View Full Version : tounements

norther practitioner
11-20-2001, 09:12 PM
Can anyone tell me if there are any tournies coming up in the next couple of months....chinese, or open styles.

11-20-2001, 09:17 PM
but I don't know where you are so.....

www.shaolindynasty.cjb.net (http://www.shaolindynasty.cjb.net)

norther practitioner
11-20-2001, 09:26 PM
Denver, CO. Just got back the other day from the USAWKF Nationals in San Diego, so I am willing to travel a little. Not quite San Diego again but Utah, New Mexico, Texas, Ok., Kansas, etc.


11-20-2001, 09:27 PM
The Chicago tournament is also a USAWKF event

www.shaolindynasty.cjb.net (http://www.shaolindynasty.cjb.net)