View Full Version : Jackie Chan & Michelle Yeoh Love Story

04-15-2015, 08:21 AM
I suspect this won't happen, but just in case it does...

Jackie Chan Wants To Make A Love Story In Sarawak But Only With Michelle Yeoh As His 'Lover' (http://malaysiandigest.com/frontpage/29-4-tile/549637-jackie-chan-wants-to-make-a-love-story-in-sarawak-but-only-with-michelle-yeoh-as-his-lover.html)
Published on Monday, 13 April 2015 10:41
Written by Carolina Cheah

Pic: Jackie Chan FBPic: Jackie Chan FB

"The happiest thing of all was meeting with my old friend, Michelle Yeoh. I truly cherish every moment and opportunity we have to see each other because we’re usually so busy that we don’t get a chance to even meet. In my new book, I also wrote a section just about her!" - Jackie Chan, FB posting on 12 April 2015

Jackie Chan shared this fond recollection of Tan Sri Michelle Yeoh in his latest Facebook posting after returning from Sarawak, continuing to fuel rumours of a pending romantic flick pairing him with Malaysian's own superstar.

Yesterday, the grand finale of the ASEAN International Film Festival and Awards 2015 (AIFFA) got the superstar touch when international movie star Jackie Chan attended the event to accept the Asean Inspiration Award and got the media and fans in a frenzy when he declared his interest in making a romantic movie in Sarawak. The rumour mill got even more heated when it was revealed that he only wanted Yeoh as his romantic interest.

Yeoh in response to a question from the emcee at the AIFFA opening that Chan was only interested in making the love story with her had shared her answer publicly.

“We’ve been talking about a love story for 30 years now. Anytime you are ready, brother!”

The two movie stars had acted together over 23 years ago in Police Story 3 when Yeoh was just starting out in her acting career in Hong Kong and landed the lead opposite action star Chan.

As reported by a local news daily, special guest Chan, who was visiting Borneo for the first time, had earlier quipped that he could return to Sarawak to make a love story but only with “Yeoh as his romantic interest”.

Accepting the prize for the Asean Inspiration Award, Chan said making movies was all that he knew his entire life.

“All those years, I only knew to keep on making movies. I tried to do my best. I ‘promised’ to keep hurting myself if I must (in order) to make better movies,” said the 61-year-old.

- mD

More on Jackie Chan's new book here: Growing-Old-Before-Growing-Up-A-new-autobiography-by-Jackie-Chan (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?68575-Growing-Old-Before-Growing-Up-A-new-autobiography-by-Jackie-Chan)

04-16-2015, 07:44 PM
I would like to see the movie set in the early Qing Dynasty. Revolving around battlefield conditions like the Sean Connery movie "Robin and Marian" that I saw when it first premiered in Culver City, California where I lived in the mid-70's. That would rule and be a big draw. Michelle shouldn't be too far away from a sword.

04-17-2015, 10:17 AM
The writer of that article says that Yeoh was only starting out her film career with Police Story 3, which is incorrect. It actually marked her return to films after a few years of retirement, after she married her first husband. Her first role was in The Owl vs. Bumbo in 1984, and her career took off in 1985 with Yes, Madam and continued until 1987 or '88, when she initially retired from acting.

04-17-2015, 12:51 PM
All I know for certain is she is HOT !