View Full Version : The Little Prince of Qitian 《齐天小太子》

10-25-2018, 08:22 AM
The Little Prince of Qitian 《齐天小太子》 (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?71034-The-Little-Prince-of-Qitian-%26%2312298%3B%26%2340784%3B%26%2322825%3B%26%2323 567%3B%26%2322826%3B%26%2323376%3B%26%2312299%3B) - another take on the Monkey King (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?50181-Monkey-King).

《齐天小太子》立项 《别惹蚂蚁》导演执导 (http://news.mtime.com/2018/10/24/1585447.html)
2018-10-24 23:14:10 来源:Mtime时光网 23

前博纳影业与日本东映动画在东京电影节正式宣布了《齐天小太子》的合拍计划,而影片的主创团队则来自好莱坞 。


时光网讯 据广电立项信息,一部由中、美、日三国共同创作的《西游记》改编动画电影《齐天小太子》已正式立项。该片由 博纳影业与日本东映动画合作拍摄,《别惹蚂蚁》导演约翰 A·戴维斯执导。

此前博纳影业与日本东映动画在东京电影节正式宣布了《齐天小太子》的合拍计划,而影片的主创团队则来自好莱 坞。导演由《别惹蚂蚁》导演约翰 A·戴维斯担纲,参与《怪物史莱克2》编剧的J. David Stem和David N Weiss执笔剧本。

此外,“刺猬索尼克”的设计者之一大岛直人将主导角色设计,前皮克斯和迪士尼的Chuck Williams参与制片,动画制作将有一家颇具经验的中国动画工作室完成。

影片的故事灵感源自《西游记》,据立项信息中的剧情梗概,故事将讲述齐天大圣之子淘气不上进,正值外星人侵 犯地球,大圣派其去保护地球。期间遇到了艾丽姐弟,在带领他们去寻找父母的途中一直受到外星人的攻击。后老 沙和猪仔加入进来,他们一起并肩作战,战胜外敌小太子成长的故事。



China, the United States, Japan and the United States, "Journey to the West" adapted animation film
"Qi Tian Xiao Tai Zi" project "Do not provoke ants" director directed
2018-10-24 23:14:10 Source: Mtime Time Network 23

Former Bona Film and Japan’s Toei Animation officially announced the co-production of “The Little Prince of Qitian” at the Tokyo Film Festival, and the film’s creative team came from Hollywood.

The picture above is the 3D conceptual model of Qi Tian Xiao Tai Zi.

******According to the information of the radio and television project, an animated film "Qi Tian Xiao Tai Zi", a "Journey to the West" co-authored by China, the United States and Japan, has been officially established. The film was filmed by Bona Film and Japan’s Toei Animation, directed by John A. Davis, director of Don’t Make Ants.

******Previously, Bona Film and Japan’s Toei Animation officially announced the co-production of “The Little Prince of Qitian” at the Tokyo Film Festival, and the film’s creative team came from Hollywood. The director was directed by John A. Davis, director of "Don't provoke ants", and participated in the scripts by J. David Stem and David N Weiss, screenwriters of "Shrek 2".

******In addition, one of the designers of the "Sonic the Hedgehog", Oshima Naoto, will lead the character design. The former Pixar and Disney's Chuck Williams will participate in the production, and the animation will be completed by an experienced Chinese animation studio.

******The story of the film is inspired by "Journey to the West". According to the synopsis of the project information, the story will tell that the son of Qitian Dasheng is not up to the air, when the aliens invade the earth, and the Great Holy Spirit sends it to protect the earth. During the encounter with Alice's brother and sister, they have been attacked by aliens on their way to lead them to find their parents. After the old sand and pigs joined in, they fought side by side to defeat the story of the growth of the foreign prince.

******It is reported that the film has been developed for three years and it takes about two years to complete.