View Full Version : Most important muscles in kung fu and how to train them

Zui Quan
02-04-2017, 01:25 AM
hey guys,what's up?

I would like to know.what do you guys think are the most important muscles to improve through training (with weights if necessary) focusing exclusively on a good result in kung fu execution.

And,of course,some training hints would be apreciated ;)

02-04-2017, 03:53 AM
Hi, in my opinion, the small stabilizing muscles around shoulders, elbows, wrist, hips, knees, ankles. Zhan Zhuang & Ba Duan Jin. ymmv

02-04-2017, 04:51 PM
granted, I am a simple practitioner of the Arts. I would agree w/ everything rett2 has said. But I would add- the LEGS. Stance training works. Stance training with weights... kicking drills... w/ weights.. etc. Make sure you are FIRM to the ground, and ROOTED, also shifting/turning. ~~~You can also supplement leg training by: Jump Rope, Running, hiking (preferably foot hills or mountains if you are lucky-- I am lucky to be around foot hills), and by lifting heavy stones around, carrying them up-hill (firmness to the ground). Or stick weight/ stone in back-pack while hiking/ running. Rett2 is also right about stances and qigong- (making sure your legs are doing work.) Straddle splits also help with the flexibility of the legs.

also, u can add strength to the wrist by doing push ups on the back of the wrist, and hitting/striking pads and surfaces w/ back of the wrist, bounce small weights off the back of the wrist, etc. same goes for fingertip push ups and conditioning, etc. (also picking up objects properly w/ fingertips.) make sure to be conditioned for regular strikes too!

Note: Paragraph 1 I am opening up about things I do on a regular enough basis to supplement/ compliment training/ life goals. Such as running for example. Set a goal years ago to run the Boston Marathon, and I did it. I am sure other people have other exercises such as training on top of poles and the like, which comparatively, I have done very little of.

PS- Also, "cross hands" with someone/ spar. Be able to take a hit. Tap yourself with a stick. Maybe get someone else to hit you with a stick while holding a stance. Etc.

Have a sense of what HARD WORK is, and don't let it weigh you down. Master it-- get on top of it, and you will be light as a feather! ;)

02-15-2017, 11:30 PM
For kungfu training people, those legs are the most important muscles. If you have weak legs like I do, you couldn't learn kungfu's lessons. In my personal experience, I feel It's hard to learn kungfu, I cannot stand still in a place with one leg for a few minutes. Do you guys know any methods which could possibly help? Thanks for your sharing.