View Full Version : An Apology & Recommendation

04-14-2015, 05:27 PM

I hereby fully withdraw my apology to Hendrik Santo. He is without a doubt a liar and user of others for his own gain. As for Sifu Sergio's Book, I stated it was an "interesting read" and that I recommended it to those wanting to know more about the art (IWKA) as shown within the book. Do I think it is historically correct? No. In fact in some ways it mentions how he told some untruths to his seniors at the time to cover up himself going behind their backs for information.

I have read Sifu Sergio's book on the "6 Core Elements" and found it wonderfully interesting.It is a book that I highly recommend.

And I can clearly see how Hendrick's research has greatly contributed to the knowledge of the art as mentioned in the book.

I think part of the issue Hendrick Had on this board had was we could not understand your way of expressing this knowledge but after reading Sifu Sergio's book I see it as very clear!

I would like to offer Hendrik my very sincere apologies. It is my sincere hope that you will accept my apology and that we can become friends well into the future.

Please accept my apology.

Bai Chi
04-15-2015, 12:29 AM
I have read Sifu Sergio's book on the "6 Core Elements" and found it wonderfully interesting.It is a book that I highly recommend.

And I can clearly see how Hendrick's research has greatly contributed to the knowledge of the art as mentioned in the book.

I think part of the issue Hendrick Had on this board had was we could not understand your way of expressing this knowledge but after reading Sifu Sergio's book I see it as very clear!

I would like to offer Hendrik my very sincere apologies. It is my sincere hope that you will accept my apology and that we can become friends well into the future.

Please accept my apology.

I recommend you burn the book and find a real teacher.

04-15-2015, 09:37 AM
Great post. Whatever that book and style, having an exercise of mind and decent grace is refreshing on the "kung fu" board.
As far as burning book/getting real teacher I have not seen the book but when I try to pull off an "authoritative chop"? I do try for it to at least make sense to others. Heh.

04-15-2015, 12:31 PM
I thought Sergio's chain punching video was pretty good. But then again, I don't have the reference points you guys draw from.

04-15-2015, 03:53 PM
... and another one embraces the power of the Dark Side :cool::p

04-15-2015, 08:31 PM
Also: TCMA chain punch is only a three punch combination. Anything more than that is a wankerpunch.

04-15-2015, 09:33 PM
So Sergio's Australian representative will be??

Now let me guess..............

04-16-2015, 01:54 AM
I made that post on the KFO Forum and I stand by it.

And no, Sorry I am not the Australian Representative of Sifu Sergio!

I am enjoying my exploration of the Taiwan Penghu Huang Yixiong Minghe and Taiji of the Huang Xingxian lineage of which Iaam a direct disciple.and very happy within same.

I have nothing to prove to anyone least of all those who post here or anywhere else for that matter

Plainly put ... I am sick of the oh so usual bickering and back-stabbing seen on so many forums which is why I post very little anymore and anyhow as I said, I'm far to busy within my own explorations of White Crane.

I'm happy to answer questions about White Crane Gongfu as an art and I have produced a number of DVD's on our approach to White Crane should anyone be interested:


.... Apart from that I wish all the very best!

04-16-2015, 05:14 AM
I made that post on the KFO Forum and I stand by it.

And no, Sorry I am not the Australian Representative of Sifu Sergio!

I am enjoying my exploration of the Taiwan Penghu Huang Yixiong Minghe and Taiji of the Huang Xingxian lineage of which Iaam a direct disciple.and very happy within same.

I have nothing to prove to anyone least of all those who post here or anywhere else for that matter

Plainly put ... I am sick of the oh so usual bickering and back-stabbing seen on so many forums which is why I post very little anymore and anyhow as I said, I'm far to busy within my own explorations of White Crane.

I'm happy to answer questions about White Crane Gongfu as an art and I have produced a number of DVD's on our approach to White Crane should anyone be interested:


.... Apart from that I wish all the very best!

Well I hope you stick around. I agree. Forums everywhere. Went from being a helpful , discussion based learning vehicle to an instrument of mud slinging where learning takes a back seat to word play. I am all for having fun and laughs. But if one remembers why they originally came to whatever particular forum they chose , looking back, you may find that reason is no longer why you come now.

04-16-2015, 07:55 AM
It always seemed like part of that was because people are and should careful about discussing anything that isn't plain karate. It's really a kung fu magazine forum, because there's really not a lot one can talk about except how to get started maybe with gong fu.
So, we highlight events, persons and fill left over space with hubris and house dragons.

04-16-2015, 08:11 AM
It always seemed like part of that was because people are and should careful about discussing anything that isn't plain karate. It's really a kung fu magazine forum, because there's really not a lot one can talk about except how to get started maybe with gong fu.
So, we highlight events, persons and fill left over space with hubris and house dragons.

Hubris and House Dragons - sounds like an awesome name for a band :D:D:D

04-16-2015, 01:30 PM
hendriks "findings" are "legitimate" because he copy and pasted kung articles from chinese blogs and websites and chinese wikipedia.

u need to take back that apology bro and up the dose on ur medication

04-16-2015, 02:33 PM
Why can't we all get along with each other in our CMA community?

04-16-2015, 04:08 PM
u need to take back that apology bro and up the dose on ur medication

to match yours?

04-16-2015, 05:38 PM
I made the apology.It was my decision.

With the advent of a emerging global economy and an ever-shrinking world due to the Internet, travel etc it is now more important than ever that we as people (forget "Martial Artists" ... as I don't view anyone posting on forums to be one) learn to get along with each other or at least agree to disagree and move on.

This forum should be viewed as a virtual school where you would honour yourself and others by your own behaviour.

Bai Chi
04-16-2015, 05:51 PM
I made the apology.It was my decision.

With the advent of a emerging global economy and an ever-shrinking world due to the Internet, travel etc it is now more important than ever that we as people (forget "Martial Artists" ... as I don't view anyone posting on forums to be one) learn to get along with each other or at least agree to disagree and move on.

This forum should be viewed as a virtual school where you would honour yourself and others by your own behaviour.

Sage advice grasshopper. You looking to ride the Sergio wave to the bank too? I know I'm gonna print up some Wing Tsun 6 core element certificates and make myself a master. Heck, I'm even gonna photoshop a picture of me with Sergio to make it look more legit. You got any advice on how to do that?

04-16-2015, 06:28 PM
As clearly stated ... I have no connection to Sifu Sergio or his IWKA in any way whatsoever apart from the fact I purchased and read his book.

I am happy with my current direction and my guides of China and Taiwan proper.

As for you Bai Chi ...go for it, whatever floats your boat and makes you happy. All the best!

04-16-2015, 07:48 PM
Also: TCMA chain punch is only a three punch combination. Anything more than that is a wankerpunch.

Fair enough. But if the target and opening still exist. Do you choose not to cycle it again? Would one , in that chaotic mess, be able to discern your stop and restart?

Have you seen Sergio's Chain punching video? Have any of you? Or is he wrote off simply because his views and linage or whatever does not align with yours? Dude most certainly gets around China and other places for instruction. Best chain punch instructional I ever had the pleasure of viewing. But I know, I only under stand boxing and karate punching. I could not possibly grasp any tactics of employment. Deceptions and power delivery source. That said, I would not see the need for much of what he showed. But he did show ! Maybe his breathing was off or he threw some yang punches and made the case for their need.

04-16-2015, 08:09 PM
:D " Fair enough. But if the target and opening still exist. Do you choose not to cycle it again?" ~ Only if you are starring in a movie, big box office. Like Donnie Yen.

04-16-2015, 08:14 PM
:D " Fair enough. But if the target and opening still exist. Do you choose not to cycle it again?" ~ Only if you are starring in a movie, big box office.

So if man does not go down. You go else where with the attack. It is logical but in my experience, most guys are going to just be beating the same spot with the same move(s). Not in sport fighting so much but it shows up often enough when guys ground and pound.

Have you seen any of Sergio's instructional videos?

04-16-2015, 08:18 PM
:) Of course, but I'm not singling out Sifu Sergio , just the infatuation with an extended version chain punch that was never a focus of the masters, TCMA.

04-16-2015, 08:22 PM
:) Of course.

And if you have seen the chain punch video. Was it a good instructional by your standards on that particular aspect. Certainly you would not agree with everything. Most of us do not. But as a whole. Good or bad?

04-16-2015, 08:29 PM
I see there are some of his Siu Nim Tau dvds are on youtube.

04-16-2015, 08:31 PM
:) Have not seen, someone should post it. I have posted many of Sergio's vids (interviews in China) on the forum in the past. I have also mentioned before that Sifu Sergio has been shown closed door (family) stuff that he has been intrusted with, from watching some of his instructional stuff closely. The old Masters like him.

04-16-2015, 08:36 PM
:) Of course, but I'm not singling out Sifu Sergio , just the infatuation with an extended version chain punch that was never a focus of the masters, TCMA.

Oh, don't worry. I'm not infatuated with the chain punching, lol. I can understand how that might impress little kids. He delves deeper than just rapid fire 20 punches a second which is why I thought best chain punch dvd I have seen.

So, what are your impressions of Sergio's instructional's ? As a whole good or bad? Better or worse than others. I have a series from a Australian guy who's name escapes me. Peterson or Paterson maybe? His seem very good. Better than most of Sergio's in my opinion. Still, I like Sergio.

04-16-2015, 08:41 PM
:) Have not seen, someone should post it. I have posted many of Sergio's vids (interviews in China) on the forum in the past. I have also mentioned before that Sifu Sergio has been shown closed door (family) stuff that he has been intrusted with, from watching some of his instructional stuff closely. The old Masters like him.

He brings them money and note, lol. I don't know him but I'm sure he is a nice guy maybe he really is? Means well? Has to make a living too.

04-16-2015, 08:44 PM
:) Have not seen, someone should post it. I have posted many of Sergio's vids (interviews in China) on the forum in the past. I have also mentioned before that Sifu Sergio has been shown closed door (family) stuff that he has been intrusted with, from watching some of his instructional stuff closely. The old Masters like him.

Just youtube Sergio Iadarola . It should come up. Looks to be a couple of his dvds are up. I do not want to post links to it in Gene's place. I could pm the links if someone cant find it but it really should not be hard to find.

04-16-2015, 08:46 PM
PalmStriker. Thank you. Have a nice night. I'm signing out.

04-16-2015, 08:52 PM
:) I don't mind if he becomes popular or well off from teaching/expanding WingChun. That goes for all others who do the same. The old histories,lineages, techniques, etc. should be preserved in all the TCMA styles. If people take things in their own directions that is OK with me. To re-write history for motive is not so good. Wing Chun is what it was. Nobody is having to ward off gold coin darts these days.

04-16-2015, 11:25 PM
This forum should be viewed as a virtual school where you would honour yourself and others by your own behaviour.

I am afraid that horse bolted a decade or more ago.

Few of us here have followed that maxim all the time, with the OP himself being a significant transgressor, prior to his recent epiphany and apparent transformation upon his reading of this book. Good sentiment, but it comes with a few grains of salt.

Few forums escape such. A BJJ forum which was an exemplar of polite and respectful behaviour toward fellow posters a few years ago has descended into a snakes' pit as bad as this one used to be, with venomous arguments about whether or not one should accept a tournament silver medal if you lost in a two man division, and whether to boycott a seminar presented by a coral belt, one of whose affiliates presented a child with a seventh degree black belt (not a BJJ belt). Basically stuff that had no impact whatsoever on those acting most aggrieved, and next to none on anyone actively involved.

I see this place more like a university bar. You do not need be on your best behaviour all the time. You do not have to accept what anyone says because of who they hang out with or what they claim to have achieved. Sometimes you have a good discussion, other times you get into an argument.

Looking for education or enlightenment? Or validation? Wrong place, bro.

04-17-2015, 05:29 AM
I made the apology.It was my decision.
(forget "Martial Artists" ... as I don't view anyone posting on forums to be one)
This forum should be viewed as a virtual school where you would honour yourself and others by your own behaviour.

I guess my question is that if no one positing on a forum is a martial artists why would you view this forum as a virtual school?? :confused:

04-17-2015, 05:35 AM
I guess my question is that if no one positing on a forum is a martial artists why would you view this forum as a virtual school?? :confused:

Not sure I get the meaning you are trying to put across?

It's a magazine forum to discuss the magazine and make nice for its readers? There is lots that is here to the member too.
There are many things that can be learned even tho it is not styled as a virtual school?

04-17-2015, 06:44 AM
Not sure I get the meaning you are trying to put across?

It's a magazine forum to discuss the magazine and make nice for its readers? There is lots that is here to the member too.
There are many things that can be learned even tho it is not styled as a virtual school?

My point was that it is kind of contradictory to make a statement like no one on the forum is a martial artists and then make another stating that the forum is a virtual school.

If the posters are not martial artists then what can one hope to learn and why.

Kind of a tongue in cheek response if you get my meaning.

04-17-2015, 07:16 AM
Some of us have devoted our lives to MA.
At times MA even defines Us.
We have fought and bleed and been broken for our MA.
We pride ourselves in being a martial artist, someone that takes a MA and makes it his/her own, lives and breathes it.

It's nice to know that one person can easily decide that we are not.

zuti car
04-17-2015, 08:08 AM
I am definitely not an artist ,as for the martial part , well, that is another story

04-17-2015, 08:15 AM
Some of us have devoted our lives to MA.
At times MA even defines Us.
We have fought and bleed and been broken for our MA.
We pride ourselves in being a martial artist, someone that takes a MA and makes it his/her own, lives and breathes it.

It's nice to know that one person can easily decide that we are not.

i translated one of his chinese white crane books when i was 13 years old way back on cyberkwoon.com. he told me he could teach me white crane online then never replied back


04-17-2015, 09:27 AM
i translated one of his chinese white crane books when i was 13 years old way back on cyberkwoon.com. he told me he could teach me white crane online then never replied back

more lies!

04-17-2015, 01:03 PM
:) I don't mind if he becomes popular or well off from teaching/expanding WingChun. That goes for all others who do the same. The old histories,lineages, techniques, etc. should be preserved in all the TCMA styles. If people take things in their own directions that is OK with me. To re-write history for motive is not so good. Wing Chun is what it was. Nobody is having to ward off gold coin darts these days.

I really have no idea what history he has rewritten to his benefit. I do recall a old master came out after a rather long while and said he could no longer remain silent about Sergio's lies. Meaning? Prior he knew he was lying and supported him regardless? What does that make the master? A liar as well ? A man whom should not be fully trusted from that moment on without verifying everything that he says or writes? I don't know. I really don't care either way. But there is always 2 sides to a coin.

Please check your pm.

04-17-2015, 02:08 PM
more lies!
wtf is ur problem cuz

04-17-2015, 04:44 PM
So Sergio's Australian representative will be??

Now let me guess..............

Sorry Glenn, that position is already taken:


04-17-2015, 04:55 PM
I was thinking of ordering this and reviewing it, like I did with "Mastering Kung Fu" by Benny Meng et al, but at 49 Euros plus 25 for P&H, I've reconsidered. Over 100 AUD.

49 Euros? Is it printed using gold leaf? And $25 for P&H? Via SpaceX?

I prefer EBooks anyway. They are usually cheaper (hint).

04-17-2015, 11:23 PM
wtf is ur problem cuz

YOU Blood......

04-19-2015, 12:57 AM
Man oh man oh man! I don't get it.I really don't. I offer Hendrick Santo a perfectly open and honest apology for my views of his writings as contributed to Sifu Sergio's book which I still regard as an interesting read.

Despite him telling me via Private Messages on Facebook that he accepts the apology and then in the next breath gets all "shirty" and arrogant because I asked him for his research and opinions as I wanted to apply some to my own direction and try to get my own art looking back to its origins!!! In brief I had wanted to work with the guy to see, perhaps even learn more accurately where he was coming from.

I mean WTF?

I am not going to divulge the content of those Private Messages as that would be unethical and unprofessional... but I just cannot get this guy? I mean he basically agreed with me, accepted my apology fully and then turned around in a very short space of communications and said I was not sincere in my apology (Despite me giving him no reasons to think otherwise!) and that I was somehow "Baiting Him" Man, it's just crazy!

The level of mistrust and negativity he holds within must be terrible consuming and personally damaging to him.

I myself have grown tired of the type of debates of the mature I contributed to in the past on this matter. I had wanted and god knows tried to move on from that point but he just can't see beyond what must be his own arrogance. I mean, honestly I have no ill feelings towards the guy. I only know of him from his posts on this and other forums and of course some of the ideas that Sergio has expanded upon and wrote more clearly in his book (which I had though did some good for Hendrik) and yet he is imprisoned in some sort of self-indulgent paranoia and negativity. Wow!, what a way to live.

I'm sorry Hendrick, I truly am but your arrogance and paranoia do you and your research no favours.

Kellen Bassette
04-19-2015, 06:05 AM
gets all "shirty" and arrogant
I mean WTF?
I just cannot get this guy?
it's just crazy!
The level of mistrust and negativity he holds within must be terrible consuming and personally damaging to him.
he just can't see beyond what must be his own arrogance.
he is imprisoned in some sort of self-indulgent paranoia and negativity. Wow!, what a way to live.
I'm sorry Hendrick, I truly am but your arrogance and paranoia do you and your research no favours.

What a beautiful apology...:p:D

04-19-2015, 06:47 AM
ron u dont need no more rsearch, u bought all the certificates u need and ur an expert storyteller already.

wat u need is to get on hormone therapy and build some muscles because ur missing piece to success is image. u simply lack the strength power and speed to advertise urself well.
u also need to practice the wise kind master expression because u got a blank look on ur face

u upgraded from karate to kung fu but u have not upgraded urself.

04-19-2015, 09:59 AM
"I'm sorry Hendrick, I truly am but your arrogance and paranoia do you and your research no favours."

I was ready at first to think that maybe the guy could face well enough but he had to distance at the threat of actually backing it up beyond the book itself as a product.

Then I have to wonder if he somehow didn't see it coming. He specifically said "you are trying to bait me." - it looks pretty much like that's exactly what you did?

First you dogged him apparently, then went hysterically rushing up with an apology as "polished and worthy of golf claps" as your slandering probably was, he said he accepted it?
Instead of going on like the sincere simply would, you apparently launch a list of demands to the effect of
"You're stupid"
"Ok you're not stupid I was wrong so here I am? Teach me and go along with my schemes."
"You don't want to?!? But I apologized like kindergarden and everything! I'm insincere and trying to bait you?!?"
"You're stupid. I gotta go tell everybody how stupid you are"

Lots of people never get past about 3rd grade and so many these days have no basis in what (even) hillbillies call "raisins". The decay of manners and mind have progressed hand in hand.

04-19-2015, 02:07 PM
:) I watched an instructional vid published by Sifu Sergio on "Chain Punching" that was linked over my way for me to respond to on this thread in the way of a personal review. I would be interested to hear more-so what a seasoned practitioner of WingChun would have to say (numerous forum members) about the vid, but here's my take. :) To me, chain punching is not a go-to striking technique but is a great technique (like other TCMA WingChun techniques) that have best results when used sparingly (as in spar) or as a finishing move. That said, I won't get into commenting further on "extended chain-punching" or even the practice of "air extended chain-punching". In the vid, Sifu Sergio shows a very different punch (emphasizing circular movement) that is as foreign to my own basis as "worm reeling" or other uncommon practices of the contemporary Wing Chun delivery systems that are being incorporated into teaching curriculum around and about (internet). The video is easy enough to follow and well presented and Sifu Sergio's sparring partner is competent for demo action. I think one has to decide if you are interested in new school or old school agenda to start and develop any training in WingChun or any of the TCMA styles, especially if you are looking to highlight an MMA format fighting regimen.

04-19-2015, 02:21 PM
Thanks for the review PalmStriker.

04-19-2015, 04:00 PM
" I think one has to decide if you are interested in new school or old school agenda to start and develop any training in WingChun or any of the TCMA styles, "

Look at both with a discerning eye ~ old school is,pretty reliable, "new school" ? I don't really think there is one? But current authors are piecemeal and ought to be cross referenced the way one does editions of a book

04-19-2015, 04:22 PM
" I think one has to decide if you are interested in new school or old school agenda to start and develop any training in WingChun or any of the TCMA styles, "

Look at both with a discerning eye ~ old school is,pretty reliable, "new school" ? I don't really think there is one? But current authors are piecemeal and ought to be cross referenced the way one does editions of a book

With these the the new school is the old school - references to 1850 and 1700, etc.

I haven't decided whether the Ron / Hendrik / Snake and Crane guys is more like a bad soap opera or a horrible reality TV show. Who will get voted off the island first?

04-19-2015, 04:27 PM
Sorry Glenn, that position is already taken:


Bloody hell......... when did they pop up?!?!

04-19-2015, 05:39 PM
Would anyone be kind enough to inform me on what is old school and what is new school regarding wing chun, please.
Or is new school being referenced as mma?

04-19-2015, 09:10 PM
I just thought lets make peace and move on, I asked him about his research as pertained to White Crane as it may have had some merit and he went all "nutso" on me, claimed I was baiting him etc. So I told him not to flatter himself that much!

Secondly, Sifu Sergio's book is an interesting read. Do I think it's right and correct? No, it is an interesting read but nothing of any real substance comes out of it other than a bit of an extended promo for him and the IWKA. I found the way he explained Hendrik's stuff to have more merit than Hendrik's explanations but again nothing is proven as historically accurate.

As for Hendrik, Well I have learned my lesson!

Oh and Bawang ......... Your Funny!

04-19-2015, 11:37 PM
Posted from Martial Talk forum: http://www.martialtalk.com/threads/six-core-elements.117697/page-12

By Hendrik Santo:

This is exactly the type of person . Pretend to be nice but with an agenda of wanting something from me.

When i told him exactly as the folllwing . Look how he behave now.

"Go study with some one who is the real master. That is the only advise i can give you. You idea above is non realistic because you were never train to handle this job yet.

Face it. You want my assessment i have given it to you proffesionally. The rest is your freedom of choice

I woud not be able to help you

I dont practice white crane."

I Encourage Ron to post the message record between him and me.

By myself in reply:


Thank you for posting above, It now allows me to address the actual facts!

1/. It was you, not I who copied and posted my apology from the KFO Forum here on Martial Talk. You did this. Not I.

2/. You did so because you wanted people here to know and because you thought it served your own agenda to do so.

3/. I reached out to you to apologise and to be your friend.

4/. You fully accepted this apology in writing!

5/. At no time did I "Bait" you. I did however ask you for your opinion and sharing of your research that applied to the link between White Crane and Wing Chun. I did so as a friend and stated that I would give you credit where credit was due .... this is hardly "Baiting" you!

6/. You fully accepted my apology only to state later on that I was "Not sincere in my apology" and that I had in your opinion an "Hidden Agenda".This would indicate and lead most normal people to then look upon your actions as not being sincere i.e "Accepting my apology" only to go back on your word, in brief a liar!

You then strongly stated words to the effect "that Lee Kong was not all that skilled at White Crane Gongfu" and Hendrick,I did screen capture what was said as you have a strong history of "deleting" things once written!

You also went on state words to the effect of along the lines of: "Information (Research) does not help as one needs as one needs solid indepth kungfu".

At no time have I repeated or posted what was stated exactly via the Facebook Private conversation we had. I told you that to do so would be unethical, unprofessional and wrong.

I have however summarized the above to show the level of you obvious hubris, paranoia and outright insincerity.

I did want to work with you as both a friend and as professional but you are unable to get beyond the past, your problem not mine I will no longer defend you either as you are just plain arrogant and think you are above other people.

04-20-2015, 01:09 AM

I hereby fully withdraw my apology to Hendrik Santo. He is without a doubt a liar and user of others for his own gain. As for Sifu Sergio's Book, I stated it was an "interesting read" and that I recommended it to those wanting to know more about the art (IWKA) as shown within the book. Do I think it is historically correct? No. In fact in some ways it mentions how he told some untruths to his seniors at the time to cover up himself going behind their backs for information.

Happy Tiger
04-20-2015, 06:14 AM

I hereby fully withdraw my apology to Hendrik Santo. He is without a doubt a liar and user of others for his own gain. As for Sifu Sergio's Book, I stated it was an "interesting read" and that I recommended it to those wanting to know more about the art (IWKA) as shown within the book. Do I think it is historically correct? No. In fact in some ways it mentions how he told some untruths to his seniors at the time to cover up himself going behind their backs for information.Aaaahhhh, the circle of life. : )

04-20-2015, 06:18 AM
Confuseus say "Lady vampire with broken teeth make more noise than drunken prostitute"

04-20-2015, 04:09 PM

I hereby fully withdraw my apology to Hendrik Santo. He is without a doubt a liar and user of others for his own gain. As for Sifu Sergio's Book, I stated it was an "interesting read" and that I recommended it to those wanting to know more about the art (IWKA) as shown within the book. Do I think it is historically correct? No. In fact in some ways it mentions how he told some untruths to his seniors at the time to cover up himself going behind their backs for information.

If your apology were really sincere, you would have given it unconditionally, regardless of how he responded. Then you could have 'agreed to disagree' and moved on. Since you don't consider anyone who posts here to be 'martial artists', you must show all of us non-MAists what a real MAist is or should be, and be a shining example of wu de.

BTW, I don't care about Hendrik either way. I'm simply pointing out a contradiction or two.

04-20-2015, 06:01 PM
If your apology were really sincere, you would have given it unconditionally, regardless of how he responded. Then you could have 'agreed to disagree' and moved on. Since you don't consider anyone who posts here to be 'martial artists', you must show all of us non-MAists what a real MAist is or should be, and be a shining example of wu de.

BTW, I don't care about Hendrik either way. I'm simply pointing out a contradiction or two.

no him asking for hendriks sources is a totally legitimah question. the thing is hendrik can never tell him because he just scours chinese web for kung fu articles.

none of the info hendrik posted about wing chun is any ground breaking news.

04-20-2015, 06:17 PM
I don't disagree with you, bawang, but I was mainly referring to this post as it relates to the situation now:

I made the apology.It was my decision.

With the advent of a emerging global economy and an ever-shrinking world due to the Internet, travel etc it is now more important than ever that we as people (forget "Martial Artists" ... as I don't view anyone posting on forums to be one) learn to get along with each other or at least agree to disagree and move on.

This forum should be viewed as a virtual school where you would honour yourself and others by your own behaviour.

04-20-2015, 07:53 PM
I haven't come across the particular chain punching video discussed, only one which is basically a marketing teaser, but I did look through a few of his other Youtube videos.

In short, he appears to be a pretty competent Wing Chun practitioner with plenty of striking power and technical understanding. His instructional style is also quite competent. The best MA instructor or Wing Chun practitioner I've ever seen? No, but pretty good and a long way from the worst. Refreshingly free of the "MMA is the spawn of the devil", "Everyone else is a moron except me and my teachers and buddies, especially YOU", and "None of you know what I know and I MIGHT tell you a BIT of it if you kiss my a$$ for an extended period" attitudes.

He's obviously put in a lot of time and world travel seeking knowledge, and put out a significant amount of material. It seems a bit overpriced to me in comparison to other instructionals, but not enormously so.

It's easy to take cheap shots at someone who puts himself in the public eye so much and seeks out so many instructors, but I think that's inappropriate. Not everyone has the ability, desire, or willingness to make sacrifices to do that. Good luck to him, he's doing more than most to publicise Wing Chun and try and keep it relevant in the current day and age.

04-21-2015, 02:38 AM
no him asking for hendriks sources is a totally legitimah question. the thing is hendrik can never tell him because he just scours chinese web for kung fu articles.

none of the info hendrik posted about wing chun is any ground breaking news.

Bawang, Your 100% right s per above ... I realise that now!

I don't disagree with you, bawang, but I was mainly referring to this post as it relates to the situation now:

Yes and I have replied to him as I would if this had happened on floor. I would expect anyone in my hall to treat me in a respectful manner but also be able to openly disagree with me or to call me out had I lied or been as totally disrespectful to them as Hendrik has been to me.

04-21-2015, 04:14 AM
I haven't come across the particular chain punching video discussed, only one which is basically a marketing teaser, but I did look through a few of his other Youtube videos.

In short, he appears to be a pretty competent Wing Chun practitioner with plenty of striking power and technical understanding. His instructional style is also quite competent. The best MA instructor or Wing Chun practitioner I've ever seen? No, but pretty good and a long way from the worst. Refreshingly free of the "MMA is the spawn of the devil", "Everyone else is a moron except me and my teachers and buddies, especially YOU", and "None of you know what I know and I MIGHT tell you a BIT of it if you kiss my a$$ for an extended period" attitudes.

He's obviously put in a lot of time and world travel seeking knowledge, and put out a significant amount of material. It seems a bit overpriced to me in comparison to other instructionals, but not enormously so.

It's easy to take cheap shots at someone who puts himself in the public eye so much and seeks out so many instructors, but I think that's inappropriate. Not everyone has the ability, desire, or willingness to make sacrifices to do that. Good luck to him, he's doing more than most to publicise Wing Chun and try and keep it relevant in the current day and age.

This may be the nicest post I have come across in this sub forum. Anyway, Sergio's videos were a bit cheaper a few years back. I bought a couple. They were instant downloads. I want to say they were about 20 bucks US then. But, I may be wrong. I did notice 4 of his dvd downloads in youtube. First set and 2 others called the beginning and the end or the now. Different uploaders.

I have relatives in Adelaide. Asked them about Jim Fung. None were ever into MA's aside from boxing. So never heard of him.

Thanks for your honest opinion.

04-21-2015, 07:23 AM
"Yes and I have replied to him as I would if this had happened on floor. I would expect anyone in my hall to treat me in a respectful manner but also be able to openly disagree with me or to call me out had I lied or been as totally disrespectful to them as Hendrik has been to me."

Ahahaha! My god. Thankfully you don't live around here. We have nice girls.

04-21-2015, 10:46 AM
u wing chun guys must have missed it holed up in ur forum section but hendrik was going thru that internal kung fu yiquan phase and tried to link wing chun to yiquan (lol) and posted "super secret internal information". i just copy pasted the stuff on google and in 2 seconds found the article from a kung fu blog on sina.

another time he was talking about shaolin kung fu and said tree hugging skill is where u hug a tree and absorb its qi. tree hugging skill is a exercise where u lift up stone cylinders.

also the scant video the guy posted he is like friggin 80 pounds and has mental attitude of famine victim. maybe thats normal wing chun bodytype but u can tell the guy is not normal lol

and im srs ron u need to lift weights it will solve ur kung fu problems

04-21-2015, 12:12 PM
"another time he was talking about shaolin kung fu and said tree hugging skill is where u hug a tree and absorb its qi. tree hugging skill is a exercise where u lift up stone cylinders. "


04-21-2015, 12:53 PM

Another look at chain punching. Focus on Vitor:


There is a time and a place for it.


04-21-2015, 03:14 PM
I have relatives in Adelaide. Asked them about Jim Fung. None were ever into MA's aside from boxing. So never heard of him.

Sifu Jim Fung died in 2007. He moved his school HQ from Adelaide to Sydney in the 1980's, IIRC. I saw a demo of his in 1978, and considered joining his school in the late 1980s, but ended up elsewhere.

I train Jiu Jitsu with Dave O'Donnell, one of the inheritors of his Wing Chun system. Dave and I were awarded our BJJ black belts on the same night in 2013.

04-21-2015, 03:52 PM
Sifu Jim Fung died in 2007. He moved his school HQ from Adelaide to Sydney in the 1980's, IIRC. I saw a demo of his in 1978, and considered joining his school in the late 1980s, but ended up elsewhere.

I train Jiu Jitsu with Dave O'Donnell, one of the inheritors of his Wing Chun system. Dave and I were awarded our BJJ black belts on the same night in 2013.

Nice. My brother is a brown belt in Gracie Barra.

04-23-2015, 01:32 AM
I have some screen captures (Proper and real ones) that has Sifu Sergio stating that he does not work with one Hendrik Santo yet claims that Hendrik Santo is his "Yik Kam Source"???

In this same series of screen captures Sergio states that the “6 Core Elements are ancient and that Hendrick Santo did not come up with them"

Sergio also states that he trained directly in person with Hendrick Santo and that Hendrik Santo is his Sifu.

When asked to produce one photo of he and Hendrik together he could not. Hendrik Santo was also asked to produce one single photo of him and Sergio together and could not.

Hendrik Santo states that he taught the 8 Core Elements to Sergio in direct contradiction to what Sergio has stated above.

Sifu Sergio stated that he learnt the Siu Lim Tau form from Hendrik Santo in person but could not provide any proof.

Hendrik Santo stated he taught the Siu Lim Tau form to Sifu Sergio in person but could not provide any proof.

Hendrik Santo boasted that he told eminent White Crane Master Lee Kong that he (Lee Kong) was not as good as the ancients in the art of White Crane.

Hendrik Santo stated he does not do or has done any White Crane.

I post this here as a matter of public record regarding the statements of Hendrick Santo and Sergio Iadarola on the matters pertaining to the Six Core Elements.

04-23-2015, 06:15 AM
ron u really need to let go of this internet research tomfoolery and start doing steroids and lifting weights. its the only way your school will grow.

Kellen Bassette
04-23-2015, 08:55 AM
I never got a dog in any of the Wing Chun fights, but I got to say I've trained with some people for years and never bothered to take a picture with them. Not everyone's into the whole selfie thing, believe it or not. For whatever that's worth....

On a happier note, the best thing I've read about Wing Chun in a long time came across my feed today, check it out after you done with the Kung Fu Theater here! :P


04-23-2015, 09:59 AM
I never got a dog in any of the Wing Chun fights, but I got to say I've trained with some people for years and never bothered to take a picture with them. Not everyone's into the whole selfie thing, believe it or not. For whatever that's worth....

On a happier note, the best thing I've read about Wing Chun in a long time came across my feed today, check it out after you done with the Kung Fu Theater here! :P


Nice link. Thanks. By the way, some may realize SLY grabbed his characters name in the Expendables for someone listed in that article. That guy also wrote a book. Leo Fong would recommend that book.