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View Full Version : Wing chun blast is back...

04-08-2014, 07:10 PM

04-10-2014, 03:18 AM

Anyone a fan?

Almost A Ghost
04-12-2014, 04:07 PM
Danny Horgan is to Wing Chun like Rachel Rey is to cooking.

04-12-2014, 08:13 PM
Anyone a fan?

Not me!

04-13-2014, 04:39 AM
He may not have much formal training, but he fights with what he does, which is more than many of his detractors can say.
It's amusing how silly he makes the "masters" look when the talking is over.

Almost A Ghost
04-13-2014, 03:18 PM
This video alone illustrates what's wrong with Danny and his series:


04-14-2014, 12:55 AM
Hilarious! :D Something tells me Danny is doing this for his own amusement. The look on his face...

Seems this guy wasn't willing to do anything with Danny like the others, or probably threatened to sue if he posted the aftermath. Seems like that type of place.

04-14-2014, 10:20 AM
[QUOTE=LFJ;1265186]Hilarious! :D Something tells me Danny is doing this for his own amusement. The look on his face...QUOTE]

I don't get it. Why did Steven Segal change his name? Anyway, I really liked the paired belly dancing at the end.

04-14-2014, 12:40 PM
It's amusing how silly he makes the "masters" look when the talking is over.[/QUOTE]

This is the interesting thing about this series. So far everyone he has sparred a bit with has shown that for all their theories, talk, and purported mastery not one has actually been able to use their wing chun effectively . That holds for their chi sau and sparring.

That makes me wonder how many of us would fair the same. We think we know what we are doing and can actually do it but can we. Even though I am approaching 55 i would enjoy the chance to go a couple of minutes with Danny or Sean Obasi just for the pure fun and to be sure I haven't smoked to much of my own BS.

04-14-2014, 03:44 PM
... Even though I am approaching 55 i would enjoy the chance to go a couple of minutes with Danny or Sean Obasi just for the pure fun and to be sure I haven't smoked to much of my own BS.

Go for it Hunter, then post a clip. At nearly 55 you don't have to prove anything, but it would be interesting to see how it turns out. And, since unlike a certain other guy who used to post here, you've never come across as arrogant or delusional, we'd all be rooting for you.

Ali. R
04-14-2014, 04:02 PM
Then, here’s a demo (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=odP1e37lbXA)that I’m sure you guys would approve of, cameo by Bill Wallace.

Take care,

04-14-2014, 09:57 PM
That makes me wonder how many of us would fair the same. We think we know what we are doing and can actually do it but can we. Even though I am approaching 55 i would enjoy the chance to go a couple of minutes with Danny or Sean Obasi just for the pure fun and to be sure I haven't smoked to much of my own BS.

The question to ask is whether or not we are regularly sparring, not just playing chi-sau; and against not just our classmates and/or students.

That's the big difference. These guys obviously don't do hard sparring or they'd know their theories don't work. Danny, on the other hand, doesn't even have much formal training but sparring is his thing. So no wonder he can handle these guys. Against well trained folks who spar often, I'm sure he wouldn't fair so well. But this is all that's needed to easily dispatch these masters of the gab.

04-15-2014, 04:23 AM
The question to ask is whether or not we are regularly sparring, not just playing chi-sau; and against not just our classmates and/or students.

That's the big difference. These guys obviously don't do hard sparring or they'd know their theories don't work. Danny, on the other hand, doesn't even have much formal training but sparring is his thing. So no wonder he can handle these guys. Against well trained folks who spar often, I'm sure he wouldn't fair so well. But this is all that's needed to easily dispatch these masters of the gab.

Yes yes yes exactly right. The question really is are you already doing it? If you are then you will be able to do it. If you aren't then you won't. It is really that simple. Realistic skill comes from realistic training.

04-15-2014, 04:40 AM
Yes yes yes exactly right. The question really is are you already doing it? If you are then you will be able to do it. If you aren't then you won't. It is really that simple. Realistic skill comes from realistic training.

It looks like the new series has a more sparing approach. Should be interesting. Anyone know who it will feature?

04-15-2014, 05:05 AM
Anyone know who it will feature?

KG? Obasi? :D

If he's running around the States, he should go to someone like Gary Lam, or someone of a bit higher caliber than a Youtube celebrity or small Hicktown master.

Ali. R
04-15-2014, 05:20 AM
It looks like the new series has a more sparing approach. Should be interesting. Anyone know who it will feature?

Not them, and that's for sure. I was told over a half dozen times, that my sparring clips don't count, because I would have to fight a pro if I do. Now,,, I'm told not to post any more clips. When I say something, I produce, and anyone that knows me here on this forum knows I'm speaking the truth. And that's something I'm sure some of you would love to keep hidden.

Take care,

04-15-2014, 07:35 AM
Not them, and that's for sure. I was told over a half dozen times, that my sparring clips don't count, because I would have to fight a pro if I do. Now,,, I'm told not to post any more clips. When I say something, I produce, and anyone that knows me here on this forum knows I'm speaking the truth. And that's something I'm sure some of you would love to keep hidden.

Take care,

What sparring clips are you referring to? I visited your YouTube page and did not see any. I don't know who is saying you have to fight a pro. In sparring the level of your skill is the level you perform at or to put it another way is the level of resistance you can deal with. Resistance depends on the intensity of the sparring and how good your opponent is. No one is going to be able to handle a pro unless they are consistently sparring with pros or top amateurs. The thing about sparring is that you need to continually and regularly do it to keep your skills alive. To continually and regularly spar you have to be in very good physical condition that's why people who do spar regularly and continually put in much much much more conditioning time than anything else. When you do not see the conditioning you know the skill isn't there. That's the truth.

Ali. R
04-15-2014, 07:49 AM
What sparring clips are you referring to? I visited your YouTube page and did not see any. I don't know who is saying you have to fight a pro. In sparring the level of your skill is the level you perform at or to put it another way is the level of resistance you can deal with.

See, you’re a junior, I’ve been on this forum for almost 20 years and this was way before your time. And it was coming from people just like you; that wrote the same and talked the same as you.
And the only person on this forum that would question that,,,,,,, is you.

Take care,

Almost A Ghost
04-15-2014, 08:09 AM
KG? Obasi? :D

If he's running around the States, he should go to someone like Gary Lam, or someone of a bit higher caliber than a Youtube celebrity or small Hicktown master.

Could not agree more.

04-15-2014, 08:18 AM
See, you’re a junior, I’ve been on this forum for almost 20 years and this was way before your time. And it was coming from people just like you; that wrote the same and talked the same as you.
And the only person on this forum that would question that,,,,,,, is you.

Take care,

Oh I do not think I am the only sensible person on this forum.

Ali. R
04-15-2014, 08:39 AM
Oh I do not think I am the only sensible person on this forum.

You mean, sensible in a way that; what I'm saying never happened?

Like I said, only you.

04-15-2014, 08:57 AM
KG? Obasi? :D

If he's running around the States, he should go to someone like Gary Lam, or someone of a bit higher caliber than a Youtube celebrity or small Hicktown master.

Big time masters probably don't want the potential beating:) To be fair he gave Izzo and Jin Young a hard time and destroyed the destroyed the others...

04-15-2014, 09:09 AM
KG? Obasi? :D

For Obassi he would have to put on 60lbs and learn wrestling...

04-15-2014, 09:10 AM
That's my point. Izzo and Jin are YT celebrities to an audience of noobs. That's the only reason people know of them in the WC world. Danny should seek out folks who have reputations for their skills, not their view counts.

04-15-2014, 09:35 AM
See, you’re a junior, I’ve been on this forum for almost 20 years and this was way before your time. And it was coming from people just like you; that wrote the same and talked the same as you.
And the only person on this forum that would question that,,,,,,, is you.

Take care,

I'll back Ali up. He did post clips in the past. But see this whole "you have to be sparring to be training realistically"....is cr@p. Ali puts up sparring videos and then the naysayers will just say...."well, you were sparring scrubs so it doesn't really mean anything" or "you were sparring fellow WCK people or friends and not people from another style so it doesn't mean anything"....which by logical progression would eventually become "you weren't facing a trained MMA fighter/thai boxer/western boxer so it doesn't mean anything." Its seems kind of odd that the guy that talks about being "sensible" here has never posted any sparring videos, doesn't it? ;)

04-15-2014, 11:53 AM
I'll back Ali up. He did post clips in the past. But see this whole "you have to be sparring to be training realistically"....is cr@p. Ali puts up sparring videos and then the naysayers will just say...."well, you were sparring scrubs so it doesn't really mean anything" or "you were sparring fellow WCK people or friends and not people from another style so it doesn't mean anything"....which by logical progression would eventually become "you weren't facing a trained MMA fighter/thai boxer/western boxer so it doesn't mean anything." Its seems kind of odd that the guy that talks about being "sensible" here has never posted any sparring videos, doesn't it? ;)

Look nothing personal but I did not see any sparring videos. I guess he removed them from YouTube. I do not care if he or you or anyone posts sparring videos. The only time this becomes a question is when people say things like I am doing this and making it work or I have the skills and let me emphasize the AND they post lots of videos but none are sparring videos. Remember Kev? Same thing. I do not care if people put up videos or if they don't. I just think if they take the time to make all sorts of videos but never include the sparring they claim to do that is a serious red flag.

I cannot comment on past criticism that I was not a part of. I do know that for sparring to count it does need to be against opponents that give you a go that stretch you so that it is a challenge.

In other words, less this:


And more this:


04-15-2014, 12:16 PM
I'll back Ali up. He did post clips in the past. But see this whole "you have to be sparring to be training realistically"....is cr@p. Ali puts up sparring videos and then the naysayers will just say...."well, you were sparring scrubs so it doesn't really mean anything" or "you were sparring fellow WCK people or friends and not people from another style so it doesn't mean anything"....which by logical progression would eventually become "you weren't facing a trained MMA fighter/thai boxer/western boxer so it doesn't mean anything." Its seems kind of odd that the guy that talks about being "sensible" here has never posted any sparring videos, doesn't it? ;)

I agree with those that would say (in general) that in order to build realistic fight skills you have to make sparring a regular part of your training. And that should include sparring people above your own level for some of that time, as well as those outside of your own circle and style.

I can also see the point that if anyone puts up a clip of themselves sparring against friends or people of obviously much lesser skills that don't have the ability to pressure them to the point that their stuff starts falling apart then yeah, they probably could be sparring better people. Danny puts up clips sparring other people, and I give him credit for his willingness to mix it up with jsut about anyone. But if you watch the clips (yes, I'm armchair QB'g here), you'll see that most his 'opponents' don't have the skill (or the stones) pressure him or to even try one realistic or full power attack on him. Some look like they've never put gloves on before, and a few of these are toted as having 12+ years expeirience in their given arts (not talking about izzo or jin in this list - more the clips where Danny tells someone to take his head off and he'll only go 50%). Now, that's not a slam on Danny's skills or to say he's not skilled, it just means he could clearly up his game on those he spars with and films in his clips imo. And I hope he does, his next season would be a lot more fun to watch!

Nor am I saying Ali doesn't have skill since he was brought up. I can't remember any of Ali's clips of him sparring (other than his chi sau comps), so can't really comment in that regard to say if it's the same as with what I see with Danny or not, or why some might critisize him. To be honest, I think Ali probably does have some pretty serious fight skill - he's been doing his thing a long time and I know the areas he grew up in. And Ali has never had an issue posting up clips of himself - no question there. The point is, posting clips sparring against people obviously a lot lower in skill level than you without the ability to pressure you doesn't carry as much weight except to show you sparred someone that, compared to your skill level, is a scrub. Not sure if Ali fell in that category or not. Maybe he can repost some of those older clips?

Anyway, I give credit to anyone that is willing to post anything up of themselves given how much people shred anything on the net whether it's good or not. The world is full of haters, talkers and armchair QB's. And neither Danny nor Ali are shy about putting their stuff up. In the end, I just don't think it was as Ali is trying to paint it here:

I was told over a half dozen times, that my sparring clips don't count, because I would have to fight a pro if I do. Now,,, I'm told not to post any more clips. When I say something, I produce, and anyone that knows me here on this forum knows I'm speaking the truth. And that's something I'm sure some of you would love to keep hidden.

Maybe people gave their opinions on clips he's posted in the past that Ali didn't like and he's still sore about it? I know he didn't like me giving my differing viewpoint on his latest clip he put up. But, some of what he said above simply is not true as far as I remember. Maybe I missed something, but in the 10 or so years I've been here, I don't remember anyone ever telling Ali "not to post any more clips". Or that 'some of us' want to 'keep hidden' that he's 'speaking the truth'. That's just a bunch of nonsense by either creating something that isn't there, extreme exaggeration, or what some may even view as bordering on paranoid behavior.
IMO of course ;)

04-15-2014, 01:30 PM
I'll back Ali up. He did post clips in the past. But see this whole "you have to be sparring to be training realistically"....is cr@p. [...]

At the risk of incurring Wayfaring's wrath I will say that training wing chun 'traditionally' with minimal sparring, all those skill sets available via drills and chi sau, did put me in good stead when I went to an mma gym for the best part of last year. I enjoy sparring and continue to spar and see so much merit in wing chun, with respects to training regimes to improve my fighting skills. But hey, I train wing chun for other reasons beyond fighting and enjoy the meditative aspects and how it makes me feel.

Ali. R
04-15-2014, 01:42 PM
A good art is like raising a baby or a young child while in development, and once you miss something or show neglect, sometimes things could go seriously wrong (http://youtu.be/Lr7U3HEAFuY) being over aggressive and overbearing, and while refusing to listen or recognize the child or subject at hand.

Take care,

04-15-2014, 02:41 PM
At the risk of incurring Wayfaring's wrath I will say that training wing chun 'traditionally' with minimal sparring, all those skill sets available via drills and chi sau, did put me in good stead when I went to an mma gym for the best part of last year. I enjoy sparring and continue to spar and see so much merit in wing chun, with respects to training regimes to improve my fighting skills. But hey, I train wing chun for other reasons beyond fighting and enjoy the meditative aspects and how it makes me feel.

Yawn. What?

I have many friends who teach and train wing chun traditionally.

They don't incur my wrath.

However, I may spar with them. As when I train I enjoy getting my heart rate up.

Oh and regarding those blast videos - IMO they are some bad imitation of a tv series that went off the air due to lack of viewer interest. And that series had people actually fighting at the end of it vs. these chi sau semi-competitions. So far I would say the videos do not deliver what they promise - haven't seen much "blast" going on, and as far as wing chun goes I haven't seen much of that on those videos either. I would say my opinion is shut it and stay off of video until you don't look like arse sparring.

I also enjoy the meditative aspects of sleep.

04-15-2014, 02:56 PM
A good art is like raising a baby or a young child while in development, and once you miss something or show neglect, sometimes things could go seriously wrong (http://youtu.be/Lr7U3HEAFuY) being over aggressive and overbearing, and while refusing to listen or recognize the child or subject at hand.

Take care,

I remember reading an earlier post of yours, about how you had trained wing chun for over a decade but encountered something and re-trained, starting with SLT and not continuing until it felt right. After training wing chun since 1998 and starting again with SLT within the past two years, I share your sentiment; I realised missed I had missed a lot the first time around.

04-15-2014, 03:03 PM
Yawn. What? [...] I also enjoy the meditative aspects of sleep.

You must have made your post too soon after getting about of bed. Memory; it fades with age they say but personally I think it more to do with how you live your life and the consequences of it. I am sorry that you do not receive the pleasures from the meditative aspects of wing chun like I and others do.

04-15-2014, 03:11 PM
Still don't know who is on the next WC Blast...

04-15-2014, 06:19 PM
Look nothing personal but I did not see any sparring videos.

Twen, remember Ali said this:
See, you’re a junior, I’ve been on this forum for almost 20 years and this was way before your time. And it was coming from people just like you; that wrote the same and talked the same as you.

Its that "way before your time" part that is important here. And the "people just like you" part? Remember in the past I mentioned a guy named Terence Niehoff? Yeah, that's the one! ;)

04-16-2014, 08:38 AM
You must have made your post too soon after getting about of bed. Memory; it fades with age they say but personally I think it more to do with how you live your life and the consequences of it. I am sorry that you do not receive the pleasures from the meditative aspects of wing chun like I and others do.

Yeah well you like to babble a lot and really like to put words in people's mouths. Are you trying to tell us you have Alzheimers or something?