View Full Version : Wing Chun - White Crane connection

zuti car
06-16-2016, 07:46 PM
Being involved in both arts , Wing Chun since 1989 and White Crane I am practicing for almost 3 years now , I have good insight in both arts . I have wrote a short article about most important similarities of these arts . http://penglaimartialarts.blogspot.tw/2015/11/wck-wc-wing-chun-white-crane-connection.html

zuti car
06-18-2016, 08:54 AM
This kind of chi sao , bug Huen Sao platform is almost identical in White Crane and Wing Chun , at least in SCWC .


zuti car
06-18-2016, 08:58 AM
Sall Huen sao platform, almost identical in White Crane and SCWC , the difference is , in white crane the goal is to uproot the opponent after the domination of the center is established while in SCWC the goal is to penetrate the defense and hit

zuti car
06-20-2016, 06:35 AM
Here we have some old footage from Kolo village , chi sao session (from1:25) was done exactly the same as in White Crane , even the stances and structure is identical to White Crane structure ( different cranes have variation in their body structure but large number of style , especially in Taiwan have the structure as these people on the video).


zuti car
06-22-2016, 08:52 AM
zonghe quan chi sao , Bih Huen sao platform almost identical as SCWC
