View Full Version : OT: Someone who knows about speakers, help me out please :)

11-17-2001, 09:06 AM
Hey, so right now in my dorm room I've got Alten Lansing speakers and subwoofer system set up. They're the normal ones that you can upgrade to when you get a dell computer. It's like a 30W 3 or 4" subwoofer.

So on eBay, I see these (http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1296435197). Now, I don't know anything about speakers, but 1000 watts, holy shìt! For $32, they probably suck which is why I'm assuming there's something I don't realize here.

Are these a good deal or do they suck balls? Is 1000W too much for a 5" subwoofer? Someone explain it to me please.



11-17-2001, 12:43 PM
always look at the RMS (Root Mean Square) value and not the PMPO. The PMPO may last all but 0.1ms. Really not a good indication of continuous operation.

11-17-2001, 02:25 PM
Dont worry about the watts
As someone just said RMS is a much better bet.
My speakers are a set of Creative fps digital2000 and are quite good speakers
the four sats are 7rms each!
Low wats doesnt mean anything its just how load in theory they COULD go.
RMS is what output they start to distort at.
My speakers at half way blow the games off my bookshelfs.
Altec make great speakers if your happy i would stick with them if not look for a set that have a wooden sub and a good reputation.
For pc speakers size and output dont mean much
you only sit RIGHT next to them anyway.

you cant win all the time but you cant always lose either...

11-17-2001, 07:21 PM
Yeah, but I wanna be able to bump it :)

My speakers right now are actually pretty good, I can get the floor to shake a bit, I just want a bit more :)

Thanks for the replies.


11-17-2001, 11:49 PM
ill explain to you in simple mans terms as i dont quite get it technically :D

when you look at speakers there 2 wattage numbers one is pmpo and one is rms , usually rms says rms pmpo doesnt.

rms is the true indication of how much blast youll have. so take the big number and divide it by 3 or 4 or there abouts and you have the real rms, like my woofer in the car is 500 watts pmpo and its 150 rms , my speakers are 150 pmpo and 50 rms.

sooo thats like a good way to look at it basically dotn get duped by what most dudes do.

(ps i could be tottaly wrong but i havent doen badly for the past 10 years using this divide by 3 or 4 method)

what do bin laden and general custer have in common????
They're both wondering where the fu(k all of those tomahawks are coming from. - donated by mojo