View Full Version : Never Grow Up AKA Growing Old Before Growing Up - new autobiography by Jackie Chan

04-06-2015, 02:22 PM
We're due for one as a lot has happened to Jackie since the publication of I am Jackie Chan (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?34799-I-am-Jackie-Chan-my-life-in-action). If this gets an English translation, I'll split it off into its own thread.

Action star Jackie Chan to release book mentioning past affair with Elaine Ng (http://www.straitstimes.com/lifestyle/movies/story/action-star-jackie-chan-release-book-mentioning-past-affair-elaine-ng-2015033)
Published on Mar 31, 2015 5:48 PM

In an autobiography out next month, Jackie Chan revealed that, when scandalous reports came out that Ng was pregnant with his child, he did not know how to approach his wife, former actress Lin Feng-jiao, about it. -- PHOTO: JACKIE CHAN'S WEIBO

Beijing - Jackie Chan says he thought divorce would happen when his affair with actress Elaine Ng became news in 1999.

In an autobiography out next month, the action star revealed that, when scandalous reports came out that Ng was pregnant with his child, he did not know how to approach his wife, former actress Lin Feng-jiao, about it.

"The news reports then were explosive. I wanted to phone (Lin) but I did not know what I should say. There was no way I could explain," he recalls in the book, whose Chinese title translates as Jackie Chan: Never Grow Up, Only Get Older.

"An apology alone would not undo the mistake. Later, I thought - don't explain, just divorce. I committed such a big error. It will definitely be a divorce."

Chan in 1999 later admitted to reporters he had committed a "mistake men around the world will have made". But he remained with Lin who appeared to have forgiven him. Ng gave birth to daughter Etta Ng, who is now 15.

The book is compiled from life stories Chan said he told his friend Zhu Mo, whose job is to follow him around to capture the goings-on in his life and write his Weibo postings.

It was Zhu who suggested putting stories that could not go on Weibo into a book. The three-year effort will be published in April when Chan turns 61.

The book also talks about his parents, Lin, their son Jaycee and his rumoured old love, the late singer Teresa Teng.

On Jaycee, who served time for a drug offence in Beijing this year, Chan says he also made mistakes in his youth but one just needs to turn over a new leaf.

"After that, you should become like a real man, and stand strong by yourself to face all that you need to face," he says in the book.

The multi-millionaire also mentions his antiques and other precious collectibles stored in eight warehouses, some of which he has donated. He says his son does not want any of them, except for a painting by Chinese painter Xu Beihong.

On Weibo last week, Chan, who grew up training in martial arts and Beijing opera, said he could not believe he could write a book because of his background.

"I'm not good with words and am often misunderstood. Rather than let others talk about my past, why not say it myself, so that people can find the real me through the book," he said.

04-09-2015, 08:22 AM
Hopefully an English translation will follow...:)

Jackie Chan tells (almost) all at launch event of new book (http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/entertainment/jackie-chan-tells-almost/1771896.html)
POSTED: 09 Apr 2015 10:24
UPDATED: 09 Apr 2015 10:56

Jackie Chan reveals that he had done many things that he is not proud of, at the launch of his book in Beijing.

BEIJING: Action superstar Jackie Chan gave numerous insights into his past, when he attended the launch of his new book, titled Growing Old Before Growing Up, in Beijing on Tuesday (Apr 7), reported Chinese media.

Some snippets of information that Chan shared at the event:


Chan had said he only married Joan Lin because she was pregnant with his child. When asked if it was truly the case at the launch event, the actor quickly replied: “Yes, that is exactly right”.

“At the time, I had a lot of girlfriends, and I was picking the best one,” said Chan, adding that he picked Lin “because she got along with my buddies”.

Chan also said he had asked Lin to give birth to the child at the time, but actually hoped she would turn him down. But they held a shotgun wedding in the end.


Chan said that he felt “forced into marriage” with Lin after she got pregnant with their son Jaycee back then, so he tried to find ways to get Lin to leave him.

“I didn’t trust women in the past. I was afraid they would cheat me of my money. When she was in the US and I was in Hong Kong, I would give her money each day. I would only give her this much money and even tried to think of ways to get a divorce, so that she would not get a cent from me after our separation. I was that bad,” he said.

The 61-year-old actor said he realised he had misjudged her as he got to know her better, and was impressed by her devotion.


Chan revealed that he was wealthy and arrogant in his younger days, and did things which he is not proud of.

“Who doesn’t make mistakes? Young people all make mistakes. It is just that I was lucky in those days. If there were paparazzi back then, and the media was as pervasive as it is today, I would already be jailed for life by now,” said Chan.

“Our crimes were too great – we scratched cars, stole people’s car tyres … threw dog excrement at people’s houses while they were asleep. We did too many bad things. Crashing cars when we were drunk. In those days, we would punch reporters once for every photo they dared to take. Those reporters quickly ran away. We wouldn’t dare do that now!”


Although he does many of his own stunts in his films, Chan said that he actually avoids taking unnecessary risks outside of filming.

“I would not stop under an overhead bridge because I am afraid it would collapse. I dare to do anything when I am filming. But outside of filming, if you ask me to bungee jump or get on a roller coaster, I wouldn’t do it. I don’t make unnecessary sacrifices,” said Chan.


Chan declined to talk about his affair with actress Elaine Ng, and their illegitimate child. “I have never spoken about things that could hurt other people or hurt my family,” said Chan, adding that he hopes to be able to get everything off his chest one day.

“I want to find a room, and record everything I want to say about my secrets, then release it 150 or 200 years from now. When your children and grandchildren finish looking through it, they will probably not believe it. What happened to me are things that cannot possibly happen to a normal person. I can’t speak about it, but sometimes, I really want to talk about it, to let people know about all these twisted and unimaginable things.”

- CNA/ha

04-23-2015, 09:03 AM
Really hoping an English version gets published...

Wednesday, 22 April 2015 15:58
Jackie Chan drops BOMBSHELL: My passionate affair with a disfigured dance hostess (http://www.malaysia-chronicle.com/index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&id=498682:jackie-chan-drops-bombshell-my-passionate-affair-with-a-disfigured-dance-hostess&Itemid=4#axzz3Y9HJ0tbR)

Jackie Chan (成龍) shared many stories of his youth and love life in the recently-published autobiography Jackie Chan: Got Old Before Growing Up <成龍:還沒長大就老了>. However, the book avoided mentioning Etta Ng (吳卓琳), his illegitimate daughter from a brief affair with actress Elaine Ng (吳綺莉) in 1999.

He also admitted that he did not leave any money to his daughter in his will. As a result, Jackie was criticized for being a heartless and careless father. In March, Elaine was arrested by the police for allegedly abusing 15-year-old Etta, report ihktv and Jaynestars.

Due to the stress of being a single mother, Elaine turned to alcoholism and had physical skirmishes with Etta. The case brought to light Elaine’s struggles, as well as curiosity as to whether Jackie will finally lend a helping hand to the daughter he had denied for years.


After his son, Jaycee Chan (房祖名), was arrested for drugs last August, Jackie said his mind became enlightened. His state of mind has completely changed and he has learned to slowly let go of his stubbornness. Jackie’s recent responses concerning his daughter were brief, but he felt he has burdened Etta.

“Yes, I have hurt her.” Asked if he truly intends to not leave any money for Etta in his will, Jackie said, “I don’t think she needs my money!” Commenting that it was sad to see that Etta lacked a father-figure in her childhood, Jackie said, “Don’t you think I’m miserable too? I’ve given everyone burden.”


Although Etta’s identity as Jackie’s illegitimate daughter is widely known, Jackie has yet to acknowledge and officially see her. “Sometimes, it is better to not talk about certain things. Let nature take its course! I know I am a celebrity, but don’t give me too much attention! If I see her, I’ll see her. I’ll do whatever!”

In February, Jaycee was released after serving a six-month prison sentence in Beijing. Jackie felt Jaycee has matured a great deal after the experience. Jackie smiled at the thought of his son, expressing that Jaycee is now prepared to handle all sorts of challenges.

Although Jaycee is not yet ready to face the camera, he has already been doing behind-the-scenes work. “He’s strange,” said Jackie. “He has the mind of an artist. He is even willing to accept jobs that pay him less than $10,000 HKD. That is why I’m going to let him do what he wants to do. As his father, I always got his back!”

Jackie can confidently say that he has lived a life filled with adventure, passion, and risks. Being a performer enabled him to travel a lot since his youth. Jackie shared that he once had a passionate love affair with a disfigured dance hostess in the 1970s.

After their first meeting, the two never met again until two years later, when the woman suddenly contacted Jackie, wanting to see him. The hostess and Jackie remained in contact for the next few months, but it was always the hostess who would contact him first as she refused to leave Jackie her contact number.


One night, Jackie requested the hostess to meet him at his home, and she reluctantly agreed. Although it was in the middle of the night, she wore sunglasses and gloves. She did not turn on the light. She then took off her glasses and told Jackie that her face was disfigured when she failed to commit suicide two years earlier. When the woman met with Jackie again the following night, Jackie immediately hugged her. “I held onto her on the bed, and I could feel that she had burn scars all over her body. At that time, I only had one thought in my mind — and that was I could not say no to her.

I don’t want her to think that I was like the others who looked down on her.” Jackie and the woman never met again after that night, but he would always remember her beauty. Jackie shared another interesting incident — when he was 20 years old, he was on a flight to Australia and could not communicate properly due to his poor English.

However, a young male flight attendant was willing to help him. When they stopped by Indonesia, the flight attendant also went to Jackie’s hotel room to chat. The flight attendant praised Jackie’s strong physique and touched his thighs. Jackie immediately cried, “No!” and pushed the man out the door.

The man said, “Just one kiss!” and Jackie said, “No! No! No!” Last year, a Jackie Chan museum opened in Shanghai, and another branch is currently under development in Beijing. However, Jackie said he was unable to open a museum in Hong Kong as of yet.


“I find that sad. I found fame in Hong Kong first, but I can’t do anything there yet.” Besides a Jackie Chan Museum, Jackie also wants to open his own studios, hotel, and vacation resort. He wants to create a company that can be convenient for Hong Kong actors to film movies.

“There are many beautiful places to film in Hong Kong, and I want to help the local film industry continue to flourish.” In the next three years, Jackie plans to publish four to five more autobiographies. He also plans to officially publish his movie scripts and screenplays.

“I want to send my movie scripts to film museums all around the world. For example, for the Police Story series, I will publish the script in its original format, which includes the dialogue and camera descriptions.” - Lollipop

05-14-2015, 09:15 AM
Kung Fu Star Jackie Chan Publishes Second Book Titled 'Jackie Chan: Grown Old Before Grown Up' (http://en.yibada.com/articles/32619/20150514/kung-fu-star-jackie-chan-publishes-second-book-called-grown.htm)
Dianne Therese Sencil | May 14, 2015 07:01 AM EDT

Aside from being an award-winning actor, Chinese superstar Jackie Chan has also been chosen as a United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) Goodwill Ambassador. (Photo : Reuters)

International superstar Jackie Chan once again shared his life experiences to the public as he publishes his second book entitled "Jackie Chan: Grown Old Before Grown Up," which is written in Chinese.

Released on April 7 on his 61st birthday, Chan shares his 40 years worth of experiences in show business as well as his own adventures and sincere conversations with his friends and loved ones.

In a promotional video for the new book, Chan stated that the transition of his name from Chan Kong-sang (Chan's birth name) to Jackie Chan does not matter anymore, as his transformation from a "hot-blooded youngster to a man witnessing the bitter sweetness of life peacefully" is much more important to him.

According to China Daily, aside from his "deadly revelations" on the stunts he had done in his movies, the famous actor, martial artist, film director, producer and singer also spilled some details about his past relationships.

One of them is the late Taiwanese singer Teresa Teng, who is one of Chan's most treasured lovers.

Chan revealed the times spent with the singer was one of the happiest moments of his life, especially on his first exposure in the U.S. where he had a chance to stay with Teng.

The two learned how to speak English together, walked on the beach and dined in various Chinese restaurants in China Town.

However, the incompatibility of their personalities hindered their relationship to work.

"Maybe that's the best decision because we have two very different personalities and both of us wouldn't compromise for the other. In other words, she was too good for me," Chan wrote in the book.

Teng died in 1995 at the age of 42 due to a severe respiratory attack while spending a holiday in Thailand.

In 1999, Chan wrote his first autobiography written in English called "I Am Jackie Chan: My Life in Action," with help from American writer, journalist and businessman Jeff Yang.

The book, which was dedicated to his parents, tells the story of the actor's life several months after "Rush Hour"--a 1998 American buddy action comedy film starring Chan and American actor Chris Tucker--was made, as well as Chan's favorite stunts and fighting scenes.

Jackie Chan received stars from the Hong Kong Avenue of Stars and the Hollywood Walk of Fame, along with other famous names in the entertainment industry.

He also won awards in prestigious film festivals and was a cast of blockbuster movies like "Rush Hour" sequels, "Police Story" sequels, "Karate Kid" and "Kung Fu Panda."

Aside from being an award-winning actor, Chan has also been chosen as a United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) Goodwill Ambassador for his campaign on the conservation of natural resources, protection of animals against abuse; he has also promoted disaster relief efforts for flood victims in the mainland China after the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami.

Been thinking that waiting for an English translation for this is like waiting for Jackie's movies to come over to the states. Took us 2 years to get Police Story 2013 (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?64488-Police-Story-2013&p=1283344#post1283344).

06-18-2018, 09:42 AM
I guess I'll add that to this thread title? :o

JUNE 14, 2018 10:15pm PT by the Associated Press
Jackie Chan to Release "Candid" Memoir in November (https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/bookmark/jackie-chan-release-candid-memoir-november-1120443)

Jackie Chan

'Never Grow Up' will tell the story of the 'Rush Hour' rise to becoming a global star and also detail his "numerous" near-death experiences on and off camera.

Jackie Chan is ready to share more stories about his amazing life and career. The star of blockbusters such as Rush Hour and Kung Fu Panda has a memoir coming out in November.

Gallery Books told the Associated Press on Thursday that Never Grow Up is a "candid" account of everything from his youth with the China Drama Academy to his "numerous" near-death experiences on and off camera.

The 64-year-old Chan will also write about making movies in Hong Kong and Hollywood and of his imperfections as a family man, according to Gallery, a Simon & Schuster imprint.

Chan's other films include a remake of The Karate Kid and the Police Story series. His previous books include I Am Jackie Chan: My Life in Action, a memoir published in 1998.

06-20-2018, 08:10 AM
You seldom see any credit go to translators. As someone who does a lot of translating, it's a thankless job.

Local author to translate Jackie Chan memoir (https://www.straitstimes.com/lifestyle/entertainment/local-author-to-translate-jackie-chan-memoir)


PUBLISHED JUN 20, 2018, 5:00 AM SGT
Olivia Ho

Singaporean author Jeremy Tiang (above) will be translating Hong Kong action star Jackie Chan's memoir into English.

The English edition of Never Grow Up, Only Get Older, which Chan co-wrote in Chinese with his close friend Zhu Mo in 2015, will be released in November by Gallery Books, an imprint of major publishing house Simon & Schuster.

The 64-year-old actor, whose films include the Police Story series, Rush Hour (1998) and Shanghai Noon (2000), opens up in the book about not just his death-defying moments on and off set, but also his childhood at the China Drama Academy, in which he was enrolled at the age of six, as well as his experiences as a husband and a father.

Tiang, 41, a New York-based writer and translator, said he received an e-mail from Chan's agent out of the blue asking if he was interested in working on the book.

"I didn't meet Jackie in person, but this book was written candidly and sincerely and I think I got to know him a bit by the end," he added.

"I'm glad English-speaking readers will be able to read this book for themselves as there are some great behind-the-scenes anecdotes and personal stories from him."

Tiang yesterday received his second Singapore Literature Prize nomination, for his 2017 novel, State Of Emergency, about leftist movements and political detentions in Singapore and Malaysia from the 1940s to the present day.

08-24-2018, 04:20 AM
Is this donation tone deaf? I'm not so sure.

Jackie Chan draws mixed reactions after donating 50,000 copies of autobiography to disability charity (http://entertainment.inquirer.net/288312/jackie-chan-draws-mixed-reactions-after-donating-50000-copies-of-his-autobiography-to-disability-charity)
INQUIRER.net / 06:38 PM August 13, 2018

In this Dec. 18, 2013, file photo, Hong Kong actor Jackie Chan smiles during a news conference to promote his new film “Police Story 2013,” in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Image: LAI SENG SIN/AP

Hong Kong martial arts star Jackie Chan was criticized by the Chinese public after he donated 50,000 copies of his autobiography to a Beijing-based disability charity.

China Disabled Persons’ Federation announced the donations of Chan’s autobiography titled “Jackie Chan: Never Grow Up, Only Get Older” via Weibo last Thursday, Aug. 9, as reported by the South China Morning Post today, Aug. 13.

Chan’s autobiography chronicles the martial artist’s career in acting and performing stunts. The charity, whose main goal is to raise awareness and safeguard the rights of people who are blind, deaf and handicapped, said in their Weibo announcement that Chan hopes “the stories and life experience in the book can bring pleasure and inspiration to people with disabilities.”

The donation was made in response to the disability charity’s project. China Disabled Persons’ Federation launched the said project with the aim of helping impoverished families with disabilities in rural areas and midwestern China to read books.

While Chan’s donation must have been made with the intention of helping the charity’s beneficiaries, the Chinese public questioned his action, the report stated. Weibo netizens said it was inappropriate for the actor to donate his autobiography, which is all about an able-bodied person who gained popularity for doing kung-fu, to disabled people. Moreover, they also questioned how the book will help alleviate the lives of the poor families.

“If you were disabled and still rose to fame, I’d acknowledge that; but stuff like this where you’re bragging about yourself, how is this related to people with disabilities? Shameful!” one Weibo user commented.

Another netizen took to the internet forum Kaidi to air his/her sentiment over Chan’s donation: “Even if he donated toilet paper, it would be of more use than the so-called autobiography.”

While others were critical of Chan’s donation, the martial artist’s fans were quick to show their support, the report said. They noted that Chan had always helped and donated to charities.

Chan and China Disabled Persons’ Federation have yet to comment on the issue, as of this writing. Kate Matriano/NVG

11-30-2018, 10:39 AM
EXCLUSIVE: Jackie Chan calls himself 'a real 'b***ard' and admits he's slept with scores of prostitutes, never signed his black AmEx card because he can't write and threw his toddler son across the room in a rage in explosive memoir (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6439921/Jackie-Chan-admits-total-jerk-women-throwing-son-room-baby.html)
Jackie Chan admits to being a 'total jerk' in his personal life by treating women badly in new memoir, Never Grow Up
The multi-millionaire actor, 64, said he strutted around in a gold chain and drove drunk all the time - crashing a Porsche one morning and a Mercedes Benz later that night
Chan started out as a stuntman but blew his money on gambling and prostitutes
After gaining success the actor said: 'I like having people around me and every meal was with a big gang. I spent $2m one year paying for other people's meals'
While he treated his friends to expensive gifts, he treated women terribly, including his wife Joan Lin who he married after she got pregnant in 1981
But Chan fails to mention his estranged lesbian daughter with his lover, who claimed she was left homeless by '****phobic parents' after coming out
Chan writes that it 'fills me with shame' that he never actually learned to read or write or do math because he was so busy playing pranks
PUBLISHED: 13:16 EST, 29 November 2018 | UPDATED: 15:28 EST, 29 November 2018

Jackie Chan has admitted to being a 'total jerk' in his personal life by treating women badly and letting his rage get so out of hand he threw his baby across the room.

The martial arts superstar said that he used to strut around in a gold chain, sleep with prostitutes and drive drunk all the time - crashing a Porsche one morning and a Mercedes Benz later that night.

In his explosive new memoir, Never Grow Up, published on December 4, Chan says that he was 'terrible' with his first girlfriend and would come home and go straight back out gambling and drinking if he saw that she was also home.

When Chan met his future wife Joan Lin he was so paranoid that she was a gold digger that he hid his money from her - and later cheated on her with actress and former Miss Asia Elaine Ng.

Chan also reveals he was so busy with his career that he was barely around for his family and chucked his baby son Jaycee into a sofa during a fight.

The martial arts star writes that he looked himself in the mirror and said: 'You're a real b***ard' and vowed to change his ways.

Chan, 64, blames his behavior on his insecurities and his immaturity but despite his candidness, Chan fails to mention his estranged 19-year-old daughter, who claimed she was left homeless by '****phobic parents' months after she revealed that she is a lesbian.

Jackie Chan, 64, says he was a 'total jerk' in his personal life, he reveals in his new memoir. The actor said he gambled, slept with prostitutes and drove drunk all the time, crashing a Porsche one morning and a Mercedes Benz that night

Once while fighting with his life Joan Lin, Chan took his anger out on his son Jaycee and picked him up with one hand and threw him across the room. Jaycee, who was a toddler at the time, went crashing into the sofa, leaving Lin 'terrified'. Pictured: Chan with Jaycee in 2012

Despite Chan's candidness, he fails to mention his estranged 19-year-old daughter Etta Ng (pictured with her wife), who has claimed she was left homeless by '****phobic parents' months after she revealed that she is a lesbian

Chan's daughter is Etta Ng, who he had with former beauty queen Elaine Ng Yi Lei after having an affair in 1999 while he was married to Taiwanese actress Joan Lin.

At the time of Elaine's pregnancy, Jackie held a press conference to address his affair, saying: 'I have made a mistake that many men in the world make.'

Jackie Chan's autobiography Never Grow Up is out on Tuesday

Chan has never reportedly sought a relationship with his daughter, and this week Etta married her girlfriend, Canadian Andi Autumn and wrote on Instagram that she 'never felt love' during her childhood.

In a YouTube video that went viral last April, Etta and Andi claimed they had 'been homeless for a month due to ****phobic parents'.

Etta said in the video: 'Hi I'm Jackie Chan's daughter and this is my girlfriend Andi,' she says. 'We've been homeless for a month due to ****phobic parents. We pretty much slept under a bridge, and other things.'

According to Gay Times, Jackie was asked about his feelings towards Etta's coming out while promoting the film Foreigner.

'If she likes it, that's fine,' he said.

Chan went from growing up in a working class family in Hong Kong to become the second highest paid actor in the world, according to Forbes, and raked in $50 million last year - with only Robert Downey Jr ahead of him.

His personal fortune is estimated at $350 million on the back of hits like Rumble in the Bronx and Rush Hour. In 2016 he was presented with an Oscar for lifetime achievement.

Chan was born Chan Kong-sang and learned martial arts from his father who sent him to a brutal boarding school because he was a bad student.

Chan writes that it 'fills me with shame' that he never actually learned to read or write or do math because he was so busy playing pranks.

Even today his black American Express card, which has no spending limit, has no signature on the back because he can't write it.

Chan (pictured in 1980) was born Chan Kong-sang and learned martial arts from his father who sent him to boarding school because he was a bad student. At the China Drama Academy Chan was forced to learn martial arts and got up at 5am every day after just six hours sleep

At the China Drama Academy, Chan was forced to learn martial arts and got up at 5am every day after just six hours of sleep.

Students also learned acting, singing and performing and were able to get parts in movies but their master took $60 of the $60 they earned each day.

When he was 15, Chan met his first love, a girl he calls Chang who stuck with him even though her parents disapproved of him.

But he was a 'terrible boyfriend' who took any job he could get, often traveling away from Hong Kong because he didn't want to be with her.

Chan admits he behaved like a 'rebellious child, or a wild horse throwing off its reins'.

Sometimes they would be out for a stroll and he'd pick a fight just for fun.

When they broke up; Chan found out that Chang was running a clothing store and sent his friends in to buy her clothes to help her out.

When she found out she shut the store down because her only customers were from Chan and she didn't want his money.

Looking back Chan says he feels 'ashamed of myself' for the way he behaved but Chang loved him so much that years later when she heard he was in financial trouble she gave him $2,500.

Chan's career slowly began to take off in 1973 when he was cast as an extra in Enter the Dragon, the Bruce Lee film that brought martial arts to a Western audience.

continued next post

11-30-2018, 10:40 AM
Chan's career slowly began to take off and in 1973 he was cast as an extra in Enter the Dragon. He starred in a string of dud films until he became an overnight success in 1978 with three movies, Snake in the Eagle's Shadow, Drunken Master and The Fearless Hyena

Chan (pictured in 1985) eventually began to have more say over the kinds of films he wanted to make. He developed his signature style which involved comedy as well as martial arts and 'every man' characters viewers could relate to

Chan got jobs as a stuntman but he blew all his money on gambling and prostitutes, including one woman he regularly slept with, who he only knew as 'Number Nine'.

He writes that working as a stuntman, we 'all knew that if something went wrong we wouldn't live to see the sun rise the next day. We had a short term mentality which means recklessly spending our money'.

Chan became a fight scene director through the famous Hong Kong production company Golden Harvest thanks to his friend Sammo Hung, who went to the same school and was more established in the industry.

Chan starred in a string of dud films until he became an overnight success in 1978 with three movies: Snake in the Eagle's Shadow, Drunken Master and The Fearless Hyena.

Golden Harvest offered him a $650,000 contract and people began asking him for autographs on the street.

In his book Never Grow Up, Chan writes that he had a 'big chip on my shoulder' and now that he was rich he was going to take it out on people, starting with a girl at a designer clothing store who looked down her nose at him when he was poor.

Chan writes that he went back to the store with his entourage and tried on dozens of shirts, making her take them all out of their boxes as he bossed her around.

He took $63,000 in cash and bought his entire stunt team the most expensive watches he could find.

https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2018/11/29/15/6797618-6439921-_His_worst_accident_was_a_brain_injury_he_sustaine d_while_filmin-m-61_1543507084492.jpg
Chan's worst accident was a brain injury he sustained while filming his movie Armor of God. Chan writes that he fell out of a tree and hit his head on a rock, causing bleeding out of his mouth, ears and nose and his crew feared he would die

Chan writes: 'I started to carry large amounts of cash at all times. After you live in poverty cash gives you a sense of security. I like having lots of people around me and every meal was with a big gang.

All of Jackie Chan's injuries throughout his career
Hit so hard during filming of 'Hand of Death' he passed out
Brain injury when he fell from a tree onto a rock while filming 'Armor of God', his worst injury

Permanent hearing loss due to injury during 'Armor of God'
Eyebrow ridge shattered during 'Drunken Master'
Broke nose during 'To Kill With Intrigue'
Cheekbone broken during 'Police Story 3'
Teeth kicked out of his mouth during 'Snake in the Eagle's Shadow'
Jaw was so messed up After 'Dragon Lord' he couldn't speak for months

Strangled during 'The Young Master'
Fell 25ft from a clock tower during stunt for 'Project A'

Arms and Shoulders
Stabbed in the arm in 'Snake in the Eagle's Shadow'
Burned hand during 'Police Story' and twisted or bones damaged on other films
Shoulder Dislocated during 'City Hunter'

Chest and Back
Bad chest injury during 'The Young Master'
Multiple back injuries; almost snapped vertebrae during 'Police Story'. Hurt it again when wire snapped during 'Chinese Zodiac'.

Dislocated during 'Police Story'

Thigh hit by car during 'Crime Story'
Dozens of knee injuries over the years
Ankles nearly broken while filming 'Rumble in the Bronx' but carried on filming in plaster cast
Stabbed himself in the foot with a Swiss Army Knife on the set of 'Who am I?'

'Around 10 years ago I spent $2 million in one year paying for other people's meals. I gave out extravagant gifts too; watches, cars, custom-made leather jackets, cases of expensive wine'.

Chan bought a tiger cub and fed it milk and brought it to work until it slashed his face one day.

A friend of his gave him a hawk that used to perch on his shoulder and he bought two huge Saint Bernard dogs, which cost him $400 a month on food.

His bad behavior continued when he dated Taiwanese actress Teresa Teng who was far classier than him and made him feel inadequate.

To compensate Chan acted out like when she invited him to a private room in a posh French restaurant.

Chan writes: 'She suggested I have my steak cooked medium and I said: ''No, I want it well done''.

'She ordered red wine; I insisted on having beer. When our soup arrived she dipped her spoon elegantly into the bowl while I picked up my bowl and drank straight from it'.

Chan wolfed down his meal so fast that Teng pretended she was done too out of politeness and as they departed Chan told her: 'Never bring me to this sort of restaurant again'.

Chan writes: 'I behaved so badly because of my deep insecurities. Ever since I was a little boy I'd been looked down on by rich kids.

'Any whiff of snobbishness or superiority set me on edge. This attitude reflected by relationship with Teresa. But it wasn't her fault. She'd done nothing wrong and I'd been horribly unfair to her'.

Around this time Chan started to have more say over the kinds of films he wanted to make.

He developed his signature style, which involved comedy as well as martial arts and 'every man' characters viewers could relate to.

He also became famous for doing his own stunts - something that led to him getting seriously injured numerous times such as shredding his hands when he slid down a Christmas tree covered in lights.

His worst accident was a brain injury he sustained while filming his movie Armor of God.

Chan writes that he fell out of a tree and hit his head on a rock, causing him to bleed out of his mouth, ears and nose, and his crew feared he would die.

A specialist surgeon from Switzerland happened to be at a conference in the former Yugoslavia, where they filming, and operated on him - and he was back on set a week later.
continued next post

11-30-2018, 10:40 AM
Chan met actress Joan Lin (pictured together), who he calls 'the love of my life', while in a trip to Taiwan, where she is from. Chan says that she was a 'beloved actress with a respectable image while I was a vulgar kung fu guy who was unworthy of her'

Chan writes that he foolishly believed his sexist friends and thought that Lin might have got pregnant on purpose so he 'constantly thought of ways to keep my money from her'. Thinking back now he calls his behavior 'wicked'. Pictured: The couple in July 2017

Chan cheated on his wife with beauty queen with Elaine Ng Yi Lei (pictured) and when the affair became public in 1999 it scandalized Hong Kong. At the time Chan said publicly: 'I have made a mistake that many men in the world make'

Chan met actress Joan Lin, who he calls 'the love of my life', while in a trip to Taiwan, where she is from.

Chan says that she was a 'beloved actress with a respectable image while I was a vulgar kung fu guy who was unworthy of her'.

They tried to keep their relationship secret but in 1981 she became pregnant and they decided to get married at a rooftop coffee shop in Los Angeles.

Chan admits that he 'worked through her whole pregnancy' and didn't visit her in California once where she was preparing to give birth.

He writes that he foolishly believed his sexist friends and thought that Lin might have got pregnant on purpose so he 'constantly thought of ways to keep my money from her'.

Thinking back now he calls his behavior 'wicked'.

Chan calls their marriage 'less than conventional' and says that being apart from each other for so long was actually the key to their relationship.

He writes: 'I was selfish and didn't know how to empathize with others. I was also too easily influenced. Yet Joan set me free to make my own way. I respect her a lot and am grateful to her for sacrificing so much for me'.

That didn't stop Chan from cheating on her with Ng and when the affair became public in 1999 it scandalized Hong Kong.

At the time Chan said publicly: 'I have made a mistake that many men in the world make'.

Privately he writes that he looked at himself in the mirror and said: 'You're a real b***ard'.

Years earlier after rowing with Lin, Chan took it out on Jaycee and picked him up with one hand and threw him across the room. Jaycee, who was a toddler at the time. went crashing into the sofa, leaving Lin 'terrified'. Pictured: Chan and Jaycee in 2009

Chan has never reportedly sought a relationship with his daughter, and this week Etta married her girlfriend, Canadian Andi Autumn and wrote on Instagram that she 'never felt love' during her childhood

Etta and her mother have a troubled relationship and she has twice called the police on her

He called a family meeting and told his wife and Jaycee, their young son: 'I've made an unforgivable mistake and I don't know how I can explain it, so I won't'.

Lin started to cry and Jaycee glared at him - but they both forgave him.

That was far from the only family drama.

Years earlier after fighting with Lin, Chan took it out on Jaycee and picked him up with one hand and threw him across the room.

Jaycee, who was a toddler at the time, went crashing into the sofa, leaving Lin 'terrified'.

Chan writes that Lin told him: 'He's just a child. Why did you do that?'

Chan apologized and said he would never do it again.

Reflecting on his family life Chan says that over the years he has admitted that 'I've done well by a lot of people but not my own family'.

He says that 'I've not been a good father or a good husband but I did my duty to my son and his mother'.

But he doesn't address Etta, his daughter with Ng, as if he is trying to erase her from his personal history. Ng has since claimed that Chan has given her no money and that she has even had to cover their daughter's school fees.

Etta and her mother have a troubled relationship and she has twice called the police on her.

Speaking of her father, Etta has said: 'He is not my dad. I have no feelings for him. He is my biological father but he is not in my life'.

Chan (pictured in April) finally broke into Hollywood in his 40s with Rumble in the Bronx and hit the big time with Rush Hour alongside Chris Tucker

Jaycee, a musician and actor, has been in trouble too and in 2014 he was arrested for marijuana possession. He was jailed for six months and his father publicly apologized for his behavior.

Chan finally broke into Hollywood in his 40s with Rumble in the Bronx and hit the big time with Rush Hour alongside Chris Tucker.

He was flattered to be invited by Sylvester Stallone to the set of his film Demolition Man where he discovered that Stallone had tapes of all his films.

Chan was stunned when the crew said that whenever they ran out of ideas they just watched one of his movies.

Since then Chan has appeared in Kung Fu Panda, The Tuxedo and a remake of The Karate Kid, bringing the total number of films he has been in to more than 200 over 50 years in the movie business.

Along the way Chan has attracted obsessed fans like the man who gets the names of his films tattooed onto his body.

Another woman bought a one way ticket from the Philippines to Hong Kong and stood outside the front of his office every day.

She then stalked him around the world, turning up in California where she tried to get into his hotel room by saying she was his girlfriend.

Chan writes that he was conned out of $2 million by a business associate but bizarrely, he did not mind. Yet when a close friend cheated him out of a tens of thousands of dollars from the sale of a Rolls Royce he sued and bankrupted him.

Chan's success helped a generation of Chinese stars like Michelle Yeoh and Jet Li to make it in Hollywood and for directors like John Woo to establish themselves.

Reflecting on the changing movie business, Chan writes: 'Hollywood learned from us (the Chinese) then became better than us and now they don't need us.

'If we were to go head to head with the Hollywood stunt people these days, do you think the Chinese would win? No way'.

Jackie Chan's book Never Grow Up is out on Tuesday and available here. (https://www.amazon.com/Never-Grow-Up-Jackie-Chan/dp/1982107219)

We've discussed Jackie's scandals (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?42240-Jackie-Chan-scandals), Jaycee (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?68330-Jaycee-Chan-s-PRC-drug-bust) and Etta (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?70504-Jackie-Chan-s-daughter-Etta-Ng) elsewhere here.

12-03-2018, 09:58 AM
I got spamads for this across facebook (https://www.facebook.com/Kung-Fu-Tai-Chi-Magazine-135964689362/) and instagram (https://www.instagram.com/kungfutaichimagazine/). I share it here not as spam but just as documentation. Who knows? Maybe the promoters will consider a sweepstakes promo with us? No promises here. I haven't heard from them and we have plenty in the queue so it isn't worth it for me to reach out. Heck, I just gave them a free promo here. ;)

Never Grow Up
By Jackie Chan
AUTOGRAPHED COLLECTOR'S EDITION (https://premierecollectibles.com/jackiechan)



This is a pre-order product. Orders containing this autographed collector's edition will ship 2-3 weeks after the release date: 12/04/2018.
$100.00 This is a pre-order product. Please allow 2-3 weeks of handling time after the 12/04/2018 release for the completion of the autographed collector's edition.
This Includes:
Hardcover Collector's Edition of "Never Grow Up"
Jackie Chan's Personal Autograph Inside Book
Certificate of Authenticity
Pages: 352 pages
Publisher: Gallery Books
Release Date: December 04, 2018
ISBN-13: 9781982107215
Edition: Autographed Deluxe Hardcover Collector's Edition

This Hardcover Collector's Edition of Jackie Chan's Never Grow Up is autographed by Jackie Chan and comes in a deluxe leatherette slipcase with inlaid foil.

A candid, thrilling memoir from one of the most recognizable, influential, and beloved cinematic personalities in the world.

Everyone knows Jackie Chan. Whether it’s from Rush Hour, Shanghai Noon, The Karate Kid, or Kung Fu Panda, Jackie is admired by generations of moviegoers for his acrobatic fighting style, comic timing, and mind-bending stunts. In 2016—after fifty-six years in the industry, over 200 films, and many broken bones—he received an honorary Academy Award for his lifetime achievement in film. But at 64 years-old, Jackie is just getting started.

Now, in Never Grow Up, the global superstar reflects on his early life, including his childhood years at the China Drama Academy (in which he was enrolled at the age of six), his big breaks (and setbacks) in Hong Kong and Hollywood, his numerous brushes with death (both on and off film sets), and his life as a husband and father (which has been, admittedly and regrettably, imperfect).

Jackie has never shied away from his mistakes. Since The Young Master in 1980, Jackie’s films have ended with a bloopers reel in which he stumbles over his lines, misses his mark, or crashes to the ground in a stunt gone south. In Never Grow Up, Jackie applies the same spirit of openness to his life, proving time and time again why he’s beloved the world over: he’s honest, funny, kind, brave beyond reckoning and—after all this time—still young at heart.
Get your Jackie Chan autographed book today!

12-03-2018, 10:30 AM
Hollywood has forgotten that Jackie's American debut was way back in 1980 in The Big Brawl (a.k.a., Battle Creek Brawl), and not long after, the two Cannonball Run films.

IMO, the last great movie of Jackie's peak years was Drunken Master II, and he was already past his physical and creative prime by then. Which was well before his second American debut that most American reporters seem to believe was the start of his career.

Back in 2003, just before Ong Bak opened in US theaters, an Asian-American woman involved in the Asian Film Festival boldly claimed that Tony Jaa was superior to Jackie Chan, and could do things Jackie could only dream of. I knew then as I know now how wrong she was. As great an athlete as he is, Tony Jaa will never even approach Jackie's accomplishments and body of work. Tony stopped and took years off from making films while at his physical peak. When Jackie was at the age Tony is now, he had already passed his prime with an enormous body of work behind him, not only in acting/performing, but in directing and choreography. The only action movie star anywhere in the world who can even compare in all those categories is Sammo Hung (my personal favorite between the two).

As far as his treatment of his wife and especially his illegitimate daughter, that's a very sad situation. Many people can be very generous to others while being cold and heartless to their own kin. Many artistic/creative people in particular.

12-04-2018, 09:27 AM
Jackie is singular. There is no one like him. Not even close. If you start his filmography at Big Brawl, you miss his most hardcore stuff - those mid 70s masterpieces. I've always thought it was shallow, even a tad racist, to compare any rising martial arts star to Jackie (or Bruce for that matter). It's such an oversimplification. Those guys are icons. There is no 'next' when it comes to icons. I mean I respect Tony Jaa too, of course, but he's got only 25 films to his name at 42. Jackie has 140 credits now and at 42, he was already doing Police Story Part 4.

And I feel ya on Sammo too. He's so overlooked.

This made Variety. Happy Tuesday.

Jackie Chan’s Confessional Memoir, ‘Never Grow Up,’ Hits Shelves Tuesday (https://variety.com/2018/film/news/jackie-chan-memoir-never-grow-up-english-version-1203078161/)


The English-language version of Jackie Chan’s confessional memoir, “Never Grow Up,” hits the shelves Tuesday, full of behind-the-scenes stories of his action-packed career and his freewheeling days as a prostitute-frequenting, drunk-driving big spender.

The book includes salacious details of how the kung fu star and honorary Oscar winner blew through money drinking, gambling and buying splashy gifts. He also acknowledges mishandling relationships with women and family, describing his former self as a “total jerk.”

The candid account was first published in Chinese in 2015 but has not been translated into English until now. Jeremy Tiang, the book’s Singaporean translator, told Variety that the English version is unabridged.

“I was pleasantly surprised by how frank and open this book is,” Tiang said. “Though there was a co-writer involved, it felt as if Jackie Chan was speaking very much from the heart, and coming clean about even the less noble aspects of himself and his past. Chan is clearly a complicated person, and this book will allow fans to learn about aspects of his personality they may not have previously been aware of.”

In one section, the actor describes the shock of being a 20-something “uneducated chap who suddenly has 10 million” Hong Kong dollars overnight. “All day I’d drink and drive, in the morning bashing a Porsche, in the evening bashing a Mercedes. Every day I was in this dizzied state,” Chan says in the Chinese-language version of the book.

“I wanted to go and buy everything I’d ever wanted in the space of a week,” Chan wrote, recounting a time when he and his stunt group carried 500,000 Hong Kong dollars in cash – about $64,000 today – into a watch store and asked the clerk: “Is this the most expensive, with the most gemstones? OK, I’ll take seven, in cash, no need to wrap it up!” Chan wore a different watch every day of the week, purposefully rolling up his sleeves to show them off when dining with colleagues.

He tempers such stories with such asides as: “You see how bad, how childish I was back then. At the time, I still had no confidence, and was always afraid of people looking down on me.”

Chan admits in the book that he hasn’t always been the best father, although he believes that “children these days are often misbehaved and should be hit.”

“When [my son Jaycee] was still young, I hit him once, and was very heavy-handed – directly lifting him and throwing him onto the sofa,” Chan wrote. “That time I really scared him and his mother to death, and I myself was very regretful.”

Chan also speaks in the book about cheating on his wife, Joan Lin, with beauty queen Elaine Ng Yi Lei, the 1990 Miss Asia. The book makes no mention, however, of his estranged daughter from that dalliance, Etta Ng, now 19, who just last week announced her marriage to girlfriend Andi Autumn, a Canadian internet celebrity. Ng has in the past stated that Chan never acted as a father to her, and wrote on Instagram in an announcement of her nuptials: “A home is the family that you can choose…Love is undoutbly [sic] stronger than blood.”

12-04-2018, 11:10 AM
Jackie is singular. There is no one like him. Not even close. If you start his filmography at Big Brawl, you miss his most hardcore stuff - those mid 70s masterpieces. I've always thought it was shallow, even a tad racist, to compare any rising martial arts star to Jackie (or Bruce for that matter). It's such an oversimplification. Those guys are icons. There is no 'next' when it comes to icons. I mean I respect Tony Jaa too, of course, but he's got only 25 films to his name at 42. Jackie has 140 credits now and at 42, he was already doing Police Story Part 4.

And I feel ya on Sammo too. He's so overlooked.

This made Variety. Happy Tuesday.

My favorite Jackie movies of all time are his late '70s classics, the ones that preceded The Big Brawl. In many of those films, Jackie did some absolutely mind-blowing stuff, especially involving him facing multiple armed opponents. Sammo did much of the same. This is stuff that even the uber-flexible and athletic Tony Jaa has never equaled in difficulty and complexity, and never will.

I'm pretty sure the Asian Film Festival woman who said that Tony is superior to Jackie had only seen Jackie's films starting from Rush Hour.

And yes, I agree; there is no 'next' when it comes to these icons. That title is something they've earned through literally decades (lifetimes) of eating bitter.p and paying their dues.

01-28-2019, 09:27 AM
He's slinging his new autobiography (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?68575-Never-Grow-Up-AKA-Growing-Old-Before-Growing-Up-new-autobiography-by-Jackie-Chan), but also here for his new Green Hero project (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?71188-Jackie-Chan-Green-Hero), which they fail to bring up in the interview. I'm not convinced they know much about Jackie. He must be so tired of answering Bruce Lee questions. I mean really...Enter the Dragon (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?26150-Enter-the-Dragon) was 46 years ago.

Jackie Chan talks about his most harrowing film stunts and working with Bruce Lee

06-17-2019, 08:20 AM
Jackie Chan’s inspirational message for Jesse Jane McParland, teenage martial arts star of World’s Got Talent (https://www.scmp.com/sport/martial-arts/kung-fu/article/3014713/jackie-chan-signs-inspiration-message-teenage-martial)
The Hong Kong action hero signs a copy of his book for World’s Got Talent star Jesse Jane McParland with the words ‘never give up’
‘He’s my idol’ says the 13-year-old, who dreams of being in a film with the Rush Hour star
Unus Alladin
Published: 6:25pm, 16 Jun, 2019

Jesse Jane McParland and her special note from Jackie Chan. Photo: UTV

Remember Jesse Jane McParland, the little girl who burst onto the scene with her awesome martial arts display as a nine-year-old on Britain’s Got Talent?
McParland is now 13 and she has continued to thrill millions of fans around the world.
She has even impressed Hong Kong martial arts hero Jackie Chan, who can now be counted as one of her admirers.
Chan sent her a video message on stage and gave her a box of gifts while she was competing in the World’s Got Talent television show in Hunan, China recently.

Jackie Chan’s encouraging words for Jesse Jane McParland. Photo: UTV

Hailing from Co Armagh in Ireland, the teenager has made it big on the show, reaching the semi-finals after impressing judges with her all-round martial arts skills.
Jackie Chan inspires ex-world champion Ken Doherty after a night out singing karaoke ... and playing snooker
“They took all the finalists from Britain’s Got Talent, America’s Got Talent, all the ‘Got Talent’ shows, and they all competed against each other,” McParland told ITV.com.


continued next post

06-17-2019, 08:20 AM
Chan has probably been following McParland since the teenager became a star on Britain’s Got Talent in 2015.
And the 65-year-old Hollywood star of Rush Hour and The Foreigner made sure McParland got a little inspiration from him.
He gifted her a copy of one of his books, signed with the words: “Dear Jesse, Never Give Up, Love U, Enjoy, Jackie Chan.”

Jesse Jane McParland is through to the semi-finals of World’s Got Talent. Photo: UTV

McParland said the competition was very tough in Hunan but that Chan’s inspirational words lifted her spirits.
China’s ‘Rambo’ and Jackie Chan co-star Wu Jing returns to filming after leg injury
“It was really, really tough, I got a message from Jackie Chan which just made my day – I was just star struck. He’s my idol, I think he’s just amazing.”


According to ITV.com, McParland has never lost her world championship crown in the prestigious Wako kick-boxing competition and now she’s setting her sights on winning Olympic gold.
She said: “Hopefully one day I’ll be in the Olympics and I really want to be in a movie with Jackie Chan, that’s my dream.”

I'm posting this on our Britain’s Got Talent thread (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?60688-Britain%92s-Got-Talent) but I'm assuming that the book was Jackie's most recent, Never Grow Up (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?68575-Never-Grow-Up-AKA-Growing-Old-Before-Growing-Up-new-autobiography-by-Jackie-Chan) (which I still have yet to read :o), so I'm copying this there too.