View Full Version : Martial arts movie on TBS the super station!

Nich Gunn
11-18-2001, 02:32 AM
It is a brand new movie. It looks reallly cool and is on next on tbs.
On tbs right after letahl weapon 4.

11-18-2001, 02:34 AM
It's called "Invincible". I'll take a look at it, I guess.

K. Mark Hoover

11-18-2001, 03:22 AM
is it still on?

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Nich Gunn
11-18-2001, 04:15 AM
yea it just started

11-18-2001, 04:50 AM
i cant watch any more, its to ****ty

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Kung Lek
11-18-2001, 05:09 AM
well? what did you all think?


Kung Lek

Martial Arts Links (http://members.home.net/kunglek)

Jeff Liboiron
11-18-2001, 05:12 AM
That was complete CRAP!!!!!!!!!!! what the hell was Jet Li thinking?

Never have strobe lights in a fight scene, not to mention all those other ****ty ass effects. The only thing good about this movie was Billy Zanes one liners.

What a piece of ****!!

The object is not to hurt someone else, but to stop them from hurting you

Sam Wiley
11-18-2001, 05:14 AM
I'm on my way to the toilet to throw up, this movie disgusted me so much. I told my roommate that it was not a Highlander rip off, and then called him into the room to see the Highlander sword with the dragon head ground off the end. Talk about feeling like an ass. Except for one scene, that movie blew chunks.

And that scene was when he and the collector were on the beach and he told the collector to give his best to the Dalai Lama, that they'd had their differences in the past but now he understood where his holiness is coming from, or something like that. A bit profound if you read a little into it, but maybe I'm imagining things there.

Anyway, not worth the second showing. Hell, not even worth the first.

Excuse me, I have to pray to the porcelain god now.


Dragon Spirit
11-18-2001, 05:24 AM
welp gotta say, i like the fight scenes, story line was oooook but the movie would have been better if jett was in it.

"I've been told a person should fight if there strong. I'm not strong, thats why I fight. I fight with myself, against myself." -The Dragon-

11-18-2001, 05:24 AM
That was horrible. I can't believe Jet Li would sign his name to that, how embarrassing for him.

11-18-2001, 05:28 AM
One of the things about the storyline one must take into account is that Jet li believes that you cannot win someone over by merely fighting them, you have to show them love and compassion. This is stated on his website many times over...

As for the quality of the fight scenes, some were better some were worse, remember its a made for tv movie that was made with people who learned martial arts during the making (except for the asian guy)...but cmon people...if you could make a better movie, then why dont you do it?

Take it for what it is, and nothing more. Its just a movie. The message behind is what should be important. (although I have to admit some of it was very corny, and even I felt stupid watching it...thank god I was alone)

"From one thing know ten thousand" - Miyomato Musashi, Book of five rings

MonkeySlap Too
11-18-2001, 07:51 AM
Wow. There were elements that could have been REALLY great, but


Dagnabit. Justice League was better. Shat, did I just admit to watching that? I, uh was watching it with for my blind dog....

"Poor is the pupil who
does not surpass his
master" - Leonardo Da

Chang Style Novice
11-18-2001, 04:48 PM
I watched Justice League, Monkeyslap. I even recorded it for the archives. Nice character design on the shapeshifter aliens, I thought, especially the "War of the Worlds" tribute with the tripod walkers. Good characterization for the main players, too. Saw the 'twist' about the dovish senator being a mole coming miles away, though, and there seemed to be pacing problems.

Yrs truly-
Cartoon geek

I am the Grand Ultimate Silk Pyjama

11-18-2001, 05:09 PM
no me gusta!!!

Justice League was good though! :D

In mildness is the strength of steel

11-18-2001, 05:14 PM
Yes, Invincible was terrible.

Billy Zane commited every single major error when doing on screen kung fu, and you could see when they inserted stuntdoubles (his stunt double had a goatee for cryin out loud!).


11-18-2001, 05:57 PM
Yep, pretty bad. You know you're in big trouble when the movie begins with a five minute block of exposition to explain what's going on. It was a "Matrix" rip-off on characterization and special effects, even down to the soundtrack! (And I'm no huge fan of the Matrix, either) Embarrassing, and the martial arts were simply awful.

It was as bad as they come, but about what you have to expect from a made-for-TV movie--especially a TBS-made-for-TV-movie! Ted Turner ought to be shot.

This was badly written, badly directed, badly produced, badly acted. In other words, typical for television. I am now putting Nich Gunn (the person who alerted me to this movie by posting this thread) on my sh*t list. I WASTED 2 HOURS OF MY LIFE watching this monkey-puke of a movie!

Budokan wants revenge...

K. Mark Hoover

11-18-2001, 06:41 PM
I liked it. I could see Mel Gibson's contributions as well as Jet's. It had a positive ring to it. But for people completely selfish and devoid of though like most people, the buddist philosophy was good. the kung fu wasn't the best, plenty of wushu applications that don't work, but that one guy was an awesome kicker. Franky I think its cool that Mel collaberated with Jet Li. I bet they had lots of fun making it. I enjoyed watching it more than anything else on TV. At least it wasn't kane or a bruce lee rip off. Also characters like the white warrior were very chinese a la "a ghost story" Bringing them into the light was kind of star wars, and I didn't get why they would have a missing element. Ah well. It was good. Better than highlander series, I liked the good and evil guy hanging out and testing those guys. It was very "Job" and archetypal. You guys will never be pleased, wannabee posers, the lot of ya. What exactly did you expect? Are you never content?

11-18-2001, 06:43 PM
I like Zane but his character in this creeped me out. He kept smiling like he had a ******** in his shorts.

Rogue, Soke and Senior Grandmaster of Southeast American Brazillian Bagua Combat Chi jitsu Kempo Karate Do and Choral Society.

The only tactical principle which is not subject to change; it is, “To use the means at hand to inflict the maximum amount of wounds, death, and destruction on the enemy in the minimum amount of time."

11-18-2001, 06:44 PM
Highlander was better...more ORIGINAL STORYLINE.


11-18-2001, 06:48 PM
no storyline is original. The matrix is about Jesus christ.

11-18-2001, 07:08 PM
vib rator is a forbidden word?
Also how do we get the movie industry to stop with the wire work?

Rogue, Soke and Senior Grandmaster of Southeast American Brazillian Bagua Combat Chi jitsu Kempo Karate Do and Choral Society.

The only tactical principle which is not subject to change; it is,

Chang Style Novice
11-18-2001, 07:14 PM
Wirework is pretty bad, but even more important is bringing back the tracking shot. No more quick-cut closeups! You know if you make a martial arts movie, you should at least show some martial arts, even if they are fake.

I am the Grand Ultimate Silk Pyjama

KC Elbows
11-18-2001, 08:15 PM
Guys, if you ever want a decent kung fu tv show, it'll come out of a flawed pilot, just like all other tv shows. IF the show gets picked up, the actors will become more proficient with their kung fu, the writers will have to work in more, etc. However, this is a tv show, and tv, by default, is shallow. In fact, the end(turn the villain to your side instead of killing/beating him) is more inventive than most tv. The fighting was very good FOR A TV PILOT, I didn't like them writing out Billy Zane's character at the end, but what can I do?

The missing fifth element is, I assume, a part of a future plot, but for a TV pilot, it was quite good. I suggest you guys watch some of the pilots for shows you like sometime. X-File's pilot is utter trash, little better than Friday the 13th the series, and you'll find this true across the boards.

It has potential, but it is TV, and a pilot at that. I must say, however, that the female element needs to get more athletic, or they should get a more athletic actress to play her, as she's just not kung fu enough.

As far as ripping off Highlander or Matrix, Matrix ripped off its stylistic elements from Hong Kong flics and Chow Yun Fat(sp?) flicks, and Highlander is an idea taken straight from the biblical fate of the progeny of Cain. However, TV does suck, so I understand the dislike of the pilot, but it is a pilot, it is TV, and if you don't like crappy entertainment, then perhaps TV isn't the media for you. :D

City, your toast will never go unbuttered again! -The Tic

MonkeySlap Too
11-18-2001, 08:29 PM
Yeah JL worked pretty good. I was hoping for just a tad more oomph in the characterizations (like Batman Adventures had and Grant Morrison proved you could pull off in team books like Doom Patrol and JLA)

Bruce Timm has a knack for pulling the right archetypal stuff out, making it 'safe' for kids and still pleaseing our inner geek.

I agree about the pacing problems, but hopefully they'll pull through that. It's going to be different pacing a team story - I dug the Gardner Fox style pacing - a real tip of the hat to the past, but at the same time really clunky.

--Just digesting my child within.

"Poor is the pupil who
does not surpass his
master" - Leonardo Da

Nich Gunn
11-18-2001, 10:57 PM
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Budokan:
I am now putting Nich Gunn (the person who alerted me to this movie by posting this thread) on my sh*t list. I WASTED 2 HOURS OF MY LIFE watching this monkey-puke of a movie!

Budokan wants revenge...

K. Mark Hoover[/quote]

You do realize you could have changed the channel right?

Sam Wiley
11-19-2001, 12:31 AM
Not to burst your bubble, but I don't think that fifth element is going to sho anywhere in any series...because Billy Zane said he killed him at one point in the movie when he's explaining the other four people's destiny...of course they DID bring back that one guy with magic.

I don't know, though, I can't really see a show based on this.


KC Elbows
11-19-2001, 12:36 AM
No bubble burst here. They left a dangling plot element, and, predictable as TV is, they will undoubtedly fall back to that plot element in the future, assuming the show is picked up. The element would be wood, correct? Perhaps a kung fu adult film star? :D

City, your toast will never go unbuttered again! -The Tic

KC Elbows
11-19-2001, 12:40 AM
However, I do feel the type of storyline they set up is somewhat limiting. Billy Zane is gone, and the four just what, wander around looking for people to enlighten? Doesn't take much wandering, and less kung fu. Basically a super hero group who does kung fu.

Still, right now, I don't see any better options for some TV kung fu, and this one actually manages to fit in buddhism as central to the plot.

Here's a question: What shows do you guys watch, and what defines them as being better than monkey dung?

City, your toast will never go unbuttered again! -The Tic

Kung Lek
11-19-2001, 12:42 AM
Where did they get the cosmological elements from was my question.

Chinese has the elements of :


They had the elements


and an undescribed 5th element which I can only assume would be wood and where did air come from and what happend to earth? Are these Japanese elementals?
It was a hodge podge of superficial cosmoligy.

I've always been a proponent of peace and love as weapons. Ever since I read the art of war, where Sun Tzu clearly states:
"The best way to defeat your enemy is to make him your friend"

Totally makes sense to me.

Good line in the show "Can we go have a beer now?" hahahahahaha.

It was fun, take it for what it is. There is almost never any "good" martial arts on film. Good martial arts don't have the flair required to be entertaining. They are in fact quite "dull" to watch. To rapid and to the point.


Kung Lek

Martial Arts Links (http://members.home.net/kunglek)

KC Elbows
11-19-2001, 12:56 AM
I thought the guy who was metal(the asian guy) was pretty good, seemed to be a warrior. The woman, and I commented on this before, was not good enough. The australian guy was passable, and the guy who was fire did a decent job in performing the fight choreography.

The element thing was kind of strange. I'm not sure why they went that way, but its TV, and so synonomous with poop. I can't think of a show that doesn't fulfill this relation, even my favorites. X-Files? Well let's see, they're obviously making conspiracy upon conspiracy off the cuff and trying to tie them all together, but there's no real continuity and the main characters behave according to a furmula that does not change from episode to episode, so yes, poop.

Hell, I can't think of any other TV fiction I like, other than the Tic, and that is true culture, clearly above TV both intellectually and spiritually. :D

City, your toast will never go unbuttered again! -The Tic

11-19-2001, 02:42 AM
Sorry, but I'm not capable of that movement you speak of.

K. Mark Hoover

11-19-2001, 03:05 AM
Chinese theory had the 5 elements (earth, metal, fire, water, wood), western/european/anglo theory had the four elements (earth, air, fire, water). Maybe they decided to use a hodge-podge of the two? :)

You're fu(king up my chi

11-19-2001, 03:12 AM
They started with wushu hsing I and tai chi, then went on, they changed the 5 elements so that they won't work. Another controling factor of the PRC. Jet Li learned from them and passed it on to popular culture.

KC Elbows
11-19-2001, 05:13 AM
Did they use weather balloons to control the weather?

City, your toast will never go unbuttered again! -The Tic

Nich Gunn
11-19-2001, 05:44 PM
Maybe this show will turn into captain planet?/


11-19-2001, 09:32 PM
LOL! that was funny!


Sam Wiley
11-20-2001, 04:59 AM
Shows we watch and reasons for them being better than monkey poop...

Well, I don't watch a lot of TV anymore. There's not a lot that interests me being made right now. You know, it's because of that, that I started writing my own stuff. Maybe when it's done I can have it produced. I just picture the ideas being made as short films, though, not television shows.


Kung Lek
11-20-2001, 05:05 AM
sam, a small tip. heard this from a film maker once in regards to short films.

"a short film is a single idea, fully explored"

so no subplots or heavy twists or layers in a short, just one idea, fully explored. Kinda like a kung fu move :)


Kung Lek

Martial Arts Links (http://members.home.net/kunglek)

Sam Wiley
11-20-2001, 06:24 AM
For at least one of the stories I am working on, that idea is profoundly helpful.

"...a single idea, fully explored..."

I like that.

Thanx, man. :)


Fei Hou
11-20-2001, 06:40 AM
Advertising ......... with flying guys swinging swords of light, 2 famouse co-producers and Ta Daaaaaaaaa you have every sword loving martial artinst in the country tuned in to watch the bigest bomb ever. What a loooooooser!!
And what was up with Zane? Was he trying to pull of a version of Crotchless Tiger -Hidden DragQueen with the eyeliner?
And the Elements, he actually called them that!! Sounds like a group from the 60's. A real insult to anyone that knows about Flow of Qi cycles . Air? Well Ohh Kaaaaay... she was alright for a Dancer... As far a s I know the 5 are Fire, Earth,Metal,Water,and Wood.
I howled at the New Age tie in as well .. Check out the symbol in the pool. http://www.floweroflife.org/folsymbol.htm
They hit every angle in this one. Phewwwwww it hurts.
I do not have to mention the sword forms right?
Nuff Said.

null :(

Rash words are like sword thrusts, but the words of the wise bring healing.