View Full Version : Sun Lutang Biographical Play - Wu Xue Zong Shi 《武学宗师》

12-10-2018, 09:31 AM
《武学宗师》完整版首播:德云社李菁带您走近武术大师孙禄堂的传奇一生! (https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/wlI236qulBjB1JYM7mwfIQ)
开合太极 2 days ago





孙禄堂,孙式太极拳创始人,中国近代著名武术家。素有“武圣”“万能手”“虎头少保”“天下第一手”之称。 其武功造诣登峰造极,技击功夫独步天下;他集毕生之力创立“拳与道合”的武学体系,倡导“统一国术、全民强 身”。孙禄堂天资聪颖,悟性超拔;又兼孝义为先,扶危济困;怀爱国之心,重民族大义;凭借高超的武学造诣与 卓然的品格修为,终成一代武学宗师。

https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/cRMQT0Ob0icCiayaw5Nbc7v4a9ur5iayUaYsDvDcFT42N64lma e48XNhSpokAWRiaDoGIUCs2tOoaNUbpTF7ZvQ0Bw/640?wx_fmt=jpeg&tp=webp&wxfrom=5&wx_lazy=1&wx_co=1








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北京人民艺术剧院创作室主任吴彤、优秀青年编剧王甦共同担任编剧。该剧采用了虚实结合的手法,将孙禄堂先生 风雨曲折的个人命运融汇于时代命运的大背景下,使得其文武兼备的形象更加生动丰满,生活经历也更感人肺腑, 引人回味。

https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_png/91iaFicBLLtibjPmG19r1Rzsj2DdVibObuNlZGZCib7LibpiaO a5oO89eUOFGJUH3YTyyraeuiaQSFFibUmGtm3Pf9JmQeQ/640?wx_fmt=png&tp=webp&wxfrom=5&wx_lazy=1&wx_co=1

在创作过程中,编剧吴彤多次与非遗项目孙式太极拳代表性传承人,孙禄堂先生的嫡孙女孙婉容女士、西城区体育 局副局长陈敬东先生、北京武术协会副秘书长童旭东先生、还有孙式太极拳传承人马如亮先生交流、倾谈,了解孙 禄堂先生的生活轶事,听取各方面对于剧本的意见,精研打磨,几易其稿。除主人公孙禄堂之外,其他角色也是个 性鲜明,形象突出。


The full version of "Wu Xue Gu" is the first broadcast: Deyun Li Jing takes you to the legendary life of the martial arts master Sun Lutang!
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The full version of the drama "Wu Xue Gu"

"Master of Martial Arts" does have its own people

Sun Lutang, founder of Sun-style Taijiquan, a famous Chinese martial artist in modern times. Known as "Wu Sheng", "Universal Hand", "Tiger Head Less Protection" and "the first hand in the world". His martial arts made his way to the top, and his skills and martial arts were the only ones. He set his life to create a martial arts system of "boxing and harmony" and advocated "unifying the national art and strengthening the people." Sun Lutang is talented and savvy, and he is savvy and superb; he is also filial and philosophical. He is patriotic and ethical. He is a master of martial arts with his superb martial arts and Zoran.

Introduction to the story of "Master of Martial Arts"

"Master of Martial Arts" tells the famous modern Chinese martial artist Mr. Sun Lutang, founder of Sun Style Taijiquan Ups and downs, a legendary life Show the protagonist with his superb martial arts And the character of Zoran is The story of a generation of masters

Drama "Wu Xue Gu"

Wu Hao, director of the creative studio of Beijing People's Art Theatre

Excellent young screenwriter Wang Su co-producer

The personal fate of Mr. Sun Lutang’s wind and rain

Blending in the context of the destiny of the times

Make the image of both civil and military more vivid and full

Life experience is also more touching and fascinating

The play by Gu Wei, famous director of Beijing People's Art Theatre Cooperate with his student Wang Yi Gu Wei has directed "Thunderstorm", "Longxugou", etc. a large number of classic works Although he has more than 30 years of director experience But facing the subject of martial arts Director Gu Wei still admits that this is a challenge.

Beijing Renyi national first-class actor Zhang Wankun

Starring the protagonist Sun Lutang

Famous storytelling and comic actor Li Jing served as a storyteller

Tong Xudong and Ma Ruliang as martial arts directors

Li Jing, the narrator of the martial arts master
Wu Hao, director of the creative studio of Beijing People's Art Theatre, and Wang Su, an outstanding young screenwriter, jointly worked as screenwriters. The play adopts a combination of virtual and real techniques, which combines the personal destiny of Mr. Sun Lutang's wind and rain in the background of the destiny of the times, making his image of both civil and military more vivid and full, and his life experience is more touching and intriguing.

In the process of creation, the screenwriter Wu Hao has repeatedly and the non-legacy project Sun-style Taijiquan representative inheritor, Mr. Sun Lutang's granddaughter, Ms. Sun Rongrong, Xicheng District Sports Bureau deputy director Chen Jingdong, and the Beijing Wushu Association Deputy Secretary-General Tong Xudong, There is also the Sun-style Taijiquan inheritor, Mr. Ma Ruliang, who exchanges and talks, understands Mr. Sun Lutang’s life anecdote, listens to all aspects of the script’s opinions, researches and polishes, and makes several drafts. In addition to the protagonist Sun Lutang, other characters are also distinct and outstanding.