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12-19-2017, 09:49 AM
Jet Li to Star in Movie about Tsunami in Aceh (http://www.en.netralnews.com/news/lifestyle/read/16490/jet.li.to.star.in.movie.about.tsunami.in.aceh)
Monday, 18 December 2017 | 18:53 WIB

Press Conference for Nation Pictures, Delon Tio (blue shirt)

JAKARTA, NNC - National film industry is gaining momentum. Indonesia’s Nation Pictures will partner with a production house from China, Shine Work, to work on a new movie titled Tsunami.

The news was released by Delon Tio from the Nation Pictures in a press conference in Jakarta, Monday (12/18/2017). Delon said that 'Tsunami' is likely to bring Jet Li as one of the leading actors. "This is one of the ambitious projects for China, and it will most likely be starring Jet Li," Delon said.

According to Delon, the movie Tsunami will star Jet Li because Jet Li has an experience related to the tsunami that occurred in Aceh. "He has memories there, he went to Aceh during the tsunami, so it's likely that Jet Li will star in the movie," Delon said.


Delon continued, the Tsunami movie will begin filming in December 2018 and would be released in December 2019. December was chosen as the release date to be similar to the time when the Tsunami incident happened in Aceh.

Interestingly, the plan to develop the Tsunami film occurred between the Chinese government and the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo (Jokowi) some time ago.

"This is also an initiative from the President of China when he met Jokowi, and there are many producers who want to make a movie about this Tsunami. And the development of the film industry in China is very rapid," Delon said.

Jet could bring a lot to this role given his personal experience in Maldives. Doubt it'll be a martial arts film though. Mind you, this is just 'likely' akin to Tarantino doing Star Trek (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?33187-kung-fu-star-trek-people&p=1306273#post1306273). Really it's more like the filmmakers trying to drum up buzz before any papers are actually signed. We'll see if it really happens.