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08-06-2014, 11:19 PM
BJJ Black Belt’s Point Of View: Why Jiu-Jitsu Is Not Suitable For Street Fighting

Interesting read...Not trying to sway one way other the other, just nice to see a different point of view.

08-09-2014, 09:48 AM
Good to hear from an accomplished black belt.
I have heard it from another black belt BJJ instructor who was formerly a college wrestler.

I agree. One thought about his "where do we turn... Krav Maga?..."
I know this is Kung Fu, not Jew Fu, but the modern path the "art of krav maga" is taking is horrible. I learned about krav from an israeli soldier. It took a while for us to become friends, and he made me pronounce the words krav maga correctly before he would show me anything about it. So here is a bit of what i learned, which is widely unknown in american circles.
Krav Maga is the term Hand to Hand. It is not the "style" of the Israeli Mil. For instance, the us army trains in Hand to hand, the system is Modern Army Combatives. The israeli army trains in hand to hand (close combat=krav maga), the system they use is pronounced Duim-mog.

"Krav Magá" as a belted system is making some folks a lot of money. I went to about 3 krav schools to check them out after learning from my Israeli friend. They had absolutely nothing in common with what i had learned. I just watched 2 different krav based schools here in town to see what they were up to. It has gone down hill alot since 8 years ago. The techniques that they are teaching and focusing on are encouraging people to escalate the situation, and yet will leave them completely helpless once it escalates.

I think BJJ is a poor answer in S.D., but belted "krav magaaaa" is not the solution. It would be like looking at the russian army and saying they are tough like that from Systema. Mirror situation. If you like diagraming:

"Krav Magaaaa": Duim-mog::Systema:Sambo

Except the israeli's dont play

Just a friendly insight

08-12-2014, 02:55 PM
Bjj works just fine for a self defense situation. The issue is that a lot of Bjj schools are moving away from the self defense applications and going for more sport/competition aspects.

This video illustrates things perfectly;


Rickson shows Jake basic Gjj self defense moves, and Jake is absolutely clueless about them. Here you have the difference between old school Jj and new school Jj.