View Full Version : Sun punch with different power genetation

09-23-2013, 10:11 PM
Sun punch power with

Body type direct , body type twist , force line type direct, and force line type double helix.

Notice the different in "acceleration run way" needed for body type to generate power, and the different in depth of penetration

Force line types dont need to pull back arm at all and can bounce at bridge contact via issuing force flow into the opponents structure. While body type is based on object collision.


09-24-2013, 02:27 AM
Sun punch power with

Body type direct , body type twist , force line type direct, and force line type double helix.

Notice the different in "acceleration run way" needed for body type to generate power, and the different in depth of penetration

Force line types dont need to pull back arm at all and can bounce at bridge contact via issuing force flow into the opponents structure. While body type is based on object collision.


Hendrik.............. were you actually showing something against an opponent!?!

Is it a full moon?

09-24-2013, 04:20 AM
Credit where credit's due - this is Hendrik's most concise video to date!

09-24-2013, 06:33 AM
The two force line type i show are different then the following demo.

This demo is still body type, it deals with mass transfer, which is different then force change flow issuing as above.


Thus, loose alone doesn't tell the story of what it is.

09-24-2013, 02:01 PM
The weeble may wobble but they dont fall down!!

09-25-2013, 01:11 PM
Credit where credit's due - this is Hendrik's most concise video to date!


Although if only Hendrik could spell generation?? Genetation sounds a little pervy :eek:

guy b.
09-26-2013, 11:50 AM
Sun punch power with

Body type direct , body type twist , force line type direct, and force line type double helix.

Notice the different in "acceleration run way" needed for body type to generate power, and the different in depth of penetration

Force line types dont need to pull back arm at all and can bounce at bridge contact via issuing force flow into the opponents structure. While body type is based on object collision.


Interesting, thanks

09-26-2013, 07:37 PM

Although if only Hendrik could spell generation?? Genetation sounds a little pervy :eek:

Hahaha, I can't spell.

09-26-2013, 07:38 PM
The first two is Lik . It is body limb colision impact. It is also called explode type. Where the body needs to travel and expand outward to generate power.

The last two in Jin . It is force flow issuing. It is called include type. Where body don't need to go outward.

Interesting, thanks

09-27-2013, 09:17 AM
Very interesting. Lik and Jin. So, Lik is akin to "plyometric"? Like a plyometric pushup? Using the entire body in one brief moment?
And Jin is ...using just an arm or one joint in the arm to generate power? (Without the body)

Lik is move the body to collide. Thus, one needs that space outward to accelerate. If it is jam in the process of acceration it is self destructive.

Jin is transport the force vector to inject into opponent. Jin will explode at the jam point if intercept.

k gledhill
09-27-2013, 12:14 PM
Lik is move the body to collide. Thus, one needs that space outward to accelerate. If it is jam in the process of acceration it is self destructive.

Jin is transport the force vector to inject into opponent. Jin will explode at the jam point if intercept.

I am going to use the " force vector to inject into opponent " line, just to watch reactions on faces : )

09-27-2013, 05:07 PM
Is this (Lik & Jin) the same or similar to gung lek or gung lik? (dont know if that is the correct spelling or not)

Yes. Lik or lek.

Jin is as in fa jin or fa jing

Different mechanics to use the body. Jin is the play in chi sau beside the technics.