View Full Version : Facekini

10-16-2013, 12:37 PM
Just in time for Halloween.

More pix if you follow the link.

The Latest Chinese Beach Craze – Face-kini (http://www.amusingplanet.com/2012/08/the-latest-chinese-beach-craze-face-kini.html)
By Kaushik Tuesday, August 21, 2012 Beach, China, WTF

A new kind of swimwear trend is sweeping the Chinese beaches in Qingdao in eastern China's Shandong province. As the weather get hotter, both men and women are seen appearing on the beaches wearing full body suits that cover from head to toe. The upper part of the swimsuit has a ski-mask with holes cut out at appropriate places to leave the eyes, nose and mouth exposed, giving the wearer an odd Lucha libre look. The Netizens are calling the swimwear "face-kinis”

The mask are a way for Chinese bathers to protect their skin from the sunburn, but it turns out that they are equally handy at repelling insects and jellyfish.


Unlike in western culture, women in Asian countries don’t like to get a tan particularly in the face. Tan is often seen as a connection to outdoor work and peasantry who toil in the sun. Fair skin, on the other hand, is associated with aristocracy and seen as a sign of feminine beauty unscathed by the indignities of manual labor. Preserving one's pale skin, which is an obsession across Asia, is encouraged in many Asian culture and cosmetic products that caters to this belief is a booming industry. Drugstore shelves across Asia bulge with rows of creams and cosmetic that promises natural-looking fair hue.

Facekinis started as a do-it-yourself garment that women made at home using scraps of fabric and a sewing machine, but now they can be found at swimwear shops for 15 to 25 yuan ($2.40 to $4.00) each.

09-02-2016, 01:59 PM
Ain't got nuthin on a Chinese facekini (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?62318-I-will-never-understand-China&p=1252679#post1252679)

画风太奇异!青岛脸基尼已更新至第六代(组图) (http://www.wenxuecity.com/news/2016/08/31/5556096.html)
文章来源: 腾讯图片 于 2016-08-31 23:09:47 - 新闻取自各大新闻媒体,新闻内容并不代表本网立场!
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8月28日,山东青岛第一海水浴场海边,身穿连体脸基尼的青岛大妈,泳衣上的龙、凤、孔雀图案十分惊艳,在 海边回头率极高。今年8月份,青岛海水浴场靓丽的风景脸基尼已经更新到了第六代。视觉中国

张式范被认为是青岛“脸基尼发明人”,她告诉记者,自己从2004年设计了第一款脸基尼,主要是为了防止下 海游泳的人受到海蜇的伤害,后来随着不断改观,已经能出到了第六代,背景图案和脸罩还以大熊猫、扬子鳄、西 伯利亚虎等世界十大濒危动物动作为主题,希望受到人们更多关注,去保护这些濒临灭绝的动物。






脸基尼的发明人张式范女士正在用尺子测量各式样脸基尼的尺寸,为了让游泳的人戴在头上更加舒适,她仔细量好 眼睛、鼻子、嘴巴等部门的大小尺寸,做出样品后找模特进行试戴。

张式范女士正在用尺子测量各式样脸基尼的尺寸。“脸基尼”曾受到国外内媒体的关注,还被法国的时尚杂志《C R Fashion Book》,以中国青岛海滩的”脸基尼“(Face-kini)大妈作为灵感,拍摄了一辑泳池时尚大片,再度将中国民间元素带入时尚圈

张式范与身穿新款“脸基尼”的大爷大妈海边合影。目前,青岛脸基尼已经出到了第六代,游客们只要来到青岛海 边都会想一睹脸基尼的风采。张式范表示,“自己还会继续设计下去,通过不断的改进,让脸基尼真正的走向国外 ,成为时尚圈的主流。


Singular style too! Qingdao face Gini has been updated to the sixth generation (Photos)
Source: Tencent pictures on 2016-08-31 23:09:47 - news from the major news media, news content does not imply any position!
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August 28, Qingdao First Beach beach, wearing a Siamese face Gini Qingdao aunt, dragon swimsuit on, phoenix, pea**** design is stunning, the sea very high retention rates. August this year, Qingdao beach beautiful landscape face Gini has been updated to the sixth generation. Vision China

Zhang style range is considered Qingdao "face Gini inventor," she told reporters that his 2004 design the first face Gini, mainly to prevent sea swim by jellyfish injuries, and later with the continuous change, has been able to out the sixth generation, background patterns and visor also the giant panda, Chinese alligator, the Siberian tiger, the world's top ten endangered animal movements as the theme, people want to be more attention to the protection of these endangered animals.

Wearing a new face piece Gini Qingdao aunt.

In Peking Opera and the theme of the dragon and phoenix patterns "Gini face."

In Peking Opera and the theme of the dragon and phoenix patterns "Gini face."

Animal in the shape of the theme of "Gini face."

Animal theme "Gini face."

Face Gini inventor Miss Zhang Shi Fan was measured with a ruler for each style face Gini size, in order to allow swimmers to wear the head more comfortable, she carefully amount of the eyes, nose, mouth and other departments of sizes, looking after making sample model try them.

Miss Zhang Shi Fan is measuring the size of each Gini style face with a ruler. "Face Gini" has been in the foreign media attention, also the French fashion magazine "CR Fashion Book", to Qingdao, China Beach "face Gini" (Face-kini) aunt as inspiration, took a series of fashion a large swimming pool, once again the Chinese folk elements into fashion ring

Zhang Fan style and wearing a new "face Gini" uncle aunt seaside photo. At present, Qingdao has been out to face the Gini sixth generation, as long as the visitors came to Qingdao beach will want to see the face Gini style. Zhang Fan type said, "will continue to design their own to go through continuous improvement, so that the real face Gini go abroad, into the mainstream fashion circles.

08-14-2019, 09:14 AM
Facekini needs an indie thread. (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?71431-Facekini)

Poached the posts above off our I will never understand China thread (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?62318-I-will-never-understand-China).

New facekini designs hit the beaches of Qingdao (https://shanghai.ist/2019/08/06/new-facekini-designs-hit-the-beaches-of-qingdao/)
Looking to turn heads this summer?
by Alex Linder August 6, 2019 in Gallery


To help women look their best this summer at the beach while also keeping their skin safe from the sun’s harmful rays, the latest line of “facekinis” have been unveiled.

Zhang Shifan designed the first facekini more than a decade ago. The unusual piece of swimwear caught on in the coastal city of Qingdao and Zhang has been rolling out new, colorful iterations each year which do much more than just cover the face.

There are six new designs for this year. Two of them are completely new and are inspired by the fashions of the Silk Road.

The other four are new takes on Zhang’s endangered animal designs from 2016, which now hide the animals’ modesty with bikini patterns.