View Full Version : Absorbing head blows

11-13-2001, 12:07 AM
Sunday night I got hit harder than I ever have. My legs briefly turned to jelly, but I didn't fall and recovered most of my senses after a minute. We kept sparring afterwards. Since then (it's now Tuesday Afternoon), I have felt a slight headache and minor feelings of wooziness. I seem to have a slight fever. Well, I learned one thing, now I know how hard is too hard. Plus my punch defense is spotty. Obviously too much can cause brain damage, but is this somewhat normal, or do I have a mild concussion? I am feeling better every day, I'm not going to go see a doctor, but I am curious if anyone has links to information on the effects of head blows.
thanks - FJ

11-13-2001, 01:50 AM
I have been told that the best thing you can do is to work the neck. I take head shots easier than gut and always have so I really can't promise anything. But I do know that race car drivers work their necks so they can handle the whiplash.

"Box a fighter and fight a boxer". Bruce Lee

11-13-2001, 04:31 PM
You have a concussion, or worse. You need to rest. You also need to not take any blows to the head, at all, for a few weeks. I also suggest not taking any blows at all for a couple of weeks.

You DO NEED TO SEE A DOCTOR. Head injuries are SERIOUS, even if you "feel fine".


Surrender yourself to nature and be all that you are.

11-13-2001, 05:04 PM
Robin is 100% correct.

I don't get mad.
I get stabby.

11-13-2001, 08:50 PM
Well, I came down with the Flu, maybe that was the problem. What does a doctor do anyway for this? You may think I'm stubborn, but I don't like or trust my doctor anyway. I'm waiting for our health insurance to change Jan. 1st to get a new doctor. If anyone has any links to info, I would appreciate it. I'll go do a search for info on concussions. I really appreciate the advice, I was probably going to go back next week and get hit again, I will definitely take a few weeks off from sparring. -FJ

11-13-2001, 09:26 PM
Well, I took a look at a few articles. It is apparent that I suffered a Grade I concussion, the mildest. I did not experience any loss of consciousness or amnesia, but I did become a little stupid, and this did last more than 15 minutes. According to the articles, it is possible to return to the sport after 1 week. However, since I probably won't be professionally evaluated, I'm going to take a few weeks off from sparring. Also, if my symptoms don't go away after a week, I'm supposed to get a CT scan or MRI. Of course, I can't tell if I have symptoms until the Flu goes away. I expect that my Sifu knows something about head injuries, but he probably didn't realize how bad I was hurt, and I didn't want to give up there. Good thing I didn't take any hard shots afterwards. The whole experience made me re-evaluate why I practice martial arts. I am definitely not into getting brain damage, to the contrary I want to live to 120. Sparring is important, but you have to watch who your partner is. My sifu gives me hard shots, but I never get hurt because he has control. But in this case it was a student with a crappy attitude and no control. You have to realize that in a highly competitive situation (this was not supposed to be) you are putting your health at risk. I will be wiser next time. Once again, thanks for the advice (keep it coming!) -FJ

11-13-2001, 10:09 PM
Wing Lam's iron body program's "iron head" training begins with doing a "head stand" against a wall so that you're supported using only your head. Do it on a towel folded over a bunch of times to make it softer. Holy **** this hurts, especially if you weight a lot, but I image it strengthens the neck quite a bit.


11-14-2001, 02:56 AM
yo, is that a good way of strengthening the neck? i'll do it if it is man. or does it hurt ur head more?

probably a good way to break your neck and die too, but i'll be careful.

All i wanted was some RICE CAKES! Now? WE MUST BATTLE.