View Full Version : Self_created Solo Training

05-05-2015, 03:00 PM
If you have "partner drills", you will have "solo drills" when partner is not available. If you link your "solo drills" together, you will have "solo training" and it will look just like you are fighting. If you can create your own "solo training" and get better result out of your training time investment, why do you even want to train the traditional forms for? If you create it well, it can look as "pretty" as any TCMA form.

You may want to "copy" when you were young. But are you going to "copy" for the rest of your life? When will you start to "create"? Your thought?


05-05-2015, 05:31 PM

I have studied forms as a solely physical exercise and then as one that washes the chi throughout the body after it has been accumulated. The former can be quite tedious and taxing to the body over time. The latter feels really good and that feeling endures long after practice. And with consistent practice the energy builds and can heal the body.

I saw some footage of Kuo Lien Ying a few years ago. I really did not now that they were older students. I thought they were just kids in their teens. They trained the standing meditation and washed (moved) the energy in their form practice. Do I think they looked so young because of the way they practiced? YES,YES,YES!!!!


05-06-2015, 06:03 AM
Because of health issues I have not been able to spar for years now, so my MA training consists mainly of solo drills.
Grappling is done with partners when I can and dummies when I don't have anyone available.
Of course I had over 30 years of MA experience before I had to limit myself to solo training.
That experience is what I bring into the drills I do now, stuff I KNOW works because I have done it, repeatably.
Solo drills should come from what a person KNOWS works for THEM, consistently.

David Jamieson
05-06-2015, 06:06 AM
Training changes over time as well.
As you grow older, your training regimen is going to change too.
Having some forms is good because that constitutes a type of body work and motion that
otherwise most oldsters are not doing.

I am going to be happy doing kung fu sets in my 70s while everyone else is doing
barney exercises. lol

05-06-2015, 12:56 PM
1 2 men form.

We may practice partner A first. We then practice partner B.

2 we may always string several moves and counter moves in any order.

3 we may mix and mash.

Mantis has all the variants of the same forms.

My point is that as long as we know what we are doing and drilling.

Names for any particular forms new or old may not be important.
