View Full Version : Senior Picture time

Nich Gunn
11-16-2001, 07:00 AM
Ok. The place I am taking them at told me to do something that is realted to my favorite thing in the world. Well I already know what that is. Shaolin Kung Fu. So my plan is to get my double spear and use it in about 2 senior pics.

My two questions are.
A. Do you think this is disrespectful to the art?
2. If not what are some good poses that will show the spear?

I really love the CMA and China history. Everyone at my school knows it so they automaticaly relate it to me. So... yea...
I really don't think it is disrespectful.

I am gonna ask my Sifu if I can wear the shirt that advertises the school... that way it will get the school some free advertisement.

Martial Joe
11-16-2001, 07:33 AM
Dont worry about disrespect...
It isnt anyway,in my opinion...

Pose in the duck stance... :p

http://www.stopstart.fsnet.co.uk/smilie/lolup.gif IXIJoe KaveyIXIhttp://www.stopstart.fsnet.co.uk/smilie/lolup.gif
I am Sharky's main man...

Nich Gunn
11-16-2001, 07:34 AM
Well I mean stances you have a pic of. I can do most any stance...

11-16-2001, 08:37 AM
do what you want. who gives a fu ck who you offend. i they don't like it fu ck em.

do a bunch of the stances you think you can do well or look cool and then pick out of those. it really is going to depend on what you look cool doing.

where's my beer?

11-16-2001, 08:41 AM
i wouldnt do over flashy ones though. not ones that look like ballerina poses. like up on one leg, with the staff behind your back, and your other hand waving in front of you while trying to look menecing, and only achiving in taking a sh itty picture you look dumb in.

keep it simple and keep it cool.

if you can . . . post all the pics that were taken and we'll give you our opinions on which were best.

you know that you are sure to get an honest opinion here.

where's my beer?

11-16-2001, 09:25 AM
I dont think its disrespectfull, ive never heard of such "no picture" rule...

Maybe its a like a native (read indians if you are not a politicly correct person) thing. Like if you take my picture you steal my soul with that black box and so on.

Dont worry, there's no problem as long as you look good on the picture (or TRY to look good, like i do cos not everyone was born to look good, have girls, make money, have good kung fu, drive a good car, have a good house, a good job, good underwear, good dogs on the backyard, a pool on the backyard, a personal jet plane, a personal training room, a cool broadsword, a great computer, high-bandwith internet access, good clothes and good genital dimensions...)


Johnny Hot Shot
11-16-2001, 10:20 AM
When it comes to pic and fre publicity go for what look's cool.

"Life's a great Adventure, Mate"
Jacko Jackson

11-16-2001, 07:40 PM
How about the pose Jackie Chan used with his spear in the beginning of Super Cop for his pic?


Kung Lek
11-16-2001, 07:44 PM
reverse bow and arrow with the spear at a 45 above you.

or forward bow and arrow with the spear thrusting forward.

or horse stance with the spear blocking out.

or Kao Ma with the spear thrusting back.


I dunno, pick one, PICK ONE!!!!

If you want to have your picture taken with a weapon you practice well, why not I say. There's no disrespect in that.


Kung Lek

Martial Arts Links (http://members.home.net/kunglek)

Nich Gunn
11-16-2001, 09:22 PM
Ok thanks guys. I doubt I post a pic... my face looks like it has gone through a meat grinder.

11-17-2001, 09:31 AM
get a pic in motion.. motion pictures are cool..

11-17-2001, 04:42 PM
"I doubt I post a pic"

pu ssy.

where's my beer?