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View Full Version : The Bapai Mountain of Hung Sing Choy Lee Fut and Hung Fut history

08-05-2014, 03:42 PM
The BapaiSan was where Choy Lee Fut's original founder Chan Heung sent Cheung Hung Sing to complete his gung fu training in 1841. In the past, certain Choy Lee Fut figures have made comment that the BapaiSan wasn't real and claimed it was just part of the Fut San Hung Sing Kwoon's mission to twist history. One master said it didn't exist because he couldn't find it. And, the fact that I am the one who discovered where it is, doesn't change the fact that it was never missing. It's actually a part of a very unique set of mountain ranges in southern China.

1) BA PAI MOUNTAIN (EIGHT ROW MOUNTAIN) is a part of a set of unique mountain ranges in Luo Ding.

2) Amongst these mountain ranges Ba Pai San is ranked Fifth among 8 mountain ranges.

3) It's 1080.5 meters above sea level and is the highest of these mountains.

Recently I made a comment that the Bapaisan or "8th Row Mountain" was found in LuoDing, China. I was mistaken. The actual location, which isn't far at all away from LuoDing, is
Pingtang, Qiannan, Guizhou, China. This famous mountain is literally on the outskirts of Guangxi as shown here on Google Earth (below):

https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/t31.0-8/10498036_10152387452512732_1313113429605542243_o.j pg


08-05-2014, 06:21 PM
Nice, historical find!