-release/)
Master Blaster 16 hours ago


If you have a love of panties, sense of justice, and are of mediocre intelligence, then panty-headed superhero Hentai Kamen wants you!

If you head over to the employment website An, you’ll find a special posting for “abnormal security” by the film Hentai Kamen: The Abnormal Crisis. The positions are open and duties include “guarding cast members during an opening event of the movie,” “escorting panties,” and “delivering said panties to cast members.”

There are no age restrictions but the ad requests that applicants “have a genuinely strong sense of justice,” “possess common sense,” and “bring a spirit of ecstasy to security work.” In return, guards will receive 50,000 yen (US$450) for six hours work including breaks, meal allowance, transportation costs, and uniform rental (panty-mask included).

Although the ad doesn’t say specifically, the security appears to be for an “opening day greeting” in which the cast and crew of the latest Hentai Kamen film gather to celebrate its opening. Hentai Kamen is the film adaptation of the infamous manga in which high school student Kiyosuke Shikijo gets superhuman powers whenever he puts panties over his head.

In Hentai Kamen: The Abnormal Crisis, a new threat emerges as women’s underwear all over the world begins disappearing and Hentai Kamen must panty-up and face his most dangerous foe yet.


If you’d like to be a part of this piece of cinematic history, then be sure to apply by midnight on May 8. It’s pretty safe to say that this is the only gig where you’ll get paid to wear panties on your head.

Well, almost the only gig, right Mr. Sato?


Source: An via IT Media
Images: An
Video: YouTube/Hentai Kamen

I still have yet to see a Hentai Kamen flick. I'm starting to think I should, just for this forum. Alas, the things I do for this forum.


04-27-2016, 01:32 PM
Yes, Gene.

See it for us, the depraved ones.
