View Full Version : Blind Masters

12-07-2015, 04:14 PM
I've been meaning to start this thread for some time now. I have an excuse for it now. It just strikes me as an unusual stereotype. Let's make a list, shall we?

Master Po in Kung Fu (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?44356-Kung-Fu-The-Movie) (Couldn't find a thread on the original series, but this will do for now)

Zatoichi (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?13431-Zatoichi)

Blind avenger in Crippled Avengers (no thread on this film but it comes up a few times in our Favorite kung fu movies of all time (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?13032-Favorite-kung-fu-movies-of-all-time) thread.)

Hundred Eyes in Marco Polo (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?62877-Marco-Polo-Netflix-Original-Series)

DareDevil (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?19985-DareDevil)

Blind Master in G.I. Joe Retaliation (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?62615-G-I-Joe-Retaliation)

This is just for starters. I'm sure there are more.

12-08-2015, 07:27 AM
I've been meaning to start this thread for some time now. I have an excuse for it now. It just strikes me as an unusual stereotype. Let's make a list, shall we?

Master Po in Kung Fu (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?44356-Kung-Fu-The-Movie) (Couldn't find a thread on the original series, but this will do for now)

Zatoichi (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?13431-Zatoichi)

Blind avenger in Crippled Avengers (no thread on this film but it comes up a few times in our Favorite kung fu movies of all time (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?13032-Favorite-kung-fu-movies-of-all-time) thread.)

Hundred Eyes in Marco Polo (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?62877-Marco-Polo-Netflix-Original-Series)

DareDevil (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?19985-DareDevil)

Blind Master in G.I. Joe Retaliation (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?62615-G-I-Joe-Retaliation)

This is just for starters. I'm sure there are more.

Rutger Hauer in Blind Fury.

12-08-2015, 08:22 AM
Off the top of my head ...

The blind swordswoman/antagonist (Hoki Tokuda) in Blind Woman's Curse.

The blind old father-in-law (and teacher) of the female kicking master in the Shaw Bros film Five Superfighters.

12-08-2015, 10:03 AM

There was a very convincingly portrayed blind villain in "The Streetfighter"

I remember there was a blind daughter who had skills in Shaw Brothers' "The Brave Archer" series.

Is there room for Johnny Depp in "Once Upon a Time in Mexico" and Denzel Washington in "The Book of Eli"? Denzel was also convincing as a blind man.


12-08-2015, 11:34 AM
Book of Eli (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/ezine/article.php?article=869) totally counts. ;)

Speaking of Blind Fury, there was also that female take on Zatoichi titled Ichi (2008). And how could I forget the Crimson Bat? That was Oichi. :o

12-08-2015, 12:24 PM

There was one movie that I only saw stills from in Fighting Stars magazine. It featured Tadashi Yamash!ta as a blind guy using nunchaku. His site refers to a movie called "The Blind Karate Man". I do not know if it is the same. I do remember that Yang Sze (Bolo) is in it and it came out during the time when Tadashi Yamash!ta was working with Sonny Chiba.


12-08-2015, 12:34 PM
****, Sanjuro beat me to it- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCr5kxFmCXc

12-09-2015, 03:42 PM

Gene must get spanked for missing this:

The late Yu Cheng Hui "Yellow River Fighter"



12-09-2015, 04:40 PM

02-18-2016, 09:11 AM
Here's one for realz!

There's a vid too, if you follow the link.

Blind pensioner becomes martial arts master years after taking up judo to tackle bullies (http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/blind-pensioner-becomes-martial-arts-7393686)
14:26, 18 FEB 2016 UPDATED 14:27, 18 FEB 2016
Steven Fyffe is now one of the country's leading martial arts experts after taking up the sport in school

A totally-blind man has earned the title of one of the country's leading martial arts experts after taking up the sport in school to tackle bullies.

Steve Fyffe, 65, has won a string of dan belts - given to people when they reach an expert level of competence in martial arts.

Last month he was awarded a fifth dan belt in aikido which he will add to his fourth dan belts in judo and yodokan as well as a first dan in Iaido.

He was born blind and took up judo when he was six after being bullied at school.

Blind martial artist Steve FyffeBlind: Steve Fyffe was born without any sight in both his eyes

Steve is able to utilise all his other senses to detect opponents.

He claims this enables him to be able to sense an attack before it happens, and has allowed him to fight six people at once and come out on top.

Steve said: "I have never had to use my skills in a street fight but if someone was foolish enough to attack me they'd be in for a shock.

"In aikido we do multiple attacks. I can fight up to six people at a time. The hardest is four because they are coming at you from four different directions.

Blind martial artist Steve FyffeSkill: Steve took up judo when he was in school

"When you have five or six you can block people with other bodies.

"I might look like a defenceless blind person but I've got skills and I can sense before an attack is going to happen. It might only be part of a second but it's a huge advantage."

Steve, of Norwich, Norfolk, was born totally blind and began learning judo when he was six years old because he was getting bullied at school.

He said: "I got teased quite a bit at school. There was no physical abuse, it was more mental but that still affects you.

Blind martial artist Steve FyffeSenses: Steve was just six when he started being bullied by his classmates

"My father found out and thought that I should try out judo. He was in the navy and he always believed that no matter what happens to you, you have to look after yourself.

"He always said it doesn't matter what difficulties you have in life, find a way to overcome them.

"I've always believed that too and that's how I've lived my life."

Steve began learning judo and quickly progressed through the belts, eventually earning a fourth dan belt in 1972.

He enjoyed judo but his passion is a lesser know martial art called aikido.

Loosely translated to a 'way of adapting the spirit', aikido was created by Japanese martial artist Morihei Ueshiba and is based purely on defensive skills.

Blind martial artist Steve FyffePassion: Steve now practises aikido

Steve heard about the sport in the 1970s but it wasn't until the mid 80s that he began taking part in it.

He earned his first dan felt in 1990 and was progressively awarded them until being awarded his fifth dan in January.

He said: "I liked it as soon as I got into it. It was great fun and I just kept at it.

"I always liked judo but I was far more committed to aikido. Its founder called it the art of peace which it is until you happen to be on the wrong end of it.

"I've never had to use my skills on anyone. I think it is because I am confident and if you are confident you aren't vulnerable to attack.

"But that doesn't mean I can't handle myself. If someone started poking me in the chest they would hit the floor very quickly."

As well as judo and aikido Steve practises iaido, cane, Jo, aiki sword, yodokan and tanto.

Relaxed: Steve meditates for 40 minutes every day

He wakes up at 5.30am every morning and 300 knife cuts and meditates for 40 minutes every day.

He said: "Meditation is so important for the mind, body and soul. It is so relaxing to be able to focus on something and let everything else go.

"Martial arts are the best thing that ever happened to me. I do them to keep fit and healthy both mentally and physically.

Read more: 'ADHD wrecked my life until I discovered judo'

"I also teach classes every week which lets me give something back to the community."

Steve lives in Norwich with his two-year-old golden retriever Labrador cross called Fergus.

Anyone interested in joining Steve's classes can visit his website at www.aikidofordailylife.co.uk/steve.html

03-17-2016, 11:19 AM
The blind swordswoman Seol-rang (Jeon Do-yeon) in Memories Of The Sword (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?68877-Memories-Of-The-Sword).

Blind Al (Leslie Uggams) in Deadpool (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/ezine/article.php?article=1282). This one wasn't quite a 'master' but she was well armed. ;)

06-23-2016, 03:33 PM
Chirrut Imwe (Donnie Yen)
Pronounced chi-RUT, he’s no Jedi, but he’s devoted to their ways and has used his spirituality to overcome his blindness and become a formidable warrior. “Chirrut falls into the category of being a warrior monk,” says Kennedy. “He very much still believes in everything the Jedi were about.” He maintains that belief even though the Jedi are no longer there to protect the galaxy. As director Gareth Edwards puts it: "This idea that magical beings are going to come and save us is going away, and it’s up to normal, everyday people to take a stand to stop evil from dominating the world.”

From our Star-Wars-Rogue-One (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?68803-Star-Wars-Rogue-One) thread.

07-28-2016, 10:11 AM
Not a quite master yet, but still inspirational

CORONA: Blind student excels in martial arts (http://www.pe.com/articles/riquelme-808749-solis-taekwondo.html)
Gianni Riquelme-Solis, 11, recently took home gold medals from a taekwondo competition.

Gianni Riquelme-Solis, left, with his instructor, Michael Villalobos.

Published: July 21, 2016 Updated: 11:24 p.m.

Gianni Riquelme-Solis, an 11-year-old middle school student from Corona, recently won two gold medals in a regional taekwondo competition.
That’s quite a feat in itself, but it’s unique because he is blind.
Riquelme-Solis has been blind from birth, but that has not stopped him from being active. Apart from excelling at taekwondo, he also goes camping, takes swimming lessons and is in band at Luiseño School. According to Master Michael Villalobos, owner of Champion Taekwondo in Corona, Riquelme-Solis was the only non-sighted competitor in the competition.
Riquelme-Solis competes by receiving verbal instructions from his teacher.
“My master tells me when to kick and punch,” said Riquelme-Solis, who has been competing for about a year and a half. He said what he enjoys most about taekwondo is doing forms (skills unique to a level) and punches.
He took up the sport because his mother and brother were also participants. Gianni’s mother, Lorena Riquelme, attributes his success in the sport to his connection with his instructor. Riquelme has been participating in taekwondo for two years.
When Villalobos realized that Riquelme-Riquelme was able to follow instructions he decided to put him in regular classes with the other students. Villalobos initially had to put in a little more work with Riquelme-Solis by starting his personal lessons earlier, but he was soon able to catch up.
His mother says that Riquelme-Solis also enjoys the social aspect of the sport, especially interacting with his brother and the other students.
“The biggest motivation is being at the same level as his brother,” said Riquelme.
Riquelme-Solis was also touched by the applause he received at the competition when he won his category.
“When we went to the competition he liked the people cheering (for him,)” said Riquelme.
Villalobos says Riquelme-Solis has shown an aptitude for taekwondo.
During a practice session, Riquelme-Solis also broke some boards under the supervision of his instructor.
He is already a green belt, an intermediate level, and is making steady progress through the various categories. Villalobos said he could eventually see Riquelme-Solis being an instructor.
“We are all very amazed and very inspired,” said Villalobos. “He’s motivated everyone.”
Riquelme-Solis is currently working on the next level of taekwondo, the blue belt.

08-29-2016, 04:43 PM
I saw this. Pretty good movie.


10-14-2016, 02:07 PM
With Season 3 of Star Wars Rebels (http://www.starwars.com/tv-shows/star-wars-rebels), Kanan (http://www.starwars.com/video/star-wars-rebels-meet-kanan-the-cowboy-jedi) is now blind.

10-25-2016, 10:29 AM
Hrithik Roshan is a major Bollywood action star.

Kaabil (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?69815-Kaabil)

11-02-2016, 02:16 PM
Lola Littleton from Dead Hearts (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?69835-Dead-Hearts)

12-08-2016, 04:26 PM

01-09-2017, 08:36 AM
James Hong as Master Wong in Balls of Fury (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/ezine/article.php?article=727)

01-23-2017, 11:26 AM
The sham religious leader in Kung Fu vs. Yoga (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?44750-Kung-Fu-vs-Yoga). He comes before the 3 marital tests: getting the book the monk sleeping on pots, the jade from the prostitute and the ruby from the yoga swami.

02-27-2017, 09:42 AM
Another facebook vid.

February 24 at 4:26am ·

Meet 14-year-old Goddess Ma’alona-Faletog. She is blind. She is also a wrestler.

But she isn’t just competing -- she is winning! The teen qualified for last weekend's tournament, where she made it as far as the quarterfinals.
READ MORE: http://via.wgntv.com/AfRNo


1K Likes 49 Comments 562 Shares

03-03-2017, 01:18 PM

10-17-2017, 08:26 AM

Not our typical movie fare, but Dealt (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?70523-Dealt) is a documentary of a blind master (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?69153-Blind-Masters).

01-24-2018, 12:01 PM

Looks like Dustin Nguyen's upcoming film 798MUOI (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?70667-798muoi) has a blind master.

02-07-2018, 10:14 AM
CASPER MAN ONCE BULLIED FOR BEING BLIND BECOMES MMA FIGHTER (http://www.apnewsarchive.com/2018/Jared-George-scrawled-his-name-across-the-top-of-a-printed-form-his-face-so-close-to-the-page-it-was-nearly-touching/id-6d6bee9fdc0c4fc8934c16951365a024)
By ELYSIA CONNER , Associated Press
Feb. 7, 2018 2:02 AM ET

CASPER, Wyo. (AP) — Jared George scrawled his name across the top of a printed form, his face so close to the page it was nearly touching. His step-father knelt at the other side and filled out the rest, which asked about various medical conditions.

http://hosted2.ap.org/CBImages/?media=photo&contentId=7c4ec67bfa754a07be9565f41fec587a&fmt=jpg&Role=Preview&reldt=2018-02-06T18:21:44&authToken=eNoNzLENwDAIBMCJkEgMPC4YxkZYcpcyhYdPboA7 9YY10wY2AMyM3vzkDqRUGiatASUZDJrVlUyXXKtSHePsJ0j8%2 fgd0%2bQATuxRW
Jared "Mexico" George in his corner after his first round of his fight against Cody Ammen during the Infamous MMA event Saturday night, Jan. 27, 2018 at the Central Wyoming Fairgrounds in Casper, Wyoming. George began mixed martial arts training at age 12. (Josh Galemore/The Casper Star-Tribune via AP)

Did he have high blood pressure? No.

Did he have diabetes? No.

Had he ever suffered a concussion? Luckily, despite all the fighting, no.

But the form never inquired about the condition that's shaped his entire life, the condition that made him a fighter.

A few minutes later, George stripped to gray boxers and stood on a scale for the weigh-in inside the Industrial Building at the Natrona County Fairgrounds. Outside of competition, he often flashes the same smile that got him out of trouble at school. Now he stood nearly expressionless, his hands on his hips, his hair shaved close to the scalp, as the officials watched him.

He had been training for the following night's mixed martial arts bouts for his whole life. This was his official debut, the beginning of the 20-year-old's plans for a career in the sport, and he was nervous.

His weight cleared. He was officially slated for the following night's Infamous MMA 1 fight in the light heavyweight division. He sized up his opponent for the next night as they faced each other for a photo.

But the view a few feet off was a blur. He could tell his opponent was larger. He couldn't see details like the definition of the man's muscles, but could tell they were large. The shape of his opponent's torso hinted he might rely more on strength and quick bursts of energy rather than longer endurance, George guessed.

For George, these details are crucial. Because he's legally blind, he's even more reliant on strategy than fighters who can see every detail during a bout. But George doesn't view his blindness as an impediment — it's what brought him to the sport in the first place.

When he was bullied as a kid for being blind and overweight, he learned to fight. When he was told he couldn't play school sports because he's blind, he started learning MMA.

"It's going to be my livelihood," George said. "It's my dream. It's been something that I've wanted for a long time."


George has always been a fighter, his mom, Kelly Cunningham, said.

She was 19 when he was born six weeks early. Doctors told her they didn't know how he'd survived because there was no amniotic fluid in her womb. He needed kidney surgery at age 1. By age 7, he was blind from keratoconus, a disease that changes the shape of the corneas.

While legally blind, his world isn't total darkness. He sees the world as if through a magnifying glass that's being held too far away — the center of his sight is blurry but becomes clearer at the periphery. The other kids in his grade school knew this.

He had to duck or change course when he saw older students in the small northern California town of Burney where he grew up. They shoved him, hit him and threw rocks at him on the playground. They bullied him because he was overweight and blind, but always made sure the adults didn't catch them.

So George learned to fight. It came naturally and eventually started getting him into trouble.

He enjoyed fighting and tried to channel that interest through organized sports. At age 12, he started MMA training. He knew by then he wanted to be a professional fighter.

People laughed at him, or worse, shrugged off his aspirations. They didn't think it was realistic, especially for a blind boy.

Their doubt steeled George.

"I'm a little hard headed, so I guess I wanted to prove them wrong," he said.

He probably would have found himself in worse trouble as he grew up, he said, but then his mom moved the family to Wyoming in 2011. She wanted a better life for her two kids. There were no extracurricular activities at their school, which was underfunded, and sports programs were few and far between, she said. She was worried about George getting in trouble.

So she packed the car and headed to Casper, where her boyfriend, Keith Jensen, lived.

His first day at school, he sat near the front of the bus to avoid other students. He was afraid they were going to pick on him, just like the kids in California.

"Hey, red hat!" he heard from the back of the bus. He assumed it was someone picking a fight. But it was Caleb Enders, who invited the new kid to sit by him. He thought he looked lonely.

Now, seven years later, they call each other brothers.


Enders is the one George wants in his corner. George makes adjustments mid-fight on his own, so he doesn't need a lot of advice. But Enders acts as his eyes, pointing out things George can't see.

Now, Enders helps drive him around town and to the odd jobs the pair work together. His best friend is also his training partner. The sessions are usually impromptu wrestling matches when they're hanging out.

Despite her son's independence, Cunningham still wants to jump in the ring sometimes, especially when he was fouled in a recent boxing fight. (George took a break from fighting for several months and started training in boxing last fall to prepare for his return to MMA.) The fight's promoter had to tell her to sit down three different times, she said.

She still worries about him every time he gets in the ring, whether it's boxing or MMA.

"But I believe in his ability," she said "Fighting is what puts his soul afire, and I can't extinguish that dream."


A blind MMA fighter (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?53665-MMA-with-disabilities/page4&highlight=disability) qualifies as a blind master. (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?69153-Blind-Masters) For realz. :cool:

01-17-2019, 08:51 AM
srlsy. wth?

When did Hidqi enter the nomenclature of Shaolin monastic names? :rolleyes:

Female guide wanted for Shaolin Master to travel together (https://www.thelocal.se/noticeboard/67535/)
Ad type: Wanted
Location: Other
Date added: 04 Jan 2019
Hidgi is a Shaolin monk, he is an activist that travels in the world to do humanitarian actions although he is blind.
We, his friends and students in Berlin, are looking for a female companion to be his guide in his journeys. It must be a woman. In the past he tried with men but it was always a problem to be accepted by associations and also to understand each other.

He is very kind, funny and honest. He looks for a woman to rely on and in whom he can trust.

He masters different disciplines like Martial Arts, Yoga, Tai Chi Chuan, Kung-fu, Meditation, etc. He is also a psychologist and osteopath. He speaks 12 different languages (french, english, italian ....). He has knowledge about astrophysics and neurosciences too. He is always ready to teach high knowledge for free, to help people to evolve and rise up, being able to help themselves and the others.

He does a lot of missions on Work-away and other humanitarian websites therefore he knows by experience that 2 men together are refused, but a couple is always accepted. You don't have to be a real couple, but the profile man - woman is important to be accepted by most of the associations.

Salary: - learning from/with him the things that interests you
- traveling in the world with everything paid
- plus 500€/month

Your dutys: - guiding him and organizing the journeys together
- help him about the details of his life that he cannot face without his eyes

Next destinations are: Sicily, Sardinia and Lampedusa. Later on South Spain, France, Scotland...

Testimony last guide:

Contact Hidgi: AUDIO-MESSAGE because he is BLIND.
On Whatsapp or Telegram: +33 769 96 99 95

Shaolin Journeys (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?49520-Shaolin-Journeys)
Blind Masters (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?69153-Blind-Masters)

08-07-2019, 08:10 PM

Blind Masters (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?69153-Blind-Masters)
Tekken (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?9127-Tekken)
Wing Chun in the movies! (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?54048-Wing-Chun-in-the-movies!) (slightly OT because this is a videogame)

08-27-2019, 08:15 AM
I'm starting to think this thread needs to be on another forum. It's mostly movie examples but we have a few genuine blind masters now that I'm really tempted to move it. But where?

Lehigh Valley Martial Arts, led by blind kung fu master, moves Upper Macungie school to larger location (https://www.mcall.com/business/retail-watch/mc-biz-lehigh-valley-martial-arts-opens-trexlertown-school-20190827-3pwxp47gejd7xiua6m6562arne-story.html)
AUG 27, 2019 | 8:49 AM

Paul Miller instructs a class at Lehigh Valley Martial Arts in Emmaus in 2012. The company's Upper Macungie Township school on Aug. 12 moved from Breinigsville to a larger location on Hamilton Boulevard in Trexlertown. (APRIL BARTHOLOMEW / THE MORNING CALL)

Develop strength in body, mind and spirt at the Lehigh Valley’s newest martial arts school.

Lehigh Valley Martial Arts, offering martial arts training for people of all ages and skill levels, on Aug. 12 moved one of its four schools from Breinigsville to a larger location at 7150 Hamilton Blvd. in Trexlertown, instructor Alex Oleksa said.

“It’s in the same area for our families, but we can now allow more students in,” said Oleksa, noting the Trexlertown school is about three times as large as the former Breinigsville facility.

As is the case at the other schools, the Trexlertown location, a few doors down from Title Boxing Club in the Trexlertown Plaza, aims to to be a successful martial arts school, valued for its ability to impart the knowledge and tools necessary for students to develop courage, generosity, integrity and compassion.

Schools offer a mix of karate, kung fu and tai chi training, with the Trexlertown location focusing on kung fu, Oleksa said.

Lehigh Valley Martial Arts, offering martial arts training for people of all ages and skill levels, on Aug. 12 moved one of its four schools from Breinigsville to a larger location at 7150 Hamilton Blvd. in Trexlertown. (Ryan Kneller/The Morning Call)

“We believe that martial arts is for everyone…from the child who needs focus and discipline to individuals with disabilities…from the young woman learning self-defense to the parent looking for inner strength and calm,” a message on the business’ website reads. “It is a practice that keeps individuals both physically fit and mentally fit.”

Lehigh Valley Martial Arts founder Paul Miller began his martial arts training at age 16 in Reading and has been training in martial arts for more than 45 years.

He earned a 5th degree black belt and the rank of Shihan in Kyokushin Kai Karate. After 20 years of karate practice, he then began learning kung fu and tai chi, which has become the main focus of his own practice and his instruction of others.

Master Miller, who trains under Taoist Lineagei Master Bruce Frantzis, opened his first martial arts school in Emmaus more than 20 years ago.

He has trained more than 1,000 black belts and countless instructors and continues to teach classes at all locations, including others in Fogelsville and Palmer Township.

Miller also is legally blind, with a progressive retinal disease that impaired his peripheral vision.

“It was kind of tunnel vision, which in the past decade had finally closed up fully on him,” Oleksa said. “Now, he teaches martial arts through his sense of touch and sense of hearing.”

Paul Miller instructs a class at Lehigh Valley Martial Arts in Emmaus in 2012. The company's Upper Macungie Township school on Aug. 12 moved from Breinigsville to a larger location on Hamilton Boulevard in Trexlertown. (APRIL BARTHOLOMEW / THE MORNING CALL)

Master Miller’s teaching philosophy is as follows:

“The Martial Arts can be integrated into every facet of life. The knowledge and experience of martial arts training can benefit the strongest, weakest, youngest or the oldest of students. Imparting this study of life is as individual as every living thing. The method of teaching them is carefully considered on an individual basis. What a student wants is not always what they need. My goal is to make all of my students a master in life and in martial arts. What I’ve learned from my teachers, that I believe I also impart: how I want to be treated as a student, to be patient and kind to all types of learners, to continue to learn from teachers and students alike, and to question everything and take nothing for granted.”

Lehigh Valley Martial Arts offers programs for children, adults and families.

For children, the schools instill self-confidence, self-defense, self-discipline and respect for self and others that can be carried throughout all aspects of life.

“Your child will learn concepts of movement, critical thinking and other non-aggressive approaches to self-defense, so that he or she can protect himself or herself against any physical or verbal confrontation they may face,” a message on the business’ website reads.

For adults, the schools offer opportunities to get in shape while enjoying the added benefit of relieving stress through purposeful concentration on movements and postures.

Additionally, karate, tai chi and kung fu help individuals protect themselves and others in any situation.

“Martial arts also gives us an increased confidence and the ability to not be fearful of trying new things like tackling a big project at work, going for the promotion you want or putting an end to accepting poor treatment from peers and/or superiors,” a message on the business’ website reads.

For families, the schools enhance communication and respect for one another while instilling proper values and moral standards in kids.

“In this day and age, when both parents work and there is an unlimited amount of activities and distractions all around us, it is nice to know that there is one place where families can go and spend time together, work together, learn together, get healthy together, as well as help each other and not be distracted by anyone or anything,” a message on the business’ website reads.

Lehigh Valley Martial Arts, which hosts birthday parties, also offers a Little Ninjas program where children, ages 3-5, learn how to become more confident and better listeners.

All schools also are adjacent to childcare facilities, known as Active Learning Centers, which Miller integrated with his martial arts studios.

Centers provide full-service childcare, including transportation to and from school and certified kindergarten instruction at certain locations, Oleksa said.

“We pride ourselves on keeping a very active environment — staying away from the electronics and staying more focused on stimulating the minds of the kids through creativity and different lesson plans,” Oleksa said. “Any kids who are in child care are also welcome to train in martial arts as well.”

In coordination with other Trexlertown Plaza tenants, including Soldierfit and Title Boxing Club, Lehigh Valley Martial Arts will host a free community festival 3-10 p.m. Sept. 7 in the shopping center’s parking lot.

The event will feature arts and crafts, a moon bounce, carnival games, fitness demonstrations, DJ music, face painting and food such as hot dogs, hamburgers, popcorn and ice cream.

Guests can also bring a blanket or lawn chair to watch “How to Train Your Dragon 3,” which will be shown at 8 p.m. on a big screen.

For more information about Lehigh Valley Martial Arts programs, call 855-586-2669 or visit lvmanow.com.

Ryan Kneller

Hellertown native Ryan Kneller joined The Morning Call in 2006, shortly following his graduation from Temple University, where he majored in journalism and minored in political science. Since 2013, he has been a features reporter and Retail Watch columnist, covering new stores, restaurants and other businesses in the Lehigh Valley.

09-18-2019, 07:07 AM
Fan Duga Timo Umumkan Iko Uwais Jadi 'Si Buta dari Gua Hantu' (https://www.cnnindonesia.com/hiburan/20190909083636-220-428643/fan-duga-timo-umumkan-iko-uwais-jadi-si-buta-dari-gua-hantu)
tim, CNN Indonesia | Senin, 09/09/2019 08:43 WIB

Fan Duga Timo Umumkan Iko Uwais Jadi 'Si Buta dari Gua Hantu' Unggahan sutradara Timo Tjahjanto diduga para penggemar telah mengumumkan Iko Uwais akan memerankan 'Si Buta dari Gua Hantu'. (Mark Davis/Getty Images/AFP)

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia -- Unggahan sutradara Timo Tjahjanto diduga para penggemar telah memberitahukan pengumuman penting terkait pemeran Si Buta dari Gua Hantu, yaitu Iko Uwais.

Para penggemar berspekulasi bahwa Iko akan memerankan sosok jagoan dari Jagat Sinema BumiLangit tersebut setelah Timo menggunggah foto Iko dengan keterangan yang tampak menyimpan pesan tersembunyi.

"Selamat untuk si soBat imUt Tanah bekAsi @iko.uwais bakal main di #GiJOESNAKEEYES. walau digambar kedua kita semua tahu siapa Hard Master sejati," kata Timo, Minggu (8/9) malam.

Para penggemar memperhatikan penulisan huruf kapital dalam keterangan foto menyimpan pesan "si Buta" yang kemudian diartikan sebagai pengenalan Iko sebagai Si Buta dari Gua Hantu.

Dugaan dari penggemar ini semakin kencang ketika Iko membalas unggahan Timo tersebut di kolom komentar.

"TerimA HatUr Nuhun DirEctor Paling pANtastis YAng pAling gAnteng @timobros," kata Iko yang juga menggunakan pola kombinasi huruf kapital serupa dan bermakna "Tahun depan yaa."

Frasa tersembunyi dari Iko ini pun sesuai dengan jadwal penayangan Si Buta dari Gua Hantu. Pada Oktober 2018, Timo mengungkapkan bahwa rencana film tersebut akan ditayangkan pada 2020.

Atas berbagai asumsi ini, para penggemar pun bersuka cita dan bersemangat atas penunjukkan Iko sebagai sosok jagoan yang pernah diangkat ke layar kaca pada dekade '90-an itu.

"Si BUTA.. mantaaap," komentar ndansono.

"Di caption nya mas Timo jika huruf kapitalnya di rangkai jadi "si BUTA", terus dibalas komen sama bang Iko dalam kalimatnya jika hrf kapitalnya dirangkai jadi "TAHUN DEPAN YAAA", terus dibalas lagi oleh mas Timo jadi "SIAP!", apakah ini clue?? Kalau memang benar WOWWW sekali Bang Iko jadi si BUTA DARI GOA HANTU," kata eka_thaya.

"Buta? Si Buta? Yesch!" kata rizkyim4n.

"Si BUTA TAHUN DEPAN," kata dmsramadhan.

"Wahhhh... Si BUTA ternyata bang @iko.uwais sesuai ekspektasi... Tinggal nunggu Julie Estelle bergabung di Bumilangit," kata marcelloelaelo.

Pihak BumiLangit Studios sebelumnya mengungkapkan mereka tengah mempersiapkan Si Buta dari Gua Hantu yang dijadwalkan mulai syuting Oktober mendatang.

"Lagi siap-siap preparation [Si Buta dari Gua Hantu], harusnya Oktober sudah mulai syuting," kata Production Manager BumiLangit Studios, Imansyah Lubis, Senin (12/8).

Bila syuting Si Buta dari Gua Hantu benar akan dimulai pada Oktober mendatang, maka film ini berpeluang besar rilis sesuai jadwal.

"Timo asyik, memang suka banget komik, film, dia juga peduli banget sama sesuatu yang tampak di layar harus keren, percayalah sama Timo," kata Imansyah.

Berdasarkan unggahan yang sempat dipamerkan Timo dalam akun Instagram miliknya, film Si Buta dari Gua Hantu ini kemungkinan akan bertajuk "Si Buta dari Gua Hantu: Mata Malaikat".

"Judul resmi kearifan lokal ceunah. #nusantaraberdarah," tulis Timo kala itu dalam unggahan tersebut.

Si Buta dari Gua Hantu yang diduga akan diperankan Iko Uwais nanti merupakan karakter utama dalam serial cerita silat yang diciptakan komikus Ganesh TH pada 1960-an. Komik ini pertama kali terbit pada 1967 dan dicetak ulang pada 2005.

Komik ini sempat diadaptasi menjadi film pada akhir 1970 dengan judul sama. Adaptasi berlanjut pada enam judul film lain, yaitu Borobudur (1972), Sorga yang Hilang (1977), Duel di Kawah Bromo (1977), Neraka Perut Bumi (1985), Lembah Maut (1990), dan Bangkitnya Si Mata Malaikat (1988).

Secara garis besar, Si Buta dari Gua Hantu berlatar di Nusantara pada zaman kolonial Hindia Belanda. (end)


Fan Duga Timo Announces Iko Uwais to Be 'The Blind from the Ghost Cave'
team, CNN Indonesia | Monday, 09/09/2019 08:43 WIB
Fan Duga Timo Announces Iko Uwais Becomes 'The Blind from the Ghost Cave' Uploaded by director Timo Tjahjanto allegedly fans have announced Iko Uwais will play 'The Blind from the Ghost Cave'. (Mark Davis / Getty Images / AFP)
Jakarta, CNN Indonesia - Uploaded by director Timo Tjahjanto, allegedly the fans have made an important announcement regarding the actor of the Blind from the Ghost Cave, namely Iko Uwais.

Fans have speculated that Iko will play the hero of the BumiLangit Sinat Jagat after Timo uploaded Iko's photo with information that seemed to hold a hidden message.

"Congratulations to the soBat imUt Tanah bekAsi @ iko.uwais will play in #GiJOESNAKEEYES. Even though we draw the second picture, we all know who the true Hard Master is," Timo said, Sunday (8/9) night.

Fans pay attention to writing capital letters in the photo caption saving the message "the Blind" which is then interpreted as Iko's introduction as the Blind from the Ghost Cave.

Allegations from these fans became even stronger when Iko replied to Timo's upload in the comments column.

"Receive the Most Fantastic Director's Hatuhr Nuhun The Most Amazing @timobros," said Iko, who also uses a similar and meaningful combination of capital letters. "Next year."

This hidden phrase from Iko is also in accordance with the schedule for screening the Blind from the Ghost Cave In October 2018, Timo revealed that the film's plan would be aired in 2020.

For these assumptions, the fans also rejoiced and were excited about the appointment of Iko as a hero figure who was raised to the screen in the decade of the '90s.

"The Blind ... awesome," comments ndansono.

"In Tim's caption, if the capitals are arranged as" the Blind ", then I will return the comment to Mr. Iko in his sentence if the capital hrf is set to" YAAA FRONT YEAR ", then Mas Timo's reply will be" READY! " clue ?? If it is really WOWWW once Bang Iko is the BLIND OF GHOSTS GOA, "said eka_thaya.

"Blind? The Blind? Yesch!" said rizkyim4n.

"THE BLIND YEARS AHEAD," said Dmsramadhan.

"Wahhhh ... The BLIND turned out to be bang @ iko.uwais according to expectations ... Just wait for Julie Estelle to join Bumilangit," Marcelloelaelo said.

BumiLangit Studios previously revealed they were preparing for the Blind from the Ghost Cave which is scheduled to start shooting next October.

"I'm getting ready for the preparation of [The Blind from the Ghost Cave], October should have already started shooting," said BumiLangit Studios Production Manager, Imansyah Lubis, Monday (12/8).

If the filming of the Blind from the Ghost Cave really will begin in October, then the film has a great chance of release on schedule.

"Timo is fun, he really likes comics, movies, he also really cares about something that looks on screen must be cool, believe in Timo," said Imansyah.

Based on the upload that Timo has exhibited in his Instagram account, the film Blind from the Ghost Cave is likely to be titled "The Blind from the Ghost Cave: Angel's Eyes".

"The official title of the local wisdom is ceunah. #Nusantaraberdarah," Timo wrote at the time of the upload.

The Blind from the Ghost Cave which is supposed to be played by Iko Uwais will later be the main character in the silat story series created by comic artist Ganesh TH in the 1960s. This comic was first published in 1967 and reprinted in 2005.

This comic was adapted into a film in the late 1970s with the same title. Adaptation continues on six other films, namely Borobudur (1972), Lost Heaven (1977), Duel in Bromo Crater (1977), Hell's Stomach Earth (1985), Death Valley (1990), and the Rise of the Angel's Eye (1988) .

Broadly speaking, the Blind from the Ghost Cave is set in the archipelago in the colonial era of the Dutch East Indies. (end)

Iko is on fire. This is why I put him on the FALL 2019 (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/magazine/article.php?article=1501) cover.


The Blind from the Ghost Cave (Si Buta dari Gua Hantu) (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?71492-The-Blind-from-the-Ghost-Cave-(Si-Buta-dari-Gua-Hantu))
Blind Masters (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?69153-Blind-Masters)

02-20-2020, 09:05 AM
Interesting term 'Adaptive Martial Arts'. New thread worthy.

Belgian Coaches Examine Adaptive Martial Arts in San Diego (https://timesofsandiego.com/sports/2020/02/19/belgian-coaches-examine-adaptive-martial-arts-in-san-diego/)

Photo via Pixabay

A dozen Belgian coaches and administrators will be in San Diego Wednesday and began to examine the sport of adaptive martial arts as part of the U.S. Department of State’s Sports Diplomacy exchange program.

The weeklong program is a sort of cultural-sports exchange where the Belgian delegation learns and works with San Diegan practitioners of adaptive marital arts, a variation of the sport that caters to the needs of those with disabilities.

“The U.S. Department of State Sports Visitor Program creates a network of leaders around the world,” spokeswoman Monika Wilcox said in a statement. “Delegates build relationships with their peers in the United States and create important opportunities for Americans to engage with individuals from other countries, thereby deepening trust and understanding between the United States and other countries and cultures.”

The delegation is set to meet with various communities in San Diego: Challenged Athletes Foundation, San Diego State University, Exodus Social Justice Volleyball and the Blind Community Center.

The program will remain in San Diego until February 25 when the Belgian delegation will travel to Orlando, Florida, for the 2020 U.S. Open Taekwondo Championship to observe the Para classification and competition.

BELGIAN COACHES EXAMINE ADAPTIVE MARTIAL ARTS IN SAN DIEGO was last modified: February 19th, 2020 by Debbie L. Sklar

Adaptive Martial Arts (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?71732-Adaptive-Martial-Arts)
MMA with disabilities (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?53665-MMA-with-disabilities)
Blind Masters (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?69153-Blind-Masters)

03-14-2022, 08:30 AM
Rochester man finds purpose in martial arts, despite being blind (https://www.parkrapidsenterprise.com/news/minnesota/rochester-man-finds-purpose-in-martial-arts-despite-being-blind)
DeVaughn Smith walked away from a life of gang violence to pursue his dream of competing in martial arts tournaments, all while being blind in both eyes.

https://cdn.forumcomm.com/dims4/default/7e16966/2147483647/strip/true/crop/5565x3710+0+0/resize/840x560!/format/webp/quality/90/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fforum-communications-production-web.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fbrightspot%2Fae%2F01%2Fd54f f1bf4e7988c9a8f9ce8afb01%2F022122-bam-bam-6777.jpg
DeVaughn "Bam Bam" Smith practices a new technique with owner Mario Roberto on Monday, Feb. 21, 2022, at Mario Roberto Jiu-Jitsu Academy in Rochester. Traci Westcott / Post Bulletin
By Erich Fisher
March 10, 2022 09:45 PM

ROCHESTER — DeVaughn Smith has felt the need to fight his entire life.

Even when Smith started losing his sight at 12 years old, he didn’t let that stop him from fighting, whether that was on a wrestling mat or in his everyday life.

Now 27, and with a past of gang affiliations behind him, Smith uses fighting – martial arts such as wrestling and jiu-jitsu – to give him a greater sense of purpose.
“It’s given me an outlet, a distraction from my problems,” Smith said. “When I’m on the mat training, the only thing I’m worried about is not getting taken down, what I’m doing. I’m not worried about other stuff. It’s my escape, and when I was doing sports in school, it was the only positive thing I can hold on to, something I can be proud of, and I can go and tell people about what I’m doing.”

As glaucoma made him lose sight in his left eye, Smith said his aggressive behavior and need to fight only increased, leading him to join a gang. Struggles in school soon followed, and sports such as wrestling became out of reach due to his grades.

https://cdn.forumcomm.com/dims4/default/d06436f/2147483647/strip/true/crop/5844x3896+0+0/resize/840x560!/format/webp/quality/90/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fforum-communications-production-web.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fbrightspot%2F30%2F3f%2Fb1d1 828e47599f5ed66827b90ba1%2F022122-bam-bam-6170.jpg
DeVaughn "Bam Bam" Smith practices a new technique with owner Mario Roberto on Monday, Feb. 21, 2022, at Mario Roberto Jiu-Jitsu Academy in Rochester. Traci Westcott / Post Bulletin
The attitude, which led to constant fighting, is the reason Smith believes he lost sight in his right eye. Throughout high school, he said, he had his retina reattached three times, with each time deteriorating his eyesight even more.

When he was 17, doctors noticed his retina was detached again while trying to remove a cataract. Smith said the surgery the doctors performed had a 50% chance of working and “you know, it didn’t work.”

Smith said losing his sight caused him to spiral, but a newly discovered relationship with religion helped him through it.

“I did not handle it good,” Smith said. “I got really depressed, suicidal, but I just kind of found a relationship with God. ... Me finding faith was what kind of gave me the strength to keep on just accomplishing whatever it is in life. I knew that I had some kind of purpose.”

This turning point in Smith’s life came shortly after becoming completely blind and almost being killed.

“I got shot at,” he said. “It wasn’t the first time, but it was the first time I was like, ‘I can’t run anymore.’”

Smith ended up transferring schools and enrolled at the Missouri School for the Blind. Despite attending the new school and leaving gang life behind, Smith’s bad attitude stayed with him — refusing to do his schoolwork, getting in arguments with teachers and still wearing his gang colors to classes.

“I still wanted to hold onto that image that I was trying to live, but really that wasn’t really the kind of kid I was,” he said.

Smith said his attitude started changing the more time he spent in the school. He was realizing he no longer needed to watch his back, or bring a weapon to school to fend off a rival gang. Instead, he was finding comfort among the students and teachers, leading to an improvement in his grades and his being able to participate in wrestling and track and field.

“I was able to just kind of be normal and be goofy and be silly,” Smith said.

https://cdn.forumcomm.com/dims4/default/87f4963/2147483647/strip/true/crop/5384x3589+0+0/resize/840x560!/format/webp/quality/90/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fforum-communications-production-web.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fbrightspot%2F24%2F6d%2Fe332 f3d44b7087c7a5bc843f5ec0%2F022122-bam-bam-6143.jpg
DeVaughn "Bam Bam" Smith listens as a new technique is demonstrated Monday, Feb. 21, 2022, at Mario Roberto Jiu-Jitsu Academy in Rochester. Traci Westcott / Post Bulletin
After graduating from the Missouri School for the Blind, Smith was unsure what his next chapter in life would be. He graduated from an automotive technical school, but his inability to get a driver’s license kept him from finding a job. In 2020, Smith enrolled at Missouri Baptist University with a full wrestling scholarship but dropped out a year later due to issues surrounding a custody battle with his ex-wife.

“I just broke down and was so frustrated,” Smith said.

With looking for a fresh start away from St. Louis, Smith turned to his cousin who lives in Rochester. He moved in with him last November with plans to attend Mario Roberto’s Jiu-Jitsu Academy. Since joining, Smith has been traveling across the region competing in tournaments, all the while attending Rochester Community Technical College, majoring in business and hoping to join the wrestling team.

Smith is currently a white belt, but owner Mario Roberto said Smith isn’t far from being promoted to a blue belt and is right where he should be in terms of his grappling and wrestling skills.

“It’s impressive, man,” Roberto said. “He gets into the locker room, gets his uniform on, gets on to the mat and has never asked for special attention, never asked for special favors and has never been asked to be treated differently and that’s how we like them. ... He’s just here to do the work.”

https://cdn.forumcomm.com/dims4/default/2162dac/2147483647/strip/true/crop/5623x3749+0+0/resize/840x560!/format/webp/quality/90/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fforum-communications-production-web.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fbrightspot%2Fae%2F8c%2F7577 d6fc4a2588d05a06fc7c503f%2F022122-bam-bam-6209.jpg
DeVaughn "Bam Bam" Smith practices with Dzenan Hamzagic on Monday, Feb. 21, 2022, at Mario Roberto Jiu-Jitsu Academy in Rochester.Traci Westcott / Post Bulletin
While Smith has aspirations of participating in the Paralympics, he has a larger goal in mind.

He wants to open his own gym one day called “Roughhouse Grappling,” where he can teach kids the sport that not only gave him an outlet when he was young but helped him overcome his past.

“I want to give kids an outlet for their frustrations, a distraction from life, something positive,” Smith said. “Sports are what helped me belong because that’s one of the biggest reasons why I joined a gang — because I didn’t feel like I belonged to anybody.

“Sports made me feel a part of something.”

There's an embedded vid in the original article too.

06-21-2023, 08:28 AM

Eye-for-an-Eye-The-Blind-Swordsman (https://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?72538-Eye-for-an-Eye-The-Blind-Swordsman)
Blind-Masters (https://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?69153-Blind-Masters)

05-14-2024, 11:32 AM

Blind-Masters (https://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?69153-Blind-Masters)
Blind War (https://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?72782-Blind-War)