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View Full Version : This so sucks

11-22-2001, 07:39 AM
Ok, this is gonna sound really strange ok? I hurt my right wrist. Not doing what you guys are thinking though.

I was at the gym working out when I like did something, I dunno what, during a preacher curl, and it hurt my right wrist. It is on the outside part of the wrist, where the hand and wrist connect, and it hurts alot when I rotate it (or even try to work out doing stuff that requires my biceps).

So my question is, how can I get rid of the pain? It happened about a week ago and figured it would just wear off after a few days, but it hasn't. Any ideas? Thanks.


11-22-2001, 07:55 AM
Did you allow your wrist to bend during the curls? If so, it may be a sever overstretch depending on how heavy you were working. Something like that may take weeks to heal up fully.

"I'll use my bare hands...against any weapon!"

We are trained in wushu. We must defend the Temple!

11-22-2001, 08:20 AM
So they call it "preacher curling" now?



"Now why the **** would you censor "d.ork?"

Ironman PostLog: 1100 - 11/20/01

11-22-2001, 05:46 PM
Could be a strained tendon...try to keep your wrist stable. Do some stretching and maybe grip a tennis ball for a bit and see how things go...otherwise go get checked out by a doc.

11-24-2001, 08:01 PM
I am guessing that is a joke IronFist, but I don't get why the bicep curl is called preacher curl. Kind of a strange name.

Anyway, I tried some stuff and the pain is almost gone. I think it is pretty much healed up.


11-24-2001, 09:37 PM
They call it a Preacher Curl because the way you rest your arms on the pad resembles the way a preacher leans against a pulpit.

Stablize your wrist and use ice and ibuprophen to take down any swelling. Dit Da Jow will also be useful if you have access to it.

Don't do anything that causes pain to that wrist. Now's a good time to concentrate on working your legs and abs in the gym!

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