fiercest tiger
11-25-2001, 03:53 PM
has anyone trained stances in a mud pit or a oil/grease pit before?

The ykm grandmaster was said to train his stances in a mud pit up to his waist high for power and oil for rooting/grip!

what does your style do for training power and rooting?

any interesting stories? :)

come & visit us!

11-25-2001, 04:47 PM
how intresting f.t we practice in water,sand[dust]and rocks.sometimes on ice if we get the oppotunity.but this is just to get a feeling and we don't keep doing it this way,but may return to it from time to time.how abouts you?
there is another way with a "bucket"and no its not that girl you dated :D but thats another story :) nice thread f.t bye for now :)

11-25-2001, 05:28 PM
We frequently put weights resting on our knees.
Does two 'great' things in horse stance. One keeps your stance flush. Two if your legs shake to much the weight falls off. This forces you to keep control and not simply let your body shake like a moron. Still its also darn hard.
In Hung Ga we are big on good stances and rooting. We do several two man strength sets that are basicaly a game of keeping your stance. We also have to stay in stance whilst being pushed with a constant force, which again teachs you how to divert force into the floor.
Still got lots more stance training yet to go ill bet. So waiting to see what other torture i have instore.

you cant win all the time but you cant always lose either...

Ginger Fist
11-25-2001, 05:40 PM
--ice is nice, plenty of it where i am, requires exactness of stepping with control in all phases of movement, loading, unloading, foot placement, wt. transfer ...

--streams with decent current flow & slippery rocks r good as well.

--snow piled up on a frozen pond is good, never know which will be dominant in any step, the more stable snow or the underlying ice.

--all done solo & with training bro.

Yum Cha
11-26-2001, 02:37 AM
Not too common in Australia, but ice training is great. Frozen lakes or icy parking lots.

Excellent training, you'll know if your stance is wrong right away... Watch out for pulled groin muscles.

Also try gathering up rocks and sticks and littering your training area with them, then doing patterns over and around the mess.

[This message was edited by Yum Cha on 11-26-01 at 04:56 PM.]

fiercest tiger
11-26-2001, 02:40 AM
wassup? i suppose to train on all terrains like rocks ,ice, sand, GLASS without shoes hahahaha!

good to see you back, i have missed you and your seimese twin:) lol :)

come & visit us!

11-26-2001, 01:41 PM
clouds gone to the w/c forum,what for i don't know.there more messed up than we are :D :D :D

fiercest tiger
11-27-2001, 12:06 AM
does he do hakka wing chun now? :eek:

come & visit us!

11-27-2001, 01:29 AM
:D :D :D :D :D only yip man does that :D

fiercest tiger
11-27-2001, 02:11 AM
hey can you email me seriously, all jokes a side, need to ask you something?

you know my email addy

come & visit us!

11-27-2001, 02:16 AM
seriously,why?i can't get personal with you,so why i don't understand?give me a reason.and stop suprising me,i might get a heart attack :D

fiercest tiger
11-27-2001, 02:21 AM
personal, man im not trying to fark ya! hahhaha

wanted ask some questions of your intrest thats all.


come & visit us!

11-27-2001, 02:32 AM
what can i say,we are similar in alot of ways,but you posses something i can never attain.that is to teach the world.you have the apearence of a gwai-lo i don't so you can get away with alot.and that, i envy.
i see you teach,test on this forum,however you hide alot of things too[your more than what meets the eye]you don't want to learn from me and i don't want to learn from you.BUT we both like to CONNECT.i don't have any answers for you only to say i can see your pinnacle :)
i will e-mail you when i need you for some help if thats ok :)

fiercest tiger
11-27-2001, 02:39 AM
thats not fare dude, you can email me for help but i cannot?

ok im a china man living in a gwalo body, give a brother a break! :cool:

im not asking you for any secrets on bak mei just questions on other things.

anyway thats cool your loss ;)

come & visit us!

11-27-2001, 02:45 AM
how can it be my loss?you tempt me like this your the mor gwai.i want to but all in good time for fu[k sake,you understand,i know you understand!!!
i can't surface out of the shadows,i answer to five,you answer to none just your students so fu[k off!!!!!!
sorry just a little fustrated