View Full Version : Kwong Wing Lam Sigung: Duan Da (Bak Sil Lum 6)

08-01-2016, 07:05 PM

I accidentally stumbled upon this and I really enjoyed it. The footage looks to be much older than the videos put forth by Wing Lam Enterprises or Woo Tchi Nyu. I do remember being told that there was a set of Bal Sil Lum videos made for Kwong Wing Lam Sigung for his instructors before the instructional videos came out. Maybe this is from that set; or, maybe several sets were made over the years.



David Jamieson
08-02-2016, 06:49 AM
That is "Tun da". Or "Short strike" in english. and it is the #6 set in the core ten. yes.
Wing Lam is young there, so that's from earlier on for sure.

gene probably knows a lot about the video production and stuff over at wing lam. I think he was involved in a lot of it
before taking the reins on this place. :)

08-02-2016, 02:28 PM
That was good. Hypnotizing.

08-19-2016, 06:34 AM
Awesome find Mickey, so much more vibrant in this video than his later ones. Maximum Respect to him!

08-19-2016, 09:33 AM
You are right mickey. My original Sifu did videos from BSL#6 (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?12952-BSL-Lyrics-Shaolin-6-(The-short-strike)) with his own company WLE (http://www.wle.com/products/VSL03.html) (I worked on that one - that was one of the first) and with Woo Tchi Nyu a decade earlier. He also did an independent one that was earlier than both of those, produced by some of my Sihing. They had aspirations of making a video production company back when home video was just starting, but if memory serves, they only did #6 and maybe a few other vids. I think this video is from that. Not sure tho. I only saw that vid a few times a long time ago. In fact, I didn't even know about it until years later, when it popped up while working for WLE. The production quality was actually pretty good for those days, if memory serves.