View Full Version : Missing Threads - Again?!?

10-22-2013, 04:52 PM
I noticed a couple threads are missing that were here yesterday and were pretty active. What happened??

10-22-2013, 04:57 PM
[QUOTE=JPinAZ;1253411]I noticed a couple threads are missing that were here yesterday and were pretty active. What happened??[/QUOTE

Whatever they were I don'i miss them at all.

10-22-2013, 05:04 PM
I notice that the Vietnamese Wing Chun thread is gone. I think what may happen is that the person that started the thread can choose to delete it. Which doesn't really seem right to me, since most threads take off on tangents like that one did and can be an entirely different discussion that the original poster doesn't even participate in. Why should he be able to delete a discussion we were having about the origins of the Luk Sao Chi Sao platform???? :confused:

10-22-2013, 05:05 PM
[QUOTE=JPinAZ;1253411]I noticed a couple threads are missing that were here yesterday and were pretty active. What happened??[/QUOTE

Whatever they were I don'i miss them at all.

Is that a statement on how observant you are? ;)

10-22-2013, 07:15 PM

Is that a statement on how observant you are? ;)


10-22-2013, 09:23 PM
It's good to see Viagramusti is almost, alllllmost, figuring out how that quote function works. :D Just missed a single closing bracket that first time.

10-23-2013, 04:42 AM

The Vietnamese Wing Chun thread was deleted by the starter in error.
At their request I have restored it so enjoy.

You will need to let me know what other threads are missing and I will look into them as time allows.

10-23-2013, 05:05 AM
Thanks Dave!

kung fu fighter
10-26-2013, 07:06 AM
I notice that the Vietnamese Wing Chun thread is gone. I think what may happen is that the person that started the thread can choose to delete it. Which doesn't really seem right to me, since most threads take off on tangents like that one did and can be an entirely different discussion that the original poster doesn't even participate in. Why should he be able to delete a discussion we were having about the origins of the Luk Sao Chi Sao platform???? :confused:

Sorry guys i just deleted this thread because it was getting to political, from now on i want any threads that i start to be about sharing perspectives and ideas free of politics or personal agendas. I think if we all did this, this forum will be more productive. if you want to start a thread specificly about certain politics, start your own thread with the appropriate title.

10-26-2013, 08:53 AM
Sorry guys i just deleted this thread because it was getting to political, from now on i want any threads that i start to be about sharing perspectives and ideas free of politics or personal agendas. I think if we all did this, this forum will be more productive. if you want to start a thread specificly about certain politics, start your own thread with the appropriate title.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------An opinion FWIW.
1. "Politics" has many meanings. I don't see serious politics as much as I see immature cattiness
and the topic of the threads quickly being ignored as the threads go off hither and thither.

2. traveller's trek through all kinds of you tube snips- faces the the logical problems of subjective inference and proof by authority.

3. Reliable histories of wing chun beyong Leung Jan? None reliable yet.

4. not easy to get a good picture beyond what has been personally passed from teachers to students. Gluing fragments together is no way to see a coherent picture.

5 Ever so often there is a gem. For me briefly the info on Ng Chan was good- soon to be
changed to a follower's dogmatism.

10-26-2013, 10:56 AM
Sorry guys i just deleted this thread because it was getting to political, from now on i want any threads that i start to be about sharing perspectives and ideas free of politics or personal agendas. I think if we all did this, this forum will be more productive. if you want to start a thread specificly about certain politics, start your own thread with the appropriate title.

When did you become a moderator? That thread was not "political". I thought it had some good info and good exchanges. Every thread is going to have some disagreements and back and forth. That's just the nature of a forum. I thought that thread was pretty mild compared to others. I put a lot into what I wrote there. I resent the fact that you just deleted it at a whim. I think it should be put back. What the hell Dave??? :confused:

Some moderation is necessary. Dave has stepped up when it was needed. But this seems kind of "heavy-handed." Locking a thread to put an end to bickering is one thing. But deleting it completely means that any good info posted there is lost.

And you cannot just delete a thread with no warnings given. If people are getting out of hand, you issue a warning that they need to clean up their behavior or the thread will be locked or deleted. If they ignore the warning, THEN you take action.