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11-16-2001, 09:55 PM
Does anyone here smoke weed and do kung fu/meditate.I was wondering how smoking weed affects your kung fu.Also, if you do chi gong and meditate and also smoke weed,how does this affect you?I have heard it can lead to awakening the kundalini.

Martial Joe
11-16-2001, 10:00 PM
What is a kundalini?

http://www.stopstart.fsnet.co.uk/smilie/lolup.gif IXIJoe KaveyIXIhttp://www.stopstart.fsnet.co.uk/smilie/lolup.gif
I am Sharky's main man...

11-16-2001, 10:04 PM
GDA is an expert at stoned meditation, i believe.

Sharky, I should expect this level of immaturity from you after seeing your post titled "Hm." regarding the woman that lives next door to you. I think everyone who unfortuneatly read that post is a bit more ignorant now for doing so. - Spectre

All i wanted was some RICE CAKES! Now? WE MUST BATTLE.

Kung Lek
11-16-2001, 10:08 PM
man this question gets asked once a month.

yeesh, what is it with you potheads?

oh yeah, you KEEP FORGETTING! hahahahahahahaha.

man, go smoke some more, forget kung fu, just smoke your weed.


Kung Lek

Martial Arts Links (http://members.home.net/kunglek)

11-16-2001, 10:19 PM

Sharky, I should expect this level of immaturity from you after seeing your post titled "Hm." regarding the woman that lives next door to you. I think everyone who unfortuneatly read that post is a bit more ignorant now for doing so. - Spectre

All i wanted was some RICE CAKES! Now? WE MUST BATTLE.

11-16-2001, 11:26 PM
In my neurology class my prof said that there was extensive research done in Jamaica where the most amount of weed is smoked.Where people smoke for all their lives (18-and up) They found that there was no long term brain damage, that they were still in good shape, and that the worst case of withdrawl was a runny nose. Also there is only one oerson on medical record dying off of weeed and that was someone choking on too much food.
Also for all intents and purposes Alcohol is worse for you. whatever it takes you to get drunk, 10 times that will kill you whatever it takes you to get high, 40,0000 that will kill you.

11-16-2001, 11:41 PM
kung lek that was hilarious.

what do bin laden and general custer have in common????
They're both wondering where the fu(k all of those tomahawks are coming from. - donated by mojo

11-16-2001, 11:56 PM
Don't say that you can't OD on weed, that's bull****. Weed kills brain cells, that's FACT, so it can contribute to brain damage.

11-17-2001, 12:12 AM
Regardless the dangers or non-dangers,
why people need foreign substances to "make them feel happy" is beyond me...

I figure if you need to smoke, drink, do ecstasy, weed, etc. to make you feel "good about yourself" or to be "social", then you have a big problem already.

But then again, what do I know? I'm just a guy with a video game character's name as his screen name. :D



"One who takes pride in shallow knowledge or understanding is like a monkey who delights in adorning itself with garbage."

11-17-2001, 12:50 AM
ah for the day when we EDUCATE our youth instead of INDOCTERNATEING them with crap.

Weed has not been proven to cause brain damage and can in fact have very clear yet poorly researched nerual protective qualites.

weed does not cause cancer (but tar and particulate matter found in smokeing anything cn lea to pre canceruos growths) and has been found to ease symptoms in the treatment of cancer, and to kill tumors in lab mice.

however, weed is illegal.

tabbacoo, the smokeing of which causes like 30% of ALL CANCER, gets frickn' government subsities!

and we wonder why our country is so ****** up man we have plants that are illegal!

11-17-2001, 01:01 AM
Whos cares what those studies say, usually the only people defending weed are the ones who smoke it. Addicts will do anything to not have to admit they are addicted including comming up with "health benifits" of smoking :rolleyes:
Smoking and drinking destory stamina and are generally unhealthy, argueing over what kind of smoking and smoking vs. drinking doesn't matter. All masters of meditative arts preach to keep a clear mind, anybody who uses drugs to meditate is just a hippie and probally doesn't know about what they are talking about.
Just say no

www.shaolindynasty.cjb.net (http://www.shaolindynasty.cjb.net)

11-17-2001, 01:05 AM
Anyone live in the Netherlands?


11-17-2001, 01:18 AM
1. if only addidcts and people who smoke weed care about this, then why have more then five states passed or enacted voter sanctioned refferendums to allow the use of Cannibus as a medicene.

2. why have the Netherlands chossen to effectivly "decriminalize" itss sale and use?

3. Why are Germany, England and Canada looking to follow that example.

more to the point, and why i do not support the so called Drug War

4. why do you feel we need to LOCK PEOPLE IN JAIL for growing plants?

now of course by you i mean everyone who supports, agrees with or does not oppose the stupidest, most misguided, most arrogant and blatent asssult upon freedom and our national common sense since prohibition. And hey at least with prohibition they got it right, they amended the constitution, for the drug war we just rely on the commerce clause.

I'm sorry for a hastly typed non kung fu post but ive been against the war on drugs since high school, when i looked at the facts.

That I smoke, might smoke or want to smoke "weed" (or any other plant for that matter) is not the issue. That if in my HOME I grow a plant, dry it and burn the leaves to inhale BY MYSELF into MY LUNGS, the government feels the need to arresst me deny me enployment and confiscate my wealth is just WRONG.
this is not an abuse of power this is a gross usurpation of power.

11-17-2001, 01:30 AM
I don't nessacarly think it should be illegal but I think alot of people try to lie to themselves about the "benifits". In the end it should be a persons choice

www.shaolindynasty.cjb.net (http://www.shaolindynasty.cjb.net)

11-17-2001, 01:36 AM
for all the CAPS LOCKED words done in ALL CAPS so they look REALY important.

I dont know why I do that sometimes.


and for the record I would advocate against smokeing anything, or useing any drug prior to meditation of kung fu practice.

11-17-2001, 01:43 AM
Here we have this band called "Planet Hemp", they even got put in prison for a week because they are pro-legaligazation.


11-17-2001, 01:54 AM
Yeah but the cops in Brazil look like the USA's special forces when they walk down the street. So things might be a little rougher there.

www.shaolindynasty.cjb.net (http://www.shaolindynasty.cjb.net)

Chang Style Novice
11-17-2001, 02:18 AM
Shaolin Dynasty -

My own experience is that marijuana is NOT addictive. I can smoke several times daily for months at a time, then quit cold turkey with no effort, replacement drug, or 12-step support group. I have done it numerous times, most recently in August. It has never had any more than a temporary effect on my intelligence or memory - ie: when I stop smoking everything that was gone comes back. This leads me to believe that these are side effects of the high, not the result of brain damage.

This doesn't contradict the fact that inhaling smoke isn't good for you, natch. Nor does it mean that in certain limited circumstances marijuana cannot have theraputic effects. As an example, foxglove blossoms are refined to create digitalis which is used to treat heart disease but lethal in large doses. Most any TCM practitioner will tell you that herbs are good for you in the correct dosage but harmful if overused. This would seem to be the case with marijuana (again, in particular instances.) One possible theraputic use of marijuana is appetite stimulation for patients in chemotherapy. Another is to treat menstrual pains. A third is treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Perhaps there are better ways to treat these maladies, but certainly none so safe or natural.

I am the Grand Ultimate Silk Pyjama

11-17-2001, 02:29 AM

im serious tho i quit while back

if i throw sand in ya face;WILL YOU Blink".

11-17-2001, 05:17 AM
"Anyone live in the Netherlands?" - Ironfist

Nah but i live in the UK and it's JUST been made a class C drug which basically means it feckin legal.

They want to make ecstacy a class B drug as well, but i don't think that'd be cool yo

Sharky, I should expect this level of immaturity from you after seeing your post titled "Hm." regarding the woman that lives next door to you. I think everyone who unfortuneatly read that post is a bit more ignorant now for doing so. - Spectre

All i wanted was some RICE CAKES! Now? WE MUST BATTLE.

11-17-2001, 07:56 AM
Whiney control freeks.. ****.. weed is fine, it's nothing compared to real drugs.

11-17-2001, 08:20 AM
Now that's some good ad hominum.



"One who takes pride in shallow knowledge or understanding is like a monkey who delights in adorning itself with garbage."

Johnny Hot Shot
11-17-2001, 08:47 AM
I like Smokin' BUDS!, I like Smokin' BUDS!, I like Smokin' BUDS!, I like Smokin' BUDS!, :D :D

Sung to the tune of "I like Smokin' BUDS!"

I planted Trees in BC for 6 years... ;)

BC has the best in the world. :D

"Life's a great Adventure, Mate"
Jacko Jackson

11-17-2001, 08:55 AM
Anyone seen a movie that have these two guys, Cheech and Chong, LOL, that was a grea movie.


11-17-2001, 10:30 AM
I think pot should be legal for medical use/research but not recreational use. Medicine is meant for sick people, not the healthy. If someone is going to risk imrisonment just so they can use a plant to get stupid...I'd say they have a problem.

11-17-2001, 10:59 AM
you guys are all wrong..
weed does nothing for you.. just makes you hungry and look foolish.

if you wanna smoke weed, then fight then i pray your head doesn't get taken off. If you try and meditate.. most likely you'll be sleeping n' snoring..

now if u really wanna see some Chi blast'in
scre_w that weed and stack up on some LSD.
you get some after effects, shoot you might even fly.

11-18-2001, 12:02 AM
can you name one good reason why weed shouldn't be legal for "recreational" use?

Mark M
11-18-2001, 01:58 AM
THC the active alkaloid in weed collects in the fatty tissues of the body, ie the brain. When you quit there can be all sorts of minor withdrawal symptoms, one of which is raising of your blood pressure. This was told to me by a cardiologist.

11-18-2001, 03:50 AM
thou shall not judge.

where's my beer?

11-18-2001, 04:13 AM
Why does everyone againts weed not like weed.
Seriously? Is it becasue the govt says it is wrong for you? Because if it is is then you guys are just pawns of the govt. If it is because you HONESTLY really dont care for it then all the more power to you. But dont knock something when you dont know soemthing. That is liek saying you liv ein the south and because everyone says black are inferior you beleive it too. Dont be ignorant. Weed ofcourse has its drawbacks but it also has its adavantages. There are good quality about weed, but no one wants to hear them. Weed is not a halucenegen, it does not make you feel euphoric, it just makes you feel calm and relaxed. Almost like cigarettes. Smoking weed is bad but what about drinking it?? What will be the arguement about that?????? You wouldnt be smoking it anymore, so no fear of cancer or brain damage.
I am pretty sure the pld chinese master drank herbs of the sort back in the day.
All fo thm had some sort of herbal book to go along with their training.
The natives of every country smoke some type o plant.

11-18-2001, 04:41 AM


"One who takes pride in shallow knowledge or understanding is like a monkey who delights in adorning itself with garbage."

11-18-2001, 04:45 AM



Sharky, I should expect this level of immaturity from you after seeing your post titled "Hm." regarding the woman that lives next door to you. I think everyone who unfortuneatly read that post is a bit more ignorant now for doing so. - Spectre

All i wanted was some RICE CAKES! Now? WE MUST BATTLE.

11-18-2001, 05:03 AM
that picture was my wallpaper for a long time.

funny sh!t.

where's my beer?

11-18-2001, 05:09 AM
Marijuana is very popular here in Alaska as well. So popular in fact that in 2002, it will be on the ballots for voting for recreational use of it.
Thats right, potsmokers rejoice, Alaska can be your new home and haven for your red-eyed, foggy memory lifestyle.

People will do what they want regardless of laws/legalities and what they are told about health. One of the reasons I have found people smoke a lot is they are in environments with people who smoke a lot.

How many people just one day decide that they are going to smoke pot, or start smoking cigarettes. Most of them are offered by people they trust, or consider friends etc. Often one should take a look at the cause and what keeps them smoking rather then the smoking itself.

Are you hanging out with people who smoke daily? Are some of the places you spend time at pot-smoking/related environments? Do you put yourself in those situations/environments/relationships to make yourself feel more secure/confident/comfortable about your smoking habits?

If you have no friends who smoke pot, I think stopping the chain of smoking is a lot easier then if you're around it all the time. But who wants to stop?

- Nexus

11-18-2001, 08:55 AM
I agree that alchohol is waaay worse for you than pot, and that pot isnt compareable to any other drug in danger, but just like anything else in life excess is bad.
I have friends that have been smoking for years and when they run out... look out!
Not to mention that it causes paranoia, laziness, overeating, poor judgement, psychological addiction, social retardation, and vision problems.
If you dont belive me about the vision problems try crossing your eyes for three hours every day for a month and see how your vision ends up. Three hours is being nice!
Dont get me wrong guys, since I detest drinking, I do partake on occasion, but if youre a everyday user then dont kid yourself.
BTW if you everyday users make plans with friends or family, let them know youre not showing up! Ive lost sooo many good friends because I got sick of being stood up. Thanks.

11-18-2001, 09:51 AM
"thou shall not judge"

i say this.

if you don't want to smoke pot for whatever reason you have ... cool.


if you judge others for doing so ... especially if you drink, or smoke, or don't get off your lazy a$$ enough to know what stress is.

where's my beer?

11-18-2001, 10:01 AM
I don't drink or smoke....can I judge? :(

Pretty please?

Come on, you know you like it! :D
Judgin kicks ass!


aah, I'm so funny.

............. :D

........ :(



"One who takes pride in shallow knowledge or understanding is like a monkey who delights in adorning itself with garbage."

11-18-2001, 12:03 PM
'Don't say that you can't OD on weed, that's bull****.'

yOU CAN'T od ON WEED. Let people do what they want, at least to this extent. Weed is like tobacco with more effects, but the principle behind whether its legal or not are the same as those behind smoking and drinking, which are of course both legal. GDA, I'm with you.
BTW, I smoke everyday (weed). Some people have a cig after they train, I have a j. And the big deal is where?
I am addicted to tobacco, not weed, and if I can't smoke weed one noght, I'll have a cigarrette. Just one, and it does the trick. Weed is just a bonus. So jesus, everyone, chill out(man)! :D

11-18-2001, 01:01 PM
There's THC in chocolate too, so all you prohibitionists better turn out your pantries and set up a picket at Cadbury :p

Except for Ryu... I bet you don't eat chocolate either, you clean-living-pro-ad-hominem ******* ;)

Repulsive Monkey
11-18-2001, 01:33 PM
In reality TCM says that Hash is definitely worse than alcohol, and I am inclined to believe them. Hash harms the actual function of the Kidneys whereas alcohol (and of course this is al taken in a relative attitude) damages the tissues of the Kidneys (but only over a long term and or heavy usage). Hash stays in the blood stream for up to a month, alcohol can be flushed out within 24 to 36 hours. Hash IS Carcinogenic and can cause mild to heavy inflammation of Tubules within the lungs, and can cause slight to mild eating disorders if constantly used. It does kill brain cells as someone already stated, but the biggest reason why I dont do it anymore, is that it saps your Jing away substantially. Alcohol can temoprarily put your jing below par but hash steals it away permanently.

11-18-2001, 02:58 PM
wHAT IS YOUR jING? Is it like spirit or something? Cos if it is, then its definitely sapped when your boxed, but you can get over it.

Chang Style Novice
11-18-2001, 03:53 PM
Repulsive Monkey -

Perhaps you'd be so kind as to explain how a drug can steal jing away permanently, even after it has completely left the body? Because this sound like horsecr@p to me, utterly contrary to the laws of physics.

To all who are claiming marijuana causes brain damage -

Perhaps you'd care to explain why Nobel Prize winning astronomer Carl Sagan attributed his insights into the nature of the cosmos to the higher consciousness he attained while smoking pot? If that's brain damage, I'll take some!

I am the Grand Ultimate Silk Pyjama

11-18-2001, 04:04 PM
Well, I think that weed is illegal today (in most countries) because it's more profitable that way. The majority of people involved in the drug business (black market) would be very upset if their product got legalized.

-- Kiasyd

Repulsive Monkey
11-18-2001, 04:13 PM
Jing is your constitutional Qi located within the Kidneys and governs the quality of life one has (from the TCM point of view). Depending on whether or not you have strong or weak Qi the quality of health thoughtout your whole life will be influencced by it. The drug in TCM understanding depletes your Jing or allows Jing lakage thus depletion of Jing, and since Jing is finite it does not get topped back up again, hence permanent depletetion. Physics has nothing to do with it. as I stated I was putting forth the view on TCM, Physics (unless you are refering to models upheld within bio-Physics!) doesn't enter into this equation as such.

Carl Sagan had certain sychopantic leanings and was a luminary being by any means, read Robert Anton Wilsons highlights in his Cosmic Trigger : Vol. 3 about how pittiful Carl Sagan really was. A megolomaniac if you ask me aswell as a rather ignorant man.

Chang Style Novice
11-18-2001, 04:33 PM
You're citing Robert Anton Wilson to discredit Carl Sagan's opinion of pot? That's too funny for words! Maybe you didn't notice that RWA is a bigtime pothead himself, to say nothing of seriously paranoid, psychotic, and quite sychophantic himself. I mean, does he have any standards to which he holds John Lilly, Carlos Castaneda, and Timothy Leary? Just to keep poking holes in your argument, how can one be sychophantic and megalomaniacal at the same time? Those are opposite characteristics!

Physics has everything to do with the arguement. A chemical agent cannot effect a reaction unless it said agent is present. Biophysics is no different in this respect. I know very little of TCM, but I'm doubtful that any energy stored in the body is irreplacable. It is my understanding that jing is potential energy stored in the body which becomes qi as it is manifested. In western terms, there's this thing called a metabolism; energy in the body is gained by eating and gaining calories. This energy is expended by body activity as movement or heat, or stored in the form of fatty tissue. Perhaps jing is the ability of the body to replenish and heal itself, which diminishes as the body gets older and less flexible? That might account for why it cannot be replaced.

Eh, anyway, I'm just rambling now. Time to sign off for a bit.

I am the Grand Ultimate Silk Pyjama

11-18-2001, 05:04 PM
Dont expect it to be legal in the states anytime soon. It is extremly profitable for law enforcement. A minor possession offense (class A misdemeanor in most cases under 4 oz) costs hundreds of dollars in fines. However, it would be more profitable to tax the purchase of it.

I personnaly do not use it. However, I think most people should get ripped at least twice yearly. Maybe then we would not have so many ****sed off people in this world. I also find it amusing that MOST "experts" who lecture about it have never used it. Our drug awareness programs in schools are also a joke. No one ever came to me and said "come on man smoke this...everyone is doing it". It was more like everyone standing around at a party and someone handing me a spliff and said "you wanna hit this? It's some good sh*t". It has been some time since I was in school so hopefully it has changed since then.

Victory goes to he who makes the next-to-last mistake.

Repulsive Monkey
11-18-2001, 05:16 PM
I hope that you can apprecitae the intial irony of trying to uphold Carl Sagan's esteemed position because he was a pothead, whereas the irony was invetred when I mentioned RAW. If you the account (i.e. its not RAW opinion yet that of Carl Sagan's so-called adversary in the filed of astro-physics)in the book it quite clearly shows the loop-holes in Sagan's uninstigated opposition to his rivals work and latter day acceptance of it trying to aplm it off as his own. Sagan was a man who thought he was unparralleled in some respects and believed his authourative stance, where in fact there were many other greater minds at work in his field of study who didn't get any credit or exposure at all. This is just opinion but I always took Sagan to be condescending and billuous. Im sure people can provide examples of him being the opposite but there you go.

TCM doesn't (and doesn't have to)work within the same models and dynamics as Physics (or Bio-Physics) and this is the entire root of misunderstanding between coventional and Chinese medicine. In fact CM had made more of an effort to meet Conventional medicine than vice versa.
Jing is the intrinsic energy that lasts as long as your life does. It is un-replenshable, fact! When it runs out so does ones life. TCM recognises that one is born with a finite amount and when you use it up through natural aging, depleting lifestyle, poor exercise then you die. Through TCM their research has recognised that ingestion of Hash depletes your Jing. This is all I'm saying. Persoanlly I find Robert Anton Wilson ( if one ignores some of the hippy guff) to be readly coherent, hardly Psychotic (c'mon now!!) and hardly paranoid as he highlights all these ideas in the medium of his writings, yet if you read his stuff he always re-iterates the fact that he doesn't believe or disbelieve any of the crack-pot ideas he writes about. This is an idea that few paranoids would uphold, don't you think???

You forget that by champoining Sagan for being pothead surely means that one has to recognise RAW's genius too, for exactly the same crime!!!!????

11-18-2001, 05:57 PM
Where do you guys learn this stuff?
I'm lost lads.....
Must be all that gear... :rolleyes:

11-18-2001, 06:06 PM
I don't smoke, but I could care less what someone else does. I'm not saying that I have "never smoked", but it just made me tired and hungry. I love the typical response "but we have to pay for all those burnouts when they die". Whatever, because lots of people die smoking pot? Versus drinking?

I would much rather run into Cheech cruisin' down the road stoned out of his mind, driving 3mph, than some dumb arse teen that has pounded a couple of forties.

Just think how many bar fights there wouldn't be. A bunch of dudes token, all they care about is what's on the menu.

I am a firm supporter of freedom. If some dumb arse wants to shoot up clorox, that's his **** business. As long as it doesn't interfere with my life, so be it. I don't think you can legislate morality. Now if some dumby toots up a bunch of booger sugar and kills someone, they should face a very strict punishment, but we all know that most weed smokers are so **** paranoid they just chill in their parents basement and wait for pizza delivary. They are harmless, leave them alone.

"There is no try...do, or do not."

Chang Style Novice
11-18-2001, 07:24 PM
Repulsive Monkey -

You and I are just not going to see eye-to-eye on this, so I'm going to stop posting about it. But, I wanted to let you know what a pleasure it is to have an intelligent informed debate that doesn't degenerate into angry name-calling. Rock on, dude!

Scotty1 -

Learning stuff is easy, if you want to learn. Find something you're interested in and go to a library, or run a google search. Be dedicated and patient. Knowledge is kungfu for the brain!

I am the Grand Ultimate Silk Pyjama

Repulsive Monkey
11-18-2001, 07:44 PM
No... let me take my hat off to you, I'm sure in the long run we could see-to-eye but I enjoyed coming from the opposite angle on this subject, which in all honesty considering what the original thread began as, shouldn't be taken to seriously. I really appreciate your response and I'm quite sure that on other subjects we probably have loads we can agree on, thanks for your lightness of heart in this conversation and yielding strength in return, take it easy mate too.


11-18-2001, 10:29 PM
Have you guys forgoten you are martial artists? I here people saying things like "after class I smoke a j or a cigarette) What I said before is not that it should be ilegal but shouldn't we take better care of our bodies than smoking and drinking like some of you do? Inhaling smoke whether it's from tabacco, weed or burning leaves in your backyard is deffinetaly not good for you. Check out that show they have been running on MTV called "true life, I can't breath" and see what happens to your lungs from smoking. I have had experience with weed, drinking and I have tried cigarettes(only like twice since they didn't mess me up I saw no point), personally my drive to be a good martial artist is much more than my desire to get messed up and do really stupid things with my friends. Seriously I think GDA looks like an idiot coming here with topics like "I'm drunk again". To say that it is because of stress that I get drunk and high is just an excuse, millions of people deal with stress all the time in different ways. I think some of you need to grow up alittle.

www.shaolindynasty.cjb.net (http://www.shaolindynasty.cjb.net)

KC Elbows
11-18-2001, 10:57 PM
On the brain damage issue, the ONLY study I am aware of linking pot use with brain damage involved putting monkeys in sealed chambers, and then filling those chambers with pot smoke, with no additional air except that which was not used in the combustion of the weed, and keeping them there for extremely long periods. without making any attempt to track brain damage from oxygen loss as opposed to potential brain damage from pot. So, NO serious study has ever linked pot use with brain damage, and, as long as its illegal to work with, none ever will.

Second, there are people who use pot very sparingly, my wife for one. She probably smokes one j every3 months, has done this for years, and is not in any way tempted to more use. Its like a glass of wine on a special occassion to her, and that is how, IMO, pot should be viewed by those who use responsibly.

IMHO, no one who drinks here has any leg to stand on when talking about pot and brain damage, kidney damage being better than liver damage(WTF? Who ever ran into a pot head with a bad liver? Bad cleaning habits, maybe, but liver? Alcohol is the king of organ damage, pot is the minor duke of duh), the whole vision problems thing baffles me, I mean, I'm not saying it couldn't be, but the comment of being crosseyed for too long threw me off, as pot does not cross your eyes at all.

Anyway, there is no scientifically reliable evidence that pot causes brain damage, and the only experiment I'm aware of done to find out if it does sounds like it was invented by some really demented potheads. Why don't we put monkeys in sealed chambers filled with alcohol and see if alcohol causes drowning? Sorry, no need, I guess Natalie Wood already did that one for us.

Geez, that was just wrong.

And I'm not on anything...

City, your toast will never go unbuttered again! -The Tic

Kung Lek
11-18-2001, 11:11 PM
Using Cannabis medically is more effective in a tea form or draught or deconcoction than by smoking.

smoking will ingest teh THC quicker but the effects are not as long lasting as they are when drinking it in draught or concoction form.

the seeds are useful for a variety of things also and are widely used in TCM moreso than the flowers, leaves or stems.

Cannabis is known to ease nausea in chemotherapy patients, the increase blood flow to the eyes and releave teh symptoms of glaucoma and has many other beneficial effects.

smoking it is a recreational drug use of it with little medical value as the act of smoking damages the lungs to a degree and this is worse for you than whatever you were trying to relieve.

Cannabis is considered a "soft" drug and is not known to cause violent reactions ion those who use it. For that reason, itis in the process of being decriminalized in my country. I think this is a good thing because it will ease the burden on our overloaded court systems and as well will take it out of the hands of teh criminal element, produce tax dollars and the police won't need to waste their time arresting recreational hippy types who are not causing any harm in most cases from their use of cannabis.

Alcohol is far more dangerous when consumed recklessly and needs to have tighter controls.
I would hope that one day, processed tobacco is outlawed entirely and that it's use will be in the same social area as cannabis is right now.

But it comes down to politicians giving the people what they want (more often giving themselves what they want but that's a different story).

In context to Kung Fu practice or meditative practice in association with martial arts, cannabis as a smoked drug is useless and serves no useful purpose.

afetr a stressful day, I would rather see people using cannabis instead of getting into the habits of drinking.

It would be even better if people could ease their stressed state through simple meditation, but humans are far to lazy to learn even such a simple thing as this for the most part.

we are such a troublesome species. Thank goodness for those few who came before and put forth the effort to develop the arts so that we may at least have the chance to bring them into our own personal endeavours.


Kung Lek

Martial Arts Links (http://members.home.net/kunglek)

11-19-2001, 12:28 AM
i dont think there is anything more to add to this conversation apart from, why does everyone keep talking about weed and actually miss all the other stuff like black,pollum,skunk and all those other goodies like white widow ,space cake etc etc etc.
Just kidding ,

more to the point why did the old kugn fu masters used to smoke opium ?

also repulsive monkey are you sure you dont mean prenatal chi , jing is replaceable as long as you have strong kidneys , you can infuse chi into the kidneys to strenghten them and your jing, what you mean is prenatal qi is not replaceable.

Technically jokes aside weed can be used in conjuction with sex and wine to promote psychic power, if you look at black tanra as opposed to white tantra you will see that they practise rituals where tantric sex is performed whilst retaining ones essence and under the influence of ganja to increase your mental powers , the reason being that weed opens certain meridians in your head it doesnt actually close them, its just that if you cant control it when they open, too much energy is lost and you feel like a dumb@ss if you learn to control it though it can give you tremendous power.

what do bin laden and general custer have in common????
They're both wondering where the fu(k all of those tomahawks are coming from. - donated by mojo

11-19-2001, 12:58 AM
One of the first recorded uses of marijuana was in TCM. There were great masters of gung fu who used opium, so I am sure that some might have used herb. I don't like to call it weed. I call it herb because that is what it is. It is a very potent herb that has strong effects on people who don't use it regularly, but there are other common herbs that are much more dangerous. You can't overdose to the point that you body starts shutting down, maybe you will pass out but no real damage like other alkaloids. This is because THC is not an alkaloid. It does not contain a nitrogen atom, therefore it is a terpenophenolic compound. This is also why it is not addictive. Your brain structure does not change with it, it is only tweaked out a bit while the chemical is present. It is a weak chemical that breaks down into other harmless compounds easily, and does not stay in your blood stream for weeks. Some may be stored in fat and later released into the blood stream, but it is in a less active form. That is why you don't smoke one day and feel high on and off for the next month. It has not been proven to cause brain damage, and I know pesonally that it doesn't. Your brain produces much stonger chemicals(alkaloids) such as serotonin, dopamine,and endorphines. If getting exited or feeling pain is physically addicting and damaging to the brain, then it might be possible that ingesting THC is too. I have smoked herb every day for almost 7 years and I don't have breathing problems and I am not retarded. The drug that has most affected my brain is LSD. It messed up the fluidity in my speech and it seems that I think much faster than I can speak or write. LSD is an alkaloid, just like morphine, cocaine, nicotine,and other addictive substances. The reason it messes up your memory is because you have to do certain things to log memory which are harder to do or you don't care to do while stoned. Basically it's not the chemical that is so bad, but smoking a plant to ingest it is. Whenever people talk about the health risks they bring up brain damage,which has little validity, or they talk about the damage to lungs and arteries, as if smoking is the best and only way to do it. Now that I am getting into gung fu more I have motivation to stop smoking, although the real motivation is my long term health. Even if I stop smoking it, I will occasionally cook with it or make some tea. I am at the point now where I don't even get stoned in the normal sense. I can go to school or work and look and fuction just fine. It is a whole different mood and sensation now. This is where I am arguing from. People who talk about the stereotypical pot head and say we are all stupid and can't function, have the munchies, are cross eyed and say comments like I pray for you if you smoke weed and fight, are closed minded fools. They have no real experience with it, or have only smoked a few times and got really high. I will admit that I must have looked pretty dumb when I was high in the first few years that I smoked. It was a lot more fun then too. That is why people do it, because it is fun, and many fun things make you look stupid. Have you seen yourself on a rollercoaster. The reason I risk getting arrested is not because it is fun and I am irresponsible, but because the govt. has no right in taking my freedom to ingest a plant so I do not acknowledge that law. I am not ashamed of being a criminal. Now back to the original question. I have smoked and meditated(no I did not fall asleep)and for me it does make the breathing and focusing easier. I can actually breath deeper after I smoke because it contains a chemical that dilates capillaries in the lung as well as the alveoli. This is why some say that it helps athsma. The problem with that is you are counteracting that over time by damaging the lungs with smoke. Once in my english class a group of kids doing a science experiment came in and did tests to see who had the largest lung capacity, and if they smoked at all. I did have the largest capacity but it could be the fact that I was doing dan tien breathing. I just wonder what it would be if I never smoked, or if it hasn't changed. I have practiced gung fu while high and it helps me stay relaxed, have sharper movements, and focus breathing. It seems like I can put more power into strikes as well. However I do not practice high often because I want those skills naturally, not aided by an herb. Some people might practice high and it could be the opposite. I would not do chi kung high as well because when you are trying to fucus chi you probably don't want a chemical affecting your natural mindset. It might create problems, but I don't know what they would be. I wouldn't worry too much about it though because if you eat processed food, have other bad habits, and are in unfit environments(which most uf us are) you most likely have worse chemicals that aren't psychoactive in your body than THC. That is just my uneducated opinion though ;)

11-19-2001, 01:20 AM
Anyone else see those little signs that say "Pothead" like the ones in Halfbaked? You know, the ones where all of them were saying "I smoke weed, but I ain't no pothead." STAMP..."POTHEAD" JK ;)

"There is no try...do, or do not."

KC Elbows
11-19-2001, 01:25 AM
To respond to why people need it to make themselves feel good, I would say that the question is a loaded question. It is correctly worded "Why do people use it to make them feel good?"

The rollercoaster comment above is a good comparison, but I'd like to bring in another comparison that is more topical. Why do you fight/spar? IF your answer is "Because I enjoy it(it makes me feel good)", then why? If feeling good is to be viewed as a mindset that should be done by proper perception, and never by enjoyable activity, then fighting should fall under the same category as pot smoking, as I've never known anyone who had a limb break/tendon tear/mild concussion directly caused by pot, but I've known plenty who got them from fighting.

Other activities that succumb to this logic are marriage for love, sex for enjoyment, etc. The question is not flawed, but the answer is one of devotion. Will you remove yourself from the world and become a monk, working towards a mindset that is free from the temptations of the world? If so, more power to you. But, some of us like to live in the world as we feel is right for us, and that involves all sort of risky activities that we enjoy for no logical reason, but we enjoy nonetheless.

City, your toast will never go unbuttered again! -The Tic

11-19-2001, 01:28 AM
dubj duuuuuude you know your shiat , im impressed !!!!!! terpenophenolic what the bumba clot!!!!

what do bin laden and general custer have in common????
They're both wondering where the fu(k all of those tomahawks are coming from. - donated by mojo

KC Elbows
11-19-2001, 01:31 AM
Agrees with wongsifu.

However, I think the daily thing is unnecessary. Too easy to default to dependence.

Of course, this is mostly speculation, as I'm allergic to pot(makes my sinuses close shut fast), So I really only have a little once in a long while, and I always ingest(it appears something in the smoke is what I'm allergic to.)

City, your toast will never go unbuttered again! -The Tic

11-19-2001, 01:56 AM
1. Cheech and Chong are very funny. I was not high when I saw "Cheech and Chong's next movie" recently and practicly died laughing.
2. I'm no expert on either pot smoking or meditation. I think pot would superficially help you a little, in the sense you wouldn't get bored as quickly (though why not go all the way and take Heroin, aren't those poeple famousr for staring at walls 8 hours at a time?) but I'd lke to think theirs more to it than just being relaxed and taking stuff in. In "Chinese Boxing" a book I quote all the time, one of the teachers says someting to that effect, that you have the superficial aspects of enlightment, but not the alertness,etc. :D

11-19-2001, 02:18 AM
I seldom smoke ganja, and this is only due to the fact that it is illegal. I never train kungfu when I smoke it,and it is my personal choice when i choose to do so. There have been instances where I am "high", and I have practiced yoga meditation while in this state, I found that the effects were beneficial in my journey at times. The monk that taught me said that in india they used to do it as children , but it is preferred under his system to abstain from such stimulants.He noted that the "drug" could aid the practitioner to attain maybe a deeper meditation, and promote a release of energies, the kundalini, but it is better I suppose to achieve this state on your own. No path to the truth is ever cemented in stone, and I believe that there are many gateways to arrive at any destination.
I also consume alcohol, more frequently than I do marajuana, and I occasionally smoke cigarettes and cigars. As far as I know in certain schools of drunken boxing the practicioner must become enibriated in order to get a feel of his/her style.
I have learnt that one of the key things in life are frugality , and moderation.
everything in moderation, there is a time and a place for everything. And nothing happens before its time. For some it is easy to believe what the media and a few governments have to say about this particular drug. The supposed brain damage , and what everver else it is they say. Rastafarians believe that ganja is a holy sacrament , and say it was found on the tomb of king solomon the great. there is much contraversy in my home about the use of this plant. I know people from all walks of life who injest this , and these are whom i regard to be the great thinkers. of course others ingest this and abuse it , they treat it as a joke or some trivial thing these are the pot heads who give marajana use a bad rep. anything if taken beyond extremity can be a potentially bad and dangerous thing.
a while back on this forum , there was an arguement about christianity versus the martial arts, i assume that all of us are martial arts practicioners or aspirants, some of us even christian. but the fact still remains that there are people out there that believe that since we speak of chi, and recognize our ancestors , we are actually invoking devils upon ourselves, this is complete nonsense, just as how judging a man by what he consumes is utter garbage. It is always how the individual carries themselves or behaves that reflects thier true nature, and this i believe is how we should all judge each other.
This is just my humble opinion, thank you.

"everything is everything"

KC Elbows
11-19-2001, 02:21 AM
Agrees with starchaser.

City, your toast will never go unbuttered again! -The Tic

Chang Style Novice
11-19-2001, 02:21 AM
"there is much contraversy in my home about the use of this plant. "


"****it Starchaser, if you been smoken them reefer sticks again I'm gonna tan your hide! You still ain't got a job, boy??!!??"

I kid

I am the Grand Ultimate Silk Pyjama

11-19-2001, 03:15 AM
I must admit that I smoked earlier and wrote that post high. A little while later I just started doing my form and playing around with movements and they were much cleaner than in class earlier. They also just came to me instead of me forcing them. I think it automatically sets me in the mind frame which is needed for good boxing. That is calm and relaxed and using the movements like reflexes. My body was in correct form without trying so I could focus more on my breath. But my point from earlier is that I should be able to do this consistantly instead of relying on an outside chemical for that mindset.
Wongsifu I only know what I have read and I have done some good reading on alkaloids and other chemicals. Other than that and high school I don't know ****e about chemistry. I bet starchaser liked your bumbu clot remark.
Yes I agree that smoking pretty much every day is exessive but I almost always have it and there is always a chance to do so. It is the cure for boredom. I can keep myself occupied most of the time but when I am bored or watching television is when I start scrounging. I wouldn't say I need it any more than people need their cup of coffee in the morning

11-19-2001, 03:17 AM
lol, chang

11-19-2001, 03:37 AM
Pot may not be physicly addictive, but it is mentally addictive. People get to love the feeling and just can't seem to quit, you could ask a pot head to quite smoking pot on the spot and he might be able to, but if he has smoked it for long the idea of not being able to get that euphoria [sp] would be too much :)

11-19-2001, 03:38 AM
Great post starchaser. I'm always fascinated when I encounter people with clear enough heads to speak and think logically. From what you've written, it seems that this very thing has happened to me today.


KC Elbows
11-19-2001, 05:42 AM
In my experiences, when you don't use pot in excess, you come out of the high feeling extremely refreshed, and I've had many fantastic push hands experiences in this post-high state.

City, your toast will never go unbuttered again! -The Tic

11-19-2001, 05:53 AM
I smoke or i should say used to smoke a ton of weed, i mean a ton. I also practice lohan kung fu daily, the martial arts are my life and smoking grass was horrible on my training. Not only did my lung capasity and endurence turn to ****. But i found myself to want to blaze up insted of train. I think weed kicks ass if it is done correctly, but it is very easy to over use which makes it a VERY big problem, not only in your martial arts training but in your life A Boat Can Float in Water

11-19-2001, 05:54 AM
I smoke or i should say used to smoke a ton of weed, i mean a ton. I also practice lohan kung fu daily, the martial arts are my life and smoking grass was horrible on my training. Not only did my lung capasity and endurence turn to ****. But i found myself to want to blaze up insted of train. I think weed kicks ass if it is done correctly, but it is very easy to over use which makes it a VERY big problem, not only in your martial arts training but in your life A Boat Can Float in Water, But it can sink in it too. Praise be to Buddah

11-19-2001, 07:06 AM
While we're on the subject, can anyone sort me out with an ounce?


You cannot defeat the Bronze Girls of Shaolin!

11-19-2001, 07:09 AM
i'm in for a henry

What we really need is chicks with a whole new kinda orifice - Fish

Sharky, I should expect this level of immaturity from you after seeing your post titled "Hm." regarding the woman that lives next door to you. I think everyone who unfortuneatly read that post is a bit more ignorant now for doing so. - Spectre

All i wanted was some RICE CAKES! Now? WE MUST BATTLE.

11-19-2001, 07:11 AM
So, ounce for me, Henry for Sharky. Anyone else in? Let's see if we can knock up a lid and get a real good price!

(BTW Sharky - only an Henry? Lightweight!)

You cannot defeat the Bronze Girls of Shaolin!

Chang Style Novice
11-19-2001, 07:18 AM
How much is a Henry? You kids and your wierd new slang.

I used to smoke about an ounce a month, or more. Good stuff, too, not schwag.

I am the Grand Ultimate Silk Pyjama

11-19-2001, 07:26 AM
You guys just put together a number of words i cant understand.


Friday evening / The blood still on my hands / To think that she would leave me now / For that ungrateful man

Sole survivor / No witness to the crime / I must act fast to cover up / I think that there's still time

He'd seem hopeless and lost with this note / They'll buy into the words that I wrote

"This feeling inside me
Finally found my love, I've finally broke free
No longer torn in two
I'd take my own life before losing you"

11-19-2001, 07:29 AM
ounce - unit of weight, being 100 grams
henry - one eigth of an ounce (Henry The Eighth) A unit regularly purchased in the UK
schwag - bad ganja


You cannot defeat the Bronze Girls of Shaolin!

11-19-2001, 07:31 AM

A louis - half a henry (you work it out!)

A lid - a pound, being 16 ounces. Or a GREAT Xmas present!

Blim - a very tiny amount, just enough for one person.

Blim for Ron - a tiny amount of pot that you're saving for later (later on = late ron = ron)

Anything else?

You cannot defeat the Bronze Girls of Shaolin!

11-19-2001, 07:50 AM
"Seriously I think GDA looks like an idiot coming here with topics like "I'm drunk again"."

i usually look like an idiot when i'm drunk (in real life or on the forum), but we were talking about getting high here.

"To say that it is because of stress that I get drunk and high is just an excuse, millions of people deal with stress all the time in different ways. I think some of you need to grow up alittle."

here we go . ...

if you'r profile is right you are 20 years old. you probably still live at home (or are in school). if you work at all it's likely more out of the desire for money not the necesity of it. you probably don't have a kid. you may not have even had a bill come to your house in your name. i may be off base here, as i know nothing about you and i am young myself, but most kids our age know NOTHING of true stress to talk about it the way you do.

those who don't know stress in the way i'm talking about include those of us who actually work out. you can work out all the time and have no idea what it is to be truly over worked.

if you have never existed for more than 6 months eduring 3 times the amount of stress you can possibly endure without killing people on a daily basis your opinion on this subject has absoletuly no relavance to me.

try telemarketing for two fu cking years to buy your kid diapers. you think it sucks to be the one being called do you? jesus christ ... every day i went to work at that place i could feel my soul dying but i had no choice but to go.

those of us at the bottem of our economic ladder (especially with children) usually end up smoking, drinking, getting high, or
developing another self destructive yet satisfying habbit to deal with the amount of complete bull**** we have to put up with just to get by. does that make it right? no . .. im not saying it does, but i'm not judging anyone else for not having to know what it's like to truly strugle either.

if you have NEVER needed to ebb the flow of complete hate for all that exists with the use of ANY external means then good for you. i am not that patient of a person. my life taxes me and getting high or drunk on the weekends makes it all a little easier to deal with.

if you have ever known the complete hate for existance that stress can cause you, and delt with it without any artificial help whatsoever, my hat goes off to you.

if you judge me for not doing the same you can go fu ck yourself.

where's my beer?

11-19-2001, 07:59 AM
Hang on, GDA - I'm rolling you a joint right now. Boy, do you need it! ;)

You cannot defeat the Bronze Girls of Shaolin!

11-19-2001, 08:04 AM
Aint no nobody got the right to judge, if someone thinks he/she is good enough to judge people than this person better prove it and be ready for a spanking in case this one is a little less than perfect.

Friday evening / The blood still on my hands / To think that she would leave me now / For that ungrateful man

Sole survivor / No witness to the crime / I must act fast to cover up / I think that there's still time

He'd seem hopeless and lost with this note / They'll buy into the words that I wrote

"This feeling inside me
Finally found my love, I've finally broke free
No longer torn in two
I'd take my own life before losing you"

Johnny Hot Shot
11-19-2001, 08:07 AM
I havn't really paid much attention to this thread but for anyone who rips on anyone else for anything really should take a close lok at themselves. Is your life so perfect are you so ritcheous that you can condem somebody else for their actions? I don't think so. To each their own. For me Weed has really helped me through some tough times tougher than I care to explan nor woul any of you understand. Piont being that Nobody can Condem another for getting high. Some of the smartest most successful people I know smoke daily.

"Life's a great Adventure, Mate"
Jacko Jackson

11-19-2001, 08:32 AM
lol .. .thanks serp.

i'll match ya.

where's my beer?

11-19-2001, 10:28 AM
sounds like you had a rough time. Probably still are. Personally I don't think any intoxicant is the solution to stress. Stress and how you deal with misfortune is up to your ability to look clearly at situations, think positively, be resilient, and keep truckin on, etc.
The stuff that makes you high for a short period of time may make you feel better, but it doesn't get rid of the problem waiting to attack you again.
Hope everything is going well for you right now though. :) How's everything?

And for the rest of the forum......

perhaps another demonstration.





"One who takes pride in shallow knowledge or understanding is like a monkey who delights in adorning itself with garbage."

11-19-2001, 02:36 PM
Watching MTV isn't good for you man. :p

11-19-2001, 02:40 PM
yeah i heard that it actually retards your brain, as you watch.

What we really need is chicks with a whole new kinda orifice - Fish

Sharky, I should expect this level of immaturity from you after seeing your post titled "Hm." regarding the woman that lives next door to you. I think everyone who unfortuneatly read that post is a bit more ignorant now for doing so. - Spectre

All i wanted was some RICE CAKES! Now? WE MUST BATTLE.

11-19-2001, 03:28 PM
Maybe thats why you've got these fu(ked up ideas about things. Do you eat chocolate, drink coffee etc? Cos if you do, you're a hypocrite, and YOU need to grow up a little. :eek:

Chang Style Novice
11-19-2001, 04:17 PM
Some people have chemical imbalances - this is a fact. THC closely mimics the chemical properties of natural chemicals in the brain - also a fact. Perhaps people who 'need' to use pot are simply self-medicating themselves in an effective manner.

And although it's been mentioned several times on the thread before, it bears repeating: smoking anything is no good for your lungs. It is easier to control the dosage that way, but cooking and eating it will keep tar out of your breathe-holes.

I am the Grand Ultimate Silk Pyjama

11-19-2001, 06:41 PM
Sorry serpent,
an ounce is 28 grams, not 100.

Chang Style Novice
11-19-2001, 06:48 PM
Actually, an ounce is 28.349525 grams.

Check out this page (http://www.convert-me.com/en/) for all your unit conversion needs. Pretty sweet bookmark.

I am the Grand Ultimate Silk Pyjama

11-19-2001, 06:49 PM
I think wushu chik said it best in another thread.


That about sums it up GDA. Do you agree

11-19-2001, 07:47 PM
i like the way i said it better.

i said fu ck and stuff.

where's my beer?

11-19-2001, 07:58 PM
Okay that's it.
I can't take it anymore!!! :)

For all the people quoting the **** bible passage about "Thou shall not judge"

Christ also said ... "You have judged correctly."
Luke 7:43

and also, "Why don't you judge for yourselves what is right?" Luke 13:57

I'm not arguing on the topic here, but I am saying that I hate these "one quote wonders" that are supposed to "enlighten".
There is time for judgments and there is time for not judging. You have to find the particular circumstance for each one. That in itself is having the ability to "judge correctly."

All the talk about "don't judge" is almost pseudo philosophy. People don't and can't live that way.
Taking it to the extreme, one can't judge a child molester in being a "danger" to their children.
Come on, guys. You all can do better than that.

Okay, that's gonna be it for me on this thread. :)



"One who takes pride in shallow knowledge or understanding is like a monkey who delights in adorning itself with garbage."

11-19-2001, 08:04 PM
BTW, "thou shalt not judge" aint in the Bible. It's "judge not lest ye be judged". And "let the sinless man cast the first stone".


If you pr!ck us, do we not bleed? If you poison us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge? If we are like you in the rest, we will resemble you in that the villany you teach me, I will execute, and it shall go hard but I will better the instruction. MOV

Kung Lek
11-19-2001, 08:05 PM
So, apparently Ryu prefers the Song of Solomon. :D

To every season...


Kung Lek

Martial Arts Links (http://members.home.net/kunglek)

11-19-2001, 08:09 PM

Sounds like a Buddhist song. :D



"One who takes pride in shallow knowledge or understanding is like a monkey who delights in adorning itself with garbage."

11-19-2001, 08:11 PM
by the way, anyone ever see that Simpson's episode where Homer stands up and says

"Let he without sin cast the first stone."

and Todd (Flanders kid) hits in the face with a rock and shouts happily "Got em Dad!!"

LMAO! I nearly died at that one. ;)



"One who takes pride in shallow knowledge or understanding is like a monkey who delights in adorning itself with garbage."

Water Dragon
11-19-2001, 08:17 PM
Since we're talking about tree, I'll taken an elbow. thats eLBow for all of you linguistically challenged people.

KC Elbows
11-19-2001, 08:22 PM
****, Ryu's not letting us use "Judge not lest ye be judged"!

Alright, I'm just gonna turn the other cheek, to my knowledge there is no specific rule regarding who gets to throw the second stone, so if I just bide my time, I'll get to bean someone right on the cranium!

Religion can be fun!!! :D

City, your toast will never go unbuttered again! -The Tic

KC Elbows
11-19-2001, 08:25 PM
Water dragon,

Sorry, don't follow what you're saying. I'm assuming tree is pot, what's the elbow bit?

City, your toast will never go unbuttered again! -The Tic

11-19-2001, 08:26 PM

Bruce Miao says that one was really funny too. :)



"One who takes pride in shallow knowledge or understanding is like a monkey who delights in adorning itself with garbage."

KC Elbows
11-19-2001, 08:29 PM
Yeah, Gene Yeoh liked it, too!

Of course, I'm not trying to use wit to steal Bruce from you, but if he comes over late one night with a little wine, well, things might happen. :eek:

And what would you do with a brain if you had one? -Dorothy to the Scarecrow

Water Dragon
11-19-2001, 08:29 PM
C'mon dude, you must be high. eL Bow as in LB

KC Elbows
11-19-2001, 08:31 PM
Sorry, couldn't hear you. Let me turn down my Iron Butterfly album.

Inna Godda Davida uh huh...

Wait, I don't wanna miss the drum solo...

And what would you do with a brain if you had one? -Dorothy to the Scarecrow

KC Elbows
11-19-2001, 08:32 PM
Who snagged my lighter?

And what would you do with a brain if you had one? -Dorothy to the Scarecrow

Johnny Hot Shot
11-19-2001, 09:06 PM
My 2' glass JBD................ MMM and Coffee! :D ;)

Judge this!

"Life's a great Adventure, Mate"
Jacko Jackson

Johnny Hot Shot
11-19-2001, 09:24 PM
Wake N' Bake (http://www.420hq.com/store/Action.lasso?-database=Orders.fp3&-layout=CGI&-response=store.html&-add) ;) :D

"Life's a great Adventure, Mate"
Jacko Jackson

11-19-2001, 09:41 PM
i see where you are coming from ryu, but i wasn't trying to use a cliché as the end all be all of this topic.

i was just using the quote with the point i was trying to get accross.

where's my beer?

11-20-2001, 02:23 AM
Thanks for the conversion correction guys - got a bit confused there. Must be this a$$-kicking hydro I've been smoking lately! ;)

You cannot defeat the Bronze Girls of Shaolin!

11-20-2001, 04:50 AM
I don't care what any one does. There is way too much talk about morality on this board for my taste in general. My main thing is don't use weed as a shortcut, a spiritual steroid if you will, for meditation and stuff. Example: taking drugs to make ten amazing paintings in one night. I don't think it works that way. It can be part of the process but not the whole thing. In conclusion, you can smoke weed and meditate even while meditating, but not as the sole way of learning meditation :cool: eyes are a dead give away

11-20-2001, 06:45 AM
I wasn't really directing that at you, it just seemed that everyone started using that quote.

How's everything?



"One who takes pride in shallow knowledge or understanding is like a monkey who delights in adorning itself with garbage."

Chang Style Novice
11-20-2001, 06:54 AM

Oh, yeah. We have this thing called 'judgement,' and it's irresponsible, not to mention frequently dangerous, not to excercise it.

An example:

"Hey, I know you don't know me, but how about we meet in the park by the lake for a little NHB sparring match? Promise I won't pull a boxcuttter, or file aggravated assault charges with the police."

Your options are

a - "Okay, sounds fun!"

b - "What do you think I am, an idiot?"

c - "Speaking of police, didn't I see a sketch of you on Crimewatch last week?"

d - other

See? Judging people is a GOOD THING.

I am the Grand Ultimate Silk Pyjama

11-20-2001, 07:55 AM
"How's everything?"


you asked for it ....

i feel like i'm about to either implode or explode all the time

see i work for an isp and about 9 months ago they fired the only other sales guy in the place who actually took calls. so since then i have been the only sales guy for a national isp with more than 20 thousand customers. it's a fu cking joke. i have been busting my ass this entire time not only taking all the sales calls but also doing all the email that comes into the sales/info box, maning the sales chat, calling back the online signups, calling back the customers who send in checks for their initial payment, and playing tech/billing as needed which is at least 3 or 4 times per day for each.

this entire time most those in "outside sales" have been ******* off doing absolutely nothing and getting paid for it. there is only one guy that will actually help me when i have 3 lines lit up and waiting to be answered. unfortunately this is also the same guy who is actually outside selling allot of the time so he's not in the office a whole lot.

the worst one out of these guys, jim, has had an interesting pattern since i started there. he was told to start taking sales calls when i started because we had more than enough techs. he kept taking tech calls anyway and got away with it. when the outside sales dept. was created he saw an opportunity to be out of the office allot and just started learning what he needed to know to do that instead of taking either sales or tech calls. he got away with that too. (learning isn't bad but he was getting paid for not doing what was supposed to be his job). after he moved to outside sales he was outside but instead of selling he was riding his brand new motorcycle all day. when the weather got cold he was never outside (selling) but no body seemed to question this because of the important dicks he sucks. durring this time he noticed that the web dept. wasn't getting many websites in so he started learning web design at work. (again . . it's not bad to learn to design but he was getting paid to school himself in an area that had nothing to do with the job he wanted switched to while i was still hammering away at what i was told i had to do) he decided that he would just ignore his responsibilities to learn just enough to be moved to the least worked dept. in the place and got away with it. actually he was learning web design about 40% of the time and messing around with his porn server the rest of the time. at this point everyone knew this but it didn't make a difference beacause of the important dick he sucks.

about 5 months ago the one guy who actually helps me, bryan, lost his office because the owner was scared one of the admins would be leaving if they didn't get one. complete bullsh!t but bryan kept his mouth shut and moved into a cube. recently this same office became available and bryan said he wanted it back. well, bryan had a week vacation scheduled the same time the office became available and jim took it while he was gone. because he had an office our ****-tard owner decided to promote him to director of sales. ******* director. the next resumae he makes up will have director on it while i will have to put phone jockey even though i have been busting my ass the entire time he has done absolutely NOTHING for the company.

so now he's me and bryans boss.

when this first happened he tried to boss me around but i took it as a joke and told him to **** off. in those words. i made it clear that i had been doing my job fine all by my lonesome this entire time hes been doing nothing. he *****ed at me for being a couple minutes late one day (it was his responsibility to cover the phones when i wasn't there so no wonder he was on me about it) so i made it a point to be a couple minutes late every day. after a month or so of this he started only confronting me in front of people i had to listen to. he would take me into his office with a vp there ... or only confront me with an admin. so i had to stop being late which i was ok with. i didn't mind someone else telling me not to be late .. .but i shouldnt/wouldn't have to take orders from that piece of ****.

well, all was well and good until one morning my alarm didn't go off. i came in late and actually apologized to the fu cker. he didn't really say anything until later that day when ed, one of the vps he sucks off, came in. at the very end of the day he called me into the office he stole, with ed there of course, and wrote me up and said i had to work a shift that conflicts with my kungfu schedule for one month. at the end of this month i may be moved back to a schedule which doesn't.

it has taken every thing i have not to beat the sh!t out of this little ******* ever since he got his promotion by stabbing bryan in the back. now it eats away at me 24/7. i'm not saying i'm a badass but i could hand this kid his head ... he knows it and i know it ... thus the presence of the admins/vp whenever he would try to play boss with me.

having a kid and living in a piece of sh!t town i am fu cked. if i beat his a$$ im fu cked. if i walk out of the place i'm fu cked. there is no other place in the area that can pay me what i am making here . .. and even if there were i would fu ck the only job refference i have, that means a sh!t, by doing anything my heart is telling me is right. i have to support my kid so i can't have people calling my previous employer saying i beat the **** out of my last boss or that i abandoned my job.

it's not fu cking right man. and i got the icing on the cake is that after jim tried to bust my balls on icq. he tried to tell me how to do my job and i went off on him. he came up to me later and said that he just didn't want to see me fu ck up because allot of **** was going down and people needed to keep there noses clean. he said that anyone not doing their jobs are going to have fires lit under them. i asked him if he was expecting a bonfire (hehe) and he went on to talk about bryan. saying that bryan hadn't been in the office all day long and he was "asking" to get fired. i asked him if bryan had checked in and he said that he didn't know. after talking with bryan later about all this i learned that he did in fact check in 3 times that day to tell jim about 3 different places he was going to sell T1s. he was outside selling. the only other guy in my dept. actually working is about to get fired because he doesn't suck enough dick.

GOD. .. JESUS FU CKING CHRIST ... i want to make this kid pay ... i want to put his teeth on a fu cking neclace and wear it when i tell his family to fu ck themselves at the hospital he got put in.

i don't know what to do and it makes me want to die sometimes.

on the topic of this post i usually drink or get high to alleviate my rage. it's the only thing that makes me not want to kill people.

i apologize for all the rambeling about my job but i have had a couple beers in me and you asked how everything was going ... there ya go.

where's my beer?

11-20-2001, 08:05 AM
****in hell man, your work situation sounds like hell. Makes me all the more glad that I have a good job here.

Hang in there. Something good will have to come your way soon. Otherwise, go postal :D

Just kidding, don't go postal.

You're fu(king up my chi

11-20-2001, 08:40 AM

This new boss sounds like an insecure little *****. From what you've written it's pretty obvious that you and Bryan are busting your asses just like you said trying to keep the job going and not being appreciated by some guy who's probably still has pimples on his face. :mad:

Sorry, man I have no answers for that kind of crap in life. But I guess I can say I know what it feels like to work for an ugly boss. I've had a couple. One new boss I had at one time condemned a 5 year employee for wanting to take a week off because his MOTHER was in a car accident and needed another kidney or something! She actually accused him of lying to her!
I quit that job, as did a lot of others, leaving her to actually fall apart because she had no more workers to take in her insults. Karma has a way of working in the end. We get what we put in.
Reap what we sow, you know the drill... :p

It sounds like you are really trying to take care of your kid, and that is what is the most important and noble thing. How old is your kid?
I'm not trying to tell you what to do. You have your stress, and you've got to find a way to deal with it. I understand that perfectly. But how often to you get high and drunk to ease that pain?
The only suggestion I might make is to maybe take the time you usually take to get high and instead take your kid to the park or something. :)
I'm sure you probably already do that kind of thing, but since you obviously care so much for your kid, I'm only guessing that being around him also relieves some of that stress around your life. At least I'd hope so. That kind of stress relief can be turned into a lot of usable energy, and you might even be able to discover some out to get out of the hellish job you're in right now.

I'm writing this because I really do care, and I'm not doing it to say "don't smoke pot!" or any other garbage. Honestly, I hope you find a way to better your situation. Sometimes it takes some risks, but you know your life much better than I, so do what you think needs to be done. :)

Anyway, hope things work out.
I know you don't like the emotional crap, so...

I just banged a girl tonight! (well actually no LOL)

Take care,
and good luck, man.



"One who takes pride in shallow knowledge or understanding is like a monkey who delights in adorning itself with garbage."

11-20-2001, 08:49 AM
GDA is fu.cking cool.

What we really need is chicks with a whole new kinda orifice - Fish

Sharky, I should expect this level of immaturity from you after seeing your post titled "Hm." regarding the woman that lives next door to you. I think everyone who unfortuneatly read that post is a bit more ignorant now for doing so. - Spectre

All i wanted was some RICE CAKES! Now? WE MUST BATTLE.

11-20-2001, 08:55 AM
i say that, from the pc lab in uni, at 6:45am, where i have stayed up all night doing a power point presentation about windows xp which i gotta give at 9pm. I can't really see properly cos i haven't slept properly in about 3 years. I think i've had like 20hours sleep in the last week.

I've got a Java exam which i will be failing at 10am, striaght after my presentation. It's worth 20% of my final mark too - which is nice.

The best part is that i have no money to pay tuition fees and if i don't get a thousand pounds by Friday, from " somewhere ", i am no longer a member of this university. Do you know howmany clever but poor kids never goto uni now that the government has taken away the grants and free fees? I am dribbling on the keyboard i am so tired. Go me.

But, at least, i do not have GDA's job. If i could, i'd come over and smoke a fat buddha head ****off fuc.ker with you. But i can't.

Oh well.

What we really need is chicks with a whole new kinda orifice - Fish

Sharky, I should expect this level of immaturity from you after seeing your post titled "Hm." regarding the woman that lives next door to you. I think everyone who unfortuneatly read that post is a bit more ignorant now for doing so. - Spectre

All i wanted was some RICE CAKES! Now? WE MUST BATTLE.

11-20-2001, 11:55 AM
Full respect to you for keeping your head above water in a very difficult situation.
Keep your head up man. :)

11-20-2001, 03:08 PM
i failed really well

What we really need is chicks with a whole new kinda orifice - Fish

Sharky, I should expect this level of immaturity from you after seeing your post titled "Hm." regarding the woman that lives next door to you. I think everyone who unfortuneatly read that post is a bit more ignorant now for doing so. - Spectre

All i wanted was some RICE CAKES! Now? WE MUST BATTLE.

11-20-2001, 04:30 PM
GDA, you didn't ask for it, but I'm going to give you a little advice. It has served me very well.

No matter what your job is, you only have one job, that is: to make your boss look good. That's your job, to make your boss look good.


If you pr!ck us, do we not bleed? If you poison us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge? If we are like you in the rest, we will resemble you in that the villany you teach me, I will execute, and it shall go hard but I will better the instruction. MOV

11-20-2001, 04:54 PM
You wouldn't happen to be from NYC would you?

If so, maybe I can talk to a few a people to see if they can hook you up.

Trust GDA your not in this alone. There are plenty of us in the same struggle, just keep that head up and don't let that bast*rd get to you.

If your in NY, holla!!! I got you on a fatty of some really nice dro.


Yo Dogs ya bes chill
Cause I flip like sifu Gary and his Yau Kung Mun click, wit two kicks and three pheonix fists
Trust dukes
your gonna split from the ging running through the wrist.

wisdom mind
11-20-2001, 06:28 PM
watch them bogartin foolz with vacuum lungz lol

11-20-2001, 06:32 PM
Dogs, i sent you a e-mail. Check it out and holla!!!


Yo Dogs ya bes chill
Cause I flip like sifu Gary and his Yau Kung Mun click, wit two kicks and three pheonix fists
Trust dukes
your gonna split from the ging running through the wrist.

Water Dragon
11-20-2001, 07:20 PM
Yo Buby, how's post-911 been treatin' y'all over there. A little scarce I'm presuming.

11-28-2001, 01:07 AM
but nothing's good in excess. Be careful.
reactions vary from person to person. Thus blanket legislation is misguided (and for other reasons).
Drug war means profits/jobs. Death and war for poor colombians, mexicans, et al. Those in power do not care. Inner city folk are kept from opportunities. Availability is never threatened. The governments are for all of this.
A true tragedy.
Let's all turn ourselves into the nearest police station. There are at least 50 million of us in the US. Laws would change tomorrow.

The world is full of self-propagating entrenched interests - people in power trying to stay in power, and feeling self-rightous about it. Power to the people! Arise, awake! Stop paying your taxes! Stop voting! Stop providing a mandate and funds to those in power! Excersize control over your government! (The word "your" is used loosely here)

If only we could motivate the masses...

Not that I'm perfect in these things, but I know what's right.


KC Elbows
11-28-2001, 01:10 AM

I just turned myself in, and none of you other people were there. That's it, I'm joining the conspiracy. I'll get back at you people. Next, we'll make mullets a class 1 felony. :D