View Full Version : The Realm of the Tiger

11-06-2015, 11:22 AM
LI BINGBING TO STAR AS AN ORIGINAL SUPERHERO IN STAN LEE'S 'REALM' (http://www.therealstanlee.com/li-bingbing-is-a-superhero/)
OCTOBER 30, 2015

The man behind some of the worlds most iconic superheroes is at it again. All of Stan's creations have filled the pages of comic books, and several have gone on to appear a couple of times on the big screen. But his latest character to hit theaters has never appeared in any comic. Never short on imagination Stan has created a brand new, and as of yet unnamed superhero, who is set to make her debut in a new film called Realm. Stan Lee Global Entertainment and Fundamental Films have teamed up to introduce the original hero on the silver screen.



Realm will feature Stan Lee Entertainment's very first female Asian superhero. It's no secret that the world of superheroes can be a bit lacking in diversity, and this new hero, whoever she is, will be a very welcome addition, especially considering she came from the mind of the man who invented Spider-Man. Acclaimed Chinese actress, Li Bingbing, has been cast in the film's lead role. In a statement the Generalissimo himself said:

"What a kick it has been to create our first Chinese female superhero, and an empowering one at that. It has been such a fun experience bringing to life an international woman character, and the ability to do so has been different from anything we've ever done! I am thoroughly enjoying every minute of it."


Fantasy World

Bingbing is not exactly new to the genre. With films like Resident Evil: Retribution and Transformers: Age of Extinction already on her resume, we know that she's more than capable of killing her latest role.



The writer behind Predators and Three Musketeers, Alex Litvak, will be writing the script for the new movie. The film is set to be produced by its star, Bingbing, as well as Gill Champion and Gregory Ouanhon. Gary Glushon will act as the movie's executive producer.



Not much is know about what the new film will entail, but with our Generalissimo at the helm you can probably safely assume that you're not going to want to miss it!

I can only hope that as this new Marvel heroine, Bingbing wields a sword (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?41007-Sword-hotties).

11-10-2015, 02:42 PM
5:11 pm HKT
It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane … It’s the World’s First Chinese Superheroine (http://blogs.wsj.com/chinarealtime/2015/11/02/its-a-bird-its-a-plane-its-the-worlds-first-chinese-superheroine/)

Chinese actress Li Bingbing at the 68th annual Cannes Film Festival on May 17, 2015. European Pressphoto Agency

Move over, Supergirl: A new superheroine is coming to town.

A Shanghai-based film studio is joining forces with Stan Lee, the former head of Marvel Comics, to create the world’s first English-language film starring a Chinese female superhero, amid a surge of cinematic girl power at home and abroad.

Fundamental Films, a Chinese film production and distribution firm, recently announced that it will partner with Mr. Lee to co-produce “The Realm of the Tiger,” a superhero film featuring Chinese actress Li Bingbing as its yet-to-be-named main character.

Mr. Lee, who is 92 and chairman emeritus of Marvel, co-created a slate of the most well-known superheroes in the world, including Spider-Man, Iron Man and the X-Men.

“We believe making female superhero films and other female-led action and sci-fi films will become a global trend in the future,” said Cheng Jiaqi, president of Fundamental Films. “A female superhero will help this Chinese story stand out.”

More local studios are making female-friendly films in recent years in an effort to court China’s growing crowds of women moviegoers.

Fundamental Films said it would invest more than half of “Realm’s” total budget of “tens of millions of dollars” and will be involved in developing, producing and distributing the film, which is targeted at both Chinese and global audiences.

The film’s plot and shooting timeline have yet to be finalized. The company is looking for a Western director to helm the project, which will be based on a script by Alex Litvak, one of the writers behind the 2010 action-adventure film “Predators.” The company said the story is based on an original idea from Mr. Lee.

The project is still pending the approval of China’s state film authority for official co-production status, which would help the film circumvent the import quota of films for release in China. Co-production is often deemed the “Holy Grail” for Western filmmakers seeking to tap China’s market—but often such projects don’t pan out as expected due to problems including mismatched expectations and gaps in communication.

Thanks to the booming Chinese film market, Hollywood studios have started to include Chinese elements to lure local audiences and win over the censors’ hearts. An increasing number of Western films have featured Chinese actresses, including Ms. Li, who appeared in the latest installment of Paramount’s “Transformers” last year. But often, their only token involvement draws online mockery at home.

Superhero films – both foreign and domestic – are generally well received in China. “Pancake Man,” a modest-budget domestic comedy about an actor making a film about a superhero, grossed nearly 1.2 billion yuan ($190 million) this summer. A string of movies based on the Monkey King, a character from the classic Chinese novel “Journey To The West,” has also grossed high at local theaters.

More Chinese filmmakers are also seeking power from the West. Huace Group, a leading local studio, in September signed a four-film development deal with Hollywood producer Michael Uslan, producer of the “Batman” movies. Zhao Yifang, president of Huace, told China Real Time that the company plans to build China’s superhero franchise by working with Mr. Uslan in the future.

–Lilian Lin. Follow her on Twitter @lilianlinyigu.

Been thinking about this. Clearly we all forgot about Bauhinia Heroine (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?62785-Bauhinia-Heroine). :o

11-10-2015, 03:03 PM
:) Lovely Sword !

11-18-2015, 10:35 AM
I suspect they'll get it though. Marvel films do well in China and that's will surely have a positive effect on a Stan Lee project like this.

Li Bingbing to Star as Chinese Super Heroine in China-Stan Lee Collaboration (http://en.yibada.com/articles/80782/20151103/li-bingbing-star-chinese-super-heroine-china-stan-lee-collaboration.htm)
Vanna Emia | Nov 03, 2015 05:48 AM EST

Titled "The Realm of the Tiger," the film will star Chinese actress Li Bingbing as the super heroine. (Photo : Wikipedia)

Stan Lee, the former head and current chairman emeritus of Marvel Comics, has recently joined forces with Chinese film production house Fundamental Films to create the first English-language film featuring a Chinese female superhero.
Titled "The Realm of the Tiger," the film will star Chinese actress Li Bingbing as the super heroine.
"We believe making female superhero films and other female-led action and sci-fi films will become a global trend in the future," said Cheng Jiaqi, president of Fundamental Films, in an interview with the Wall Street Journal. "A female superhero will help this Chinese story stand out," Cheng added.
Sure enough, more and more female-centric films are being produced in China as a means of attracting female moviegoers.
According to Fundamental Films, the production studio will invest a fare share of the film's total budget, and will be heavily involved in the development, production and distribution of the film.
The plot and shooting timeline of "The Realm of the Tiger" have yet to be finalized, however. Fundamental Films is currently busy looking for a Western director to head the project.
The story will be based on a script written by Alex Litvak. Litvak was one of the writers behind "Predators," a 2010 action-adventure film.
China's state film authority has also yet to greenlight the project for official co-production status. An approval from the board will help "The Realm of the Tiger" get around the import quota usually imposed for films to be released in China.
This is not the first time Hollywood has reached out to Chinese filmmakers for a collaboration. Earlier this year, Huace Group signed a four-film development deal with Michael Uslan, the producer behind the "Batman" movies.