View Full Version : Chinese Wrestling - Single Leg

05-26-2014, 09:23 PM
Chinese wrestling has more than 20 different ways to get your opponent's leading leg. Here is the most basic Chinese wrestling "single leg". No matter what MA style that you may train, this technique should be easily integrated into your system. It's simple to learn and easy to use.

扣 (Kou) - knee seizing


05-26-2014, 09:59 PM
It's a great technique. I'd say if it isn't being taught in a persons MA style then the style shouldn't be called a MA. I like to make it a little more rude by palming/clawing up under the chin or grasping the neck with the pushing hand. Either way, they are usually going down or being opened up for followup striking. Thanks for sharing!

05-26-2014, 10:41 PM
No matter what MA style that you may train, this technique should be easily integrated into your system. It's simple to learn and easy to use.

Easy to muscle the superficial arm and hand motions without knowing how to integrate body motion.

Nice detail at 1:18. He throws with his step, and not with his arms.

Many people that try to integrate TCMA will miss this kind of detail.

05-27-2014, 01:34 PM
How about mixing a little Jiujitsu with a wrestling leg pick... I've crossed trained a little Shuai Jiao and it seems that this is a common setup, but with my mixed bag of tricks it's sometimes hard to remember which style exactly some of my techniques came from.

I agree with N's comment. That's a subtle detail that many wouldn't pick up on.


05-27-2014, 01:59 PM

Of course you can use "single leg' during the clinch. The beauty of the "single leg" is it doesn't require a "full clinch" (it may require "partial clinch - 1 contact point" to set it up). When you are in full clinch (2 contact points as shown in this clip), all throws will work from there.