View Full Version : Glory of Heroes 勇士的荣耀

08-03-2018, 08:32 AM
https://scontent-sjc3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/14956526_1801601610056872_196662942497490846_n.jpg ?_nc_cat=0&oh=0924da4e7300b3a94b9e3d00d9ee1fc1&oe=5C0A8F2D

This is a Beijing-based fight promotion that started last year. They don't have a website that I could find, but they are active on facebook (https://www.facebook.com/gloryheroes), IQIYI (http://www.iqiyi.com/a_19rrh8q93p.html)& Weibo (https://www.weibo.com/yongshiderongyao?is_all=1). As of this posting, they are 35 events deep.

What caught my attention is that they are doing weapons fights. See Glory of heroes 33 China's traditional cold weapon confrontation, quite chivalrous demeanor, Chinese kung fu (on facebook) (https://www.facebook.com/gloryheroes/videos/2104396026444094/?hc_ref=ARQJXBpko_vTMuPZVA7p4Uyy7xXLDRrRm2XPwcTjiT M9TrgZzo5tiWHJOKFtSgp-a1U&fref=nf).