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View Full Version : Muscle Injury Advice???

11-18-2001, 04:57 AM
Ok guys, I have this injury, from sparring yesterday, and I was hoping maybe one(or some) of you could help me out. I was sparring with this guy who is MUCH bigger than me (I'm 140, he's 300) and he caught one of my kicks and immediately flipped me over. Well, probably because of the angle at which I was thrown, instead of landing properly, I landed on my lower back, on the left side of the spine. I think I hurt a muscle(s) around there, and now I can feel that it's inflammed.
I can't arch my back(puff out my chest) or else something affects those muscles causing A LOT of pain. I also can't really turn certain ways, practice my kungfu of course, or stand up completely straight. If I do, I get lots of pain from the muscles there. Sitting up and down, and lying down are lots of trouble.

Do you guys have any idea exactly what this might be (I haven't gone to a doctor yet, but might tomorrow)? Have any of you ever had something similar yourself, or know how long this will take to heal? I don't think it's anything serious, just a muscle pull/injury, but it's really crippling in terms of things I can do.

Any thoughts? (Sorry about the long post)

"Duifang jing zhi meng ji, wo fang tui zhi ce fang xi zhi."

11-18-2001, 04:26 PM
Go to your doctor. Back injuries, injuries in general, cannot be diagnosed or helped over the internet. I'll say it again, GO TO YOUR DOCTOR.


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