View Full Version : Beijing Sports University

11-22-2018, 02:06 AM
Hello Everyone,
Does anyone have experience with studying Wushu/Chinese language at the Beijing Sports University? I am looking at possibilities for improving both my Chinese in order to do my HSK 3 as well as combine it with martial arts.

11-23-2018, 10:37 AM
I haven't studied at Beijing Sports University but I worked/studied at Wuhan Institute of Physical Education, so they have similar programs. Your best best is to directly communicate with the International Affairs Office. It's very likely they can custom tailor a program for you.

Here is their website:

What kinds of martial arts were you hoping to study, and what is your level (hobbyist, amateur, professional)?

11-24-2018, 02:17 AM
Hello and thank you for the information!

So I would consider my kung fu to be at the beginner stages, I am interested in Shaolin, Wushu, and Xingyi quan, either way I would be looking at working on the basics.
My interest in the school in Beijing is in part because I want to do the HSK 3, so if I can combine the two interests in one... bonus!

11-24-2018, 10:30 AM
If you are interested in modern wushu, Beijing Sports University is an excellent choice. If you go for a semester or two you might get put into the elective wushu classes for non-majors, or put you in a class of people of similar situation (beginner, foreign, etc).

If you want to study traditional cma (xing yi), there are many teachers in Beijing that you can make connections with. I don't know if the university offers a course on xingyi, but you can always express your interest. I will advise that if you are only planning to stay in Beijing short term, many teachers might not find it worth their time to teach you, or you will be disappointed in only training zhanzhuang for several months before learning any actual xingyi.

11-25-2018, 05:23 AM
Because of my current job here in China I can only take up to a month. So that's why i'm looking into the short term programs at the university.

12-10-2018, 12:28 AM
Just to follow up,
It would appear that they do not respond to emails, and any of their numbers that are listed are not in service.