View Full Version : Horse Stance

11-27-2001, 10:36 PM
This is probably an old suggestion on how to stableize your horse stance, but last night I was on my kitchen floor in my socks, and sure enough it really put my horse stance into perspective.

Although when on concrete floor with shoes my horse stance is very stable and pretty immovable but when on the kitchen floor it showed me just how much I push out.

The way I was taught was when in horse stance you be able to sit in it on an oil slick and besides you whole body sliding from side to side, you should not move- I learned I am still far from that!

Just some thoughts

11-27-2001, 11:02 PM
That's true for me, too. I was slipping when I was on a smooth surface. I'm learning how to drop down and hold without pushing out. Doing squats like this in the gym (horse stance squat) has helped me with the problem and has helped my properly align my knees.

Give it try--squats, but in a horse stance. Helps build up strength in it, too.


Surrender yourself to nature and be all that you are.

11-27-2001, 11:55 PM
Robin, do you point your toes outward for the squats, it seems a little hard on the knees to point them straight forward.

11-28-2001, 12:00 AM
If you're squatting keep the knees over the feet, going in the direction of the toes.


"Now why the **** would you censor "d.ork?"

Ironman PostLog: 1100 - 11/20/01