View Full Version : Common Sections in Yip Man Wooden Dummy

01-26-2015, 06:08 AM
The Yip Man Wooden Dummy form can be different across his many disciples. I read some time ago that everyone usually does the first 3 sections in the same fashion, but it diverges after that. Some say the first half of the form is usually the same across all the lines. What does everyone think?

01-27-2015, 12:16 AM
I think the choreography doesn't matter at all. What's important is how the actions are performed and the interpretation of their purpose. Even with identical choreography all the way through, there can still be great divergence in understanding which can change the outcome of the training.

01-27-2015, 11:45 PM
its small clusters of techniques that are important rather than the overall order - if the techniques in a section are correct it doesn't matter whether it is in section one or four. However, it is said that Yip Man did evolve the dummy form over his life time and so there are some differences, particularly in later sections, depending on the time period a student learnt. Also, various other sifus have done something similar ie they have modified their own versions of the form to try and improve what they teach students. Some have reordered latter sections and even excluded some techniques saying that they felt some were not practical, others say they have added techniques (ie applications of core techniques they don't want students to miss). As always understanding the theory is critical (as well as diligent practice). Hope this is of interest. I am hesitant to name any sifus as examples of modifiers as I don't want to start up a key sao war. ob

02-09-2015, 12:58 PM
I remember looking at videos from other lineages on-line years ago when I first learned the jong. At the time, I thought they were all completely different, unrecognizable.

I looked again last year and didn't feel that way at all. There is a consistency to what is in most everyone's form, it's just not sequence or as someone said, choreography.

02-15-2015, 07:57 PM
I don't think the sequence matters. If your entire wooden dummy embodies all the principles and theories in your set then its complete. The order and the choice of techniques is a personal expression of the art.