View Full Version : Stances and qi....and some randomness

11-03-2001, 03:24 PM
someone posted on this and i can't find the original post to comment on, so i'm starting a new thread.....
the original thread asked something along the lines of 'how do stances build qi?'
here's my input on this one....

i don't think stances really build or increase qi.
i think the amount of qi is regulated by food, respiration and overall health of the body.

stances are a distillation process. the heat of working out and the body structure serves to distill and refine qi, as well as reinforcing meridian flow.

the more you distill it, the more potent it becomes. like hi octane vs low octane fuel.

stances also serve the same purpose as the harder qigong routines [neigong is the correct term i think???] they build up back pressure and when it is released [stance work is over], the qi comes rushing out in a forceful manner, clearing out blockages etc. like when you have a garden hose with a kink in it. water dribbles out. then when the kink is released, it sprays furiously.

randomness ensues.


i think one of the major aspects of qi that seems to be overlooked often - the overall health of the person.
by definition, qi is vital force or energy.
if a person is unhealthy, physically or mentally, their qi will not be 100%.
this includes blood circulation, nervous system, digestion, lymphatic system, the shebang.

it's also 8 am and i haven't been to sleep yet, so i'm rambling and pretty much have no point what so ever. bear with me. i'll be better once i work out.

does anyone have a link to pics of the lymphatic system?

as i was working out yesterday i started thinking about how the lymphatic system is only circulated by gravity and was wondering what i was moving where with these workouts.

and just for the record. my iron body does not involve someone else hitting me with a stick.
that's called 'getting beat up'.

also. this is kind of neat. or something. one of the techniques i practice involves forearm smashing, ala hammerfist, into the open palm of the other hand. during one of my reps yesterday, it smacked so loud it made my ear start ringing. heh heh.

also also. how many of you have a small collection of techniques that you practice consistently?
i do. it's mostly techniques that i've pulled from the forms i've learned and the remainder are various ones i've learned in class.

also wik. i don't have anything else to say, but i wanted to get 'also wik' in there so i could complete the monty python reference.

thanks for listening.

wait i'm not done.

just kidding. yes, i'm done.
