View Full Version : The 10th dan hapkido doju died

03-12-2018, 03:27 PM
Chinil chang died feb 2018, peace, love and god bless. That is all

03-14-2018, 05:28 PM
Chinil Chang always knew that his history was being written, So much so that it was his way of repenting to expire sincere regrets of wrongdoing with deep regret. As he turned his full attention to the Lord Jesus Christ who he talks about forever till death. So there was never any libel written words or slander spoken. Chinil Chang agreed for the history of the Heir to the hapkido Empire 10th Dan Doju be exposed. Otherwise, he would have been the first to object to its publishing. There was much time that Chinil Chang didn’t show out for teaching class, This was the norm as stated in the chronical. The students would come to class work out without Chinil Chang and then go home until the next session. which is why no one knew that he had passed. Until his sister called the police for a wellness check. since not hearing from him in several days. when the police arrived and gain entry to the apartment where they found him face down in the bedroom. Now because it was unclear for how long Chinil Chang was deceased, So he was pronounced Feb 23, 2018, at about 2:00 pm. until a further report from the coroner and until the family writes a farewell obituary which will then be made public. So now all of you can come back with your slanders and be liable for what you write.

03-15-2018, 08:29 PM
Greetings XMAN,

I extend my condolences to you for your journey with this person. You have endured a lot.

I saw your postings elsewhere and I noticed two things:

1- You did not mention the dojang around the 79th Street- 110th Street area.

2- You don't say anything about the Ji Do Kwan Style Tae Kwon Do style your Sensei taught. Was your focus simply Hapkido?


03-22-2018, 04:18 PM
XMAN(Xavier Davila) narrative is not correct and is definitely lacking in truth and honesty. A new accurate piece will be forthcoming and hopefully include an wide view of Grandmaster Chang's life. XMAN's writings have been disputed throughout the internet and he has been driven off forum after forum for his abusive behavior. He is DOES NOT represent Grandmaster Chang in any way, shape or forum. He is not ranked to teach Hapkido, period.

Correct full obituary that makes no mention of XMAN--he adds it in and plasters it all over the internet:
