View Full Version : The Blind from the Ghost Cave (Si Buta dari Gua Hantu)

09-18-2019, 07:07 AM
Fan Duga Timo Umumkan Iko Uwais Jadi 'Si Buta dari Gua Hantu' (https://www.cnnindonesia.com/hiburan/20190909083636-220-428643/fan-duga-timo-umumkan-iko-uwais-jadi-si-buta-dari-gua-hantu)
tim, CNN Indonesia | Senin, 09/09/2019 08:43 WIB

Fan Duga Timo Umumkan Iko Uwais Jadi 'Si Buta dari Gua Hantu' Unggahan sutradara Timo Tjahjanto diduga para penggemar telah mengumumkan Iko Uwais akan memerankan 'Si Buta dari Gua Hantu'. (Mark Davis/Getty Images/AFP)

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia -- Unggahan sutradara Timo Tjahjanto diduga para penggemar telah memberitahukan pengumuman penting terkait pemeran Si Buta dari Gua Hantu, yaitu Iko Uwais.

Para penggemar berspekulasi bahwa Iko akan memerankan sosok jagoan dari Jagat Sinema BumiLangit tersebut setelah Timo menggunggah foto Iko dengan keterangan yang tampak menyimpan pesan tersembunyi.

"Selamat untuk si soBat imUt Tanah bekAsi @iko.uwais bakal main di #GiJOESNAKEEYES. walau digambar kedua kita semua tahu siapa Hard Master sejati," kata Timo, Minggu (8/9) malam.

Para penggemar memperhatikan penulisan huruf kapital dalam keterangan foto menyimpan pesan "si Buta" yang kemudian diartikan sebagai pengenalan Iko sebagai Si Buta dari Gua Hantu.

Dugaan dari penggemar ini semakin kencang ketika Iko membalas unggahan Timo tersebut di kolom komentar.

"TerimA HatUr Nuhun DirEctor Paling pANtastis YAng pAling gAnteng @timobros," kata Iko yang juga menggunakan pola kombinasi huruf kapital serupa dan bermakna "Tahun depan yaa."

Frasa tersembunyi dari Iko ini pun sesuai dengan jadwal penayangan Si Buta dari Gua Hantu. Pada Oktober 2018, Timo mengungkapkan bahwa rencana film tersebut akan ditayangkan pada 2020.

Atas berbagai asumsi ini, para penggemar pun bersuka cita dan bersemangat atas penunjukkan Iko sebagai sosok jagoan yang pernah diangkat ke layar kaca pada dekade '90-an itu.

"Si BUTA.. mantaaap," komentar ndansono.

"Di caption nya mas Timo jika huruf kapitalnya di rangkai jadi "si BUTA", terus dibalas komen sama bang Iko dalam kalimatnya jika hrf kapitalnya dirangkai jadi "TAHUN DEPAN YAAA", terus dibalas lagi oleh mas Timo jadi "SIAP!", apakah ini clue?? Kalau memang benar WOWWW sekali Bang Iko jadi si BUTA DARI GOA HANTU," kata eka_thaya.

"Buta? Si Buta? Yesch!" kata rizkyim4n.

"Si BUTA TAHUN DEPAN," kata dmsramadhan.

"Wahhhh... Si BUTA ternyata bang @iko.uwais sesuai ekspektasi... Tinggal nunggu Julie Estelle bergabung di Bumilangit," kata marcelloelaelo.

Pihak BumiLangit Studios sebelumnya mengungkapkan mereka tengah mempersiapkan Si Buta dari Gua Hantu yang dijadwalkan mulai syuting Oktober mendatang.

"Lagi siap-siap preparation [Si Buta dari Gua Hantu], harusnya Oktober sudah mulai syuting," kata Production Manager BumiLangit Studios, Imansyah Lubis, Senin (12/8).

Bila syuting Si Buta dari Gua Hantu benar akan dimulai pada Oktober mendatang, maka film ini berpeluang besar rilis sesuai jadwal.

"Timo asyik, memang suka banget komik, film, dia juga peduli banget sama sesuatu yang tampak di layar harus keren, percayalah sama Timo," kata Imansyah.

Berdasarkan unggahan yang sempat dipamerkan Timo dalam akun Instagram miliknya, film Si Buta dari Gua Hantu ini kemungkinan akan bertajuk "Si Buta dari Gua Hantu: Mata Malaikat".

"Judul resmi kearifan lokal ceunah. #nusantaraberdarah," tulis Timo kala itu dalam unggahan tersebut.

Si Buta dari Gua Hantu yang diduga akan diperankan Iko Uwais nanti merupakan karakter utama dalam serial cerita silat yang diciptakan komikus Ganesh TH pada 1960-an. Komik ini pertama kali terbit pada 1967 dan dicetak ulang pada 2005.

Komik ini sempat diadaptasi menjadi film pada akhir 1970 dengan judul sama. Adaptasi berlanjut pada enam judul film lain, yaitu Borobudur (1972), Sorga yang Hilang (1977), Duel di Kawah Bromo (1977), Neraka Perut Bumi (1985), Lembah Maut (1990), dan Bangkitnya Si Mata Malaikat (1988).

Secara garis besar, Si Buta dari Gua Hantu berlatar di Nusantara pada zaman kolonial Hindia Belanda. (end)


Fan Duga Timo Announces Iko Uwais to Be 'The Blind from the Ghost Cave'
team, CNN Indonesia | Monday, 09/09/2019 08:43 WIB
Fan Duga Timo Announces Iko Uwais Becomes 'The Blind from the Ghost Cave' Uploaded by director Timo Tjahjanto allegedly fans have announced Iko Uwais will play 'The Blind from the Ghost Cave'. (Mark Davis / Getty Images / AFP)
Jakarta, CNN Indonesia - Uploaded by director Timo Tjahjanto, allegedly the fans have made an important announcement regarding the actor of the Blind from the Ghost Cave, namely Iko Uwais.

Fans have speculated that Iko will play the hero of the BumiLangit Sinat Jagat after Timo uploaded Iko's photo with information that seemed to hold a hidden message.

"Congratulations to the soBat imUt Tanah bekAsi @ iko.uwais will play in #GiJOESNAKEEYES. Even though we draw the second picture, we all know who the true Hard Master is," Timo said, Sunday (8/9) night.

Fans pay attention to writing capital letters in the photo caption saving the message "the Blind" which is then interpreted as Iko's introduction as the Blind from the Ghost Cave.

Allegations from these fans became even stronger when Iko replied to Timo's upload in the comments column.

"Receive the Most Fantastic Director's Hatuhr Nuhun The Most Amazing @timobros," said Iko, who also uses a similar and meaningful combination of capital letters. "Next year."

This hidden phrase from Iko is also in accordance with the schedule for screening the Blind from the Ghost Cave In October 2018, Timo revealed that the film's plan would be aired in 2020.

For these assumptions, the fans also rejoiced and were excited about the appointment of Iko as a hero figure who was raised to the screen in the decade of the '90s.

"The Blind ... awesome," comments ndansono.

"In Tim's caption, if the capitals are arranged as" the Blind ", then I will return the comment to Mr. Iko in his sentence if the capital hrf is set to" YAAA FRONT YEAR ", then Mas Timo's reply will be" READY! " clue ?? If it is really WOWWW once Bang Iko is the BLIND OF GHOSTS GOA, "said eka_thaya.

"Blind? The Blind? Yesch!" said rizkyim4n.

"THE BLIND YEARS AHEAD," said Dmsramadhan.

"Wahhhh ... The BLIND turned out to be bang @ iko.uwais according to expectations ... Just wait for Julie Estelle to join Bumilangit," Marcelloelaelo said.

BumiLangit Studios previously revealed they were preparing for the Blind from the Ghost Cave which is scheduled to start shooting next October.

"I'm getting ready for the preparation of [The Blind from the Ghost Cave], October should have already started shooting," said BumiLangit Studios Production Manager, Imansyah Lubis, Monday (12/8).

If the filming of the Blind from the Ghost Cave really will begin in October, then the film has a great chance of release on schedule.

"Timo is fun, he really likes comics, movies, he also really cares about something that looks on screen must be cool, believe in Timo," said Imansyah.

Based on the upload that Timo has exhibited in his Instagram account, the film Blind from the Ghost Cave is likely to be titled "The Blind from the Ghost Cave: Angel's Eyes".

"The official title of the local wisdom is ceunah. #Nusantaraberdarah," Timo wrote at the time of the upload.

The Blind from the Ghost Cave which is supposed to be played by Iko Uwais will later be the main character in the silat story series created by comic artist Ganesh TH in the 1960s. This comic was first published in 1967 and reprinted in 2005.

This comic was adapted into a film in the late 1970s with the same title. Adaptation continues on six other films, namely Borobudur (1972), Lost Heaven (1977), Duel in Bromo Crater (1977), Hell's Stomach Earth (1985), Death Valley (1990), and the Rise of the Angel's Eye (1988) .

Broadly speaking, the Blind from the Ghost Cave is set in the archipelago in the colonial era of the Dutch East Indies. (end)

Iko is on fire. This is why I put him on the FALL 2019 (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/magazine/article.php?article=1501) cover.


The Blind from the Ghost Cave (Si Buta dari Gua Hantu) (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?71492-The-Blind-from-the-Ghost-Cave-(Si-Buta-dari-Gua-Hantu))
Blind Masters (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?69153-Blind-Masters)