View Full Version : I ran into one.....

04-25-2018, 11:36 PM

Last week I stopped by a Chinese restaurant to pick up some steamed broccoli. While I stayed near the counter, across from me was a woman and her dog. When her order was ready she approached the counter with her dog. It was then when her dog started barking. As she got closer, the dog started to growl. Now, I have not had a dog bark at me in a couple of decades; so, this was more than a little strange. The woman told me that he usually does not get like this. The way she said it sounded so cliche. I noticed that when the dog growled he was turning his head in the direction of his owner. The dog did not lunge at me at all. instead, he sniffed at me. Given the aforementioned behavior, this was even more strange. Since then, this moment kept coming back to me as if I was missing something. And early this morning, it hit me hard: the dog's owner was NOT human. And the dog was warning me about that.
