View Full Version : Martial Arts Book Download first 4 Chapters for FREE

08-21-2014, 04:40 AM
Just click the link and you can do a direct download the first 4 chapters of Kirin Rise The Cast of Shadows, no email or setup necessary. The file can be shared with everyone, as the book is set to release
Oct 9th of this year, hard and soft cover as well as e-book format.


Nineteen-year-old Kirin Rise doesn’t look like a hero. Short and scrawny, she’s not the type to strike fear into anyone, much less the brutes that make up the United Federation of Mixed Fighting. Despite her size, she spent her youth secretly training with her Sifu in the art of Wing Chun Gung Fu. What’s more, Kirin has something that many people in 2032 seem to have lost–a conscience. Enraged by government corruption and corporate greed, Kirin sets out to do something about it in the most unlikely place: the weekly bloodbath known as Chum Night. With the guidance of her Sifu and the help of those who love her, she just might survive.

