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View Full Version : O.J. Simpson.................. Innocent??????

02-11-2016, 10:38 AM

I have been walking around with this for quite some time.

Fifteen days after the tragic murders of Nicole Brown-Simpson and Ron Goldman, which took place on June 12 1994, another couple was murdered in near identical fashion in the Tacoma, Washington area. This double homicide did not hit the national news media as the Simpson/Goldman murders. It appeared that everyone was so hellbent that O.J. "did it" that the other double homicide was not given appropriate attention. It could have cast more than reasonable doubt upon O.J. Simpson's guilt. Even though the national news media avoided the Johnston/Robinson (Robison) homicides, it was featured in an episode of Unsolved Mysteries:


I called the people at Unsolved mysteries to point out the similarities on the method of the Tacoma killings to what was described in the Simpson/Goldmen murders (it was aired during the O.J. trial) Their response was odd: THEY NEVER AIRED THAT EPISODE AGAIN.


02-11-2016, 11:18 AM

To this day, the Tacoma, Washington murders remain unsolved.


02-11-2016, 05:08 PM
Well, he does not need to prove he was innocent of that murder. he already did so and was found not guilty.

Later, during a survivor benefit case, Goldman was able to introduce evidence not allowed in the criminal case which may have changed the verdict then but can't do that here. So, he lost a civil case. The penalty was ordered to pay his kids and I believe the Goldmans and Browns. Time for a US Marshal to hunt down and collect funds. Believe the families need to pay them up front. I don't think he paid much at all.

Later, ******* thought he was above the law and untouchable and can hold people, at gun point I believe, against their will for as long as he want to. So, he got slammed with a kidnapping charge I believe that got stepped down to robbery. In my opinion, he should have been given life for kidnapping. I believe every state carries a life sentence for that charge.

But again, OJ was found INNOCENT in his criminal case and RESPOSIBLE and LIABLE in his civil case.

He was found guilty of robbery .

02-11-2016, 05:59 PM
Greetings Billy,

No doubt about the verdict. With the info that I presented, there may have never been a trial to begin. The "guilt" that I am referring to is that which lingered in the minds of others before the trial, during the trial, and after the trial. Not investigating the parallels in both murders was pathetic.


02-11-2016, 06:30 PM
Do you have any other links on that case ?

You can send them to my email or post here. Your choice. Let us just suppose who(m)ever was responsible. At best, he is exonerated in the publics eye. It is meaningless at this point. He committed another crime and there was video evidence of it. I guess one could make a case he was under duress caused by the murder charges and public prosecution and seek early release on some sort of grounds related to that but he is do a parole hearing soon I believe. I hope he does not get it. I believe what he did was kidnapping and he should serve the full 30 or whatever he got for robbery. But that is my belief and he was not found guilty of kidnapping.

As for the murder. He was found innocent. Regardless if the verdict was right or wrong it is legal and he did not commit that crime as far as the law is concerned.

I wish you well on your quest but like mine. I think it will prove fruitless aside from occupying you with a interest. For me, I believe Lee Harvey Oswald was Killed in Action while serving as an active US Marine. Yes, I mean the guy that Ruby shot. I believe he was one of our most successful false defectors and continued his covert operations state side.

02-11-2016, 07:20 PM
My mistake. Seems 20 years is average for kidnapping all around. It is a funny law. Both state and federal charges can apply. Perhaps I read if death happens during it, it would be a mandatory life sentence but I may be wrong there too. It would have to bump up to a class A felony.

02-11-2016, 07:52 PM
Hi Billy,

There was a time when that site did not exist. There was only Unsolved Mysteries forum discussion. I never found any news uploads about the Tacoma Washington killings. In the segment there was effort to tie the deaths to the game Dungeons and Dragons. A psychic was brought in. In my opinion, such ridiculousness only helped the person(s) get away.


02-11-2016, 08:30 PM
I am going to look some more....

