View Full Version : Wing Chun Full Contact Sparring

10-21-2013, 05:56 PM
Traditional Wing Chun Guy vs. Moy Yat Wing Chun Guy:


WSLVT Guy vs. ? Wing Chun Guy


Wing Chun vs. Slap Fu


10-21-2013, 09:46 PM
These are examples of three complete mis-matches. The 'losers' in these vids presented little to no pressure or real danger to their opponents. Sure mismatches happen sometimes but theyre not good examples of much either way.

I'm really surprised at how lamely run the MUSU event looks. WTF are they thinking?!? (or not thinking). Even if you want to run an underground non-sanctioned smoker fight event (which are great when done right), at least have some consideration for fighter safety. I can understand that it would be hard to put together a good match up for this with no fighter records and varying size and experience... But that 'ring' is a joke and just waiting to injure a fighter if they fall against the wavemaster base or get caught in those straps which don't do what ring ropes are designed to do. The flooring is crappy quality puzzle tiles TAPED TOGETHER with the corner tiles missing. And then after dude gets knocked out and is down for like a minute, can barely focus, they send him back in (just as much his corners fault as the ref's) to get knocked out again! Haven't they ever heard of second-impact syndrome?!? That's just foolish.

I like underground smoker fights. But if you're going to have the pretense of a ring, a ref and all that, at least do it right and take fighter safety seriously. Plus that's a huge liability.

Otherwise just do it no rules in some basement and at least everyone knows what they're getting into. Trying to make it some faux 'event' with bull**** ring, rules and reffing is just lame.

/rant. and of course not directed at you, Keith. But that just ****ed me off.

10-22-2013, 03:57 AM
/rant. and of course not directed at you, Keith. But that just ****ed me off.

No problem. Not my event. ;) I just found these interesting and thought others would too....for good OR bad. :)