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View Full Version : Street CLF videos.

03-22-2014, 02:06 PM
Hi i was looking other thing, and ended on this kind of videos on youtube:


We here do San Shou, but if you look at it, is really CLF downgraded to Kick Boxing, with some throws.
What i liked of this videos from Wing Chun, is that they use their Kung Fu style on a real application:
Do you know videos like these, but from CLF? or some Chinese site, or videos on youku, that show martial artists fighting on the street?


03-23-2014, 10:52 PM
This makes me wonder if any kung Fu works at all in the streets or the boxing ring .

03-23-2014, 10:54 PM
that has nothing to do with Choy lee fut at all

03-23-2014, 10:55 PM
This makes me wonder if any kung Fu works at all in the streets or the boxing ring .

CLF always does well in the ring or the street. proven time and time again.

03-24-2014, 04:15 AM
What i liked of this videos from Wing Chun, is that they use their Kung Fu style on a real application:

I see a guy posing a guard he learned in class and then very quickly degenerating into instinctual chaos. It shows he either doesn't frequently pressure test his skills, or he lacks incremental training at levels of pressure he can handle- and against unfamiliar techniques. Even against a lousy fighter, this pressure is too much for him. He's not using his style in real application. This is just instinctual fighting.

By the way, what is so low-grade about kickboxing with some throws? That's basically da, ti, shuai. If you can do that while handling the pressure, it's already far better than what is seen in this video.

03-24-2014, 09:28 AM
By the way, what is so low-grade about kickboxing with some throws? That's basically da, ti, shuai. If you can do that while handling the pressure, it's already far better than what is seen in this video.

bravo! Bravo! and to think I never thought we'd agree.....

03-24-2014, 03:30 PM
I see a guy posing a guard he learned in class and then very quickly degenerating into instinctual chaos. It shows he either doesn't frequently pressure test his skills, or he lacks incremental training at levels of pressure he can handle- and against unfamiliar techniques. Even against a lousy fighter, this pressure is too much for him. He's not using his style in real application. This is just instinctual fighting.

By the way, what is so low-grade about kickboxing with some throws? That's basically da, ti, shuai. If you can do that while handling the pressure, it's already far better than what is seen in this video.

Dont know much about Wing Chun, so cant argue if what he is doing is wrong or not, in the videos it says he practiced only 3 months.
What i mean with kick boxing, is that it takes off all its kung fu form.

04-02-2014, 03:27 PM
wing chun is designed for people who are not built to high kick. if you have the potential for good kicks and you don't use it, you are wasting your ability.