View Full Version : Revelation (This post will be a short narrative, please enjoy)

11-05-2001, 07:46 AM
The following is something I've gone through and thought about today, some inner revelations, more personal findings about self, martial arts, and other things. Read if you wish, and enjoy. All of it is true accounts of today. No last names are used here.

I came home, expecting to go to the Buddhist Temple with Joey that late afternoon. As I waited, I worked upstairs, switcing the computer on to glance over different assignments, novels-in-process, and checking mail. Joey was late, something that wasn't unusual from the blonde-haired Chinese with the dark sunglasses. Slowly, I began to think to myself that we might not make it to the temple on this particular day. One of the painters, a tall kid in his early twenties, came into my room. They had been painting my family's house for almost three weeks now, and were soon to be finished (I hoped).
"Hey, Ryu," he said bursting into my room without knocking, "I talked with my friend in Tenessee and he might come down here to visit me, if you guys remember me, maybe I can invite him over here and you guys can spar or something."
I rolled my eyes to the top of my head, not wanting to hear about his godly 4rth degree Tae Kwon Do blackbelt friend again who could freeze people with touches.
"Sure," I said trying to be polite, "I actually am kind of interested in Tai Chi, maybe he can show me some stuff."
The painter was taken back, "Uh, yeah probably. He's certified in that too. You guys could probably teach each other stuff."
I was more pleased to take the focus off of challenge sparring, and more to friendlier conversation. I have always hated fighting. Even though the art I practice, judo and BJJ, are most associated with it in this day and age...
Sometimes it seems that fighting challengers is something expected of me just because of the art I practice...I have done that already. Nothing more to prove with challenges anymore. I hoped my ego wouldn't get in the way again this time.
"That'd be cool." I said returning to my computer and highly doubting to ever see this black belt in question anyway.
"One thing though about grappling," he said, "since you know what you're doing he'll actually swing and stuff."
"Uh huh..." I murmured with little feeling. I didn't really care at the moment.
"He really is into Bruce Lee though!" he said.
"Oh really?" I smiled again letting him know I wasn't interested in fighting, "I bet we'd probably be friends. I love Bruce too."
"Really?" came his unenlightened response.

It was time for him to go. I thanked God for getting him out of my hair. However I was a bit annoyed. I have no problem with friendly sparring with two people who want to learn and share, but I'm done with challenge matches and fighting. I don't like it. As mentioned before, I have come to realize that I hate fighting. Sometimes I wondered if I should take up an art that wasn't famous for it...
Joey wasn't coming, and with time to spare, I spent it the only way I knew how when feelings of annoyance and "fighting" came into play...I trained. I dropped what I was doing, and spent an hour just on clinching drills with a large grappling dummy. I recorded myself, checked my speed, timing, and body mechanics. I spent immense amounts of energy clinching it, slamming it, and making sure my positions of mount and knee on stomach were solid, in base, and able to be utilized while sending down the strongest punches I could at the dummy's face. My room shook. I decided to call Joey, and ask him to help me train, but on another day. For me, headgear would be a must, and Joey, wearing bag gloves would strike and kick me with full force while I simply clinched him time and time again. His Northern Shaolin skills that he learned in Hong Kong would serve me well there.
Then it was time for me to go back to University, where a friend's jazz recital would be taking place. I had invited two Japanese friends with me... I realized I was running late. I always lose track of time when I train..even if it is just drills.

Story continued.......
stand by.


"One who takes pride in shallow knowledge or understanding is like a monkey who delights in adorning itself with garbage."

11-05-2001, 08:00 AM
note: (obviously the guy didn't call me "Ryu" but that's my handle here)


Driving down to the University at night was a nice ride. The darkness always seemed to caress me, and relax my inner turmoils. I thought a lot about a novel I was writing...the character was basically an avatar of myself.
Coming up to the girl's dorm, my two friends, a guy named Hiro, and a girl named Miho sat together on the outside bench waiting for my approach. They waved happily as I drove up, and I waved back equally as happy. These two were good friends, always ready to spend time with me and understand me. I loved them for it.
Miho got into my front seat, looking cute as always. Hiro greeted me, and moved to my back seat. We made our way to the music hall, in hopes of seeing one of my good friends, a soon to be professional jazz artist, named Janguen, perform a graduation recital with her band.
As we found our seats, some of my other friends greeted me, and sat by us. Soon all was quiet, and out from behind the curtained stage approached a familiar figure. Janguen was beautiful as always, her firm and sleek, Korean body tightly clad in expensive black slacks, and a ankle-length coat of the same midnight color flapping gently behind her. Her black hair was tied back from her face, and as she took each step, her long coat swayed in the air-conditioned breeze like the cloak of some intoxicating vampiress hypnotizing the eyes of the men in her presence. She sat down, her band at her side, and began to play.

story continued...
stand by


"One who takes pride in shallow knowledge or understanding is like a monkey who delights in adorning itself with garbage."

11-05-2001, 08:20 AM
Janguen's dark ivory-colored hands struck the keys in fierce strikes, exploding the amazing sounds of her musical genius out into the crowd. With a start, her base, sax, and drummer band began to follow her lead in a medly of heartfelt music.
As I sat in my seat, watching my friend of two years play, I thought back to the girl I knew who now became one with the notes she let loose into the night's sky. Playing with strength and passion, she swayed to the beats, throwing her head back as if physically possessed by the beautiful and alluring music. Her hands moved across the piano keys with almost an air of sensuality to them, the music was so rich, so full of passion and vitality, that it struck a cord deep within my heart.
My mind began to think in a meditative trance as her notes soothed me, and touched my inner turmoil. Suddenly, I was awakened. Suddenly the worries of fighting, challenges, tough guy images, proving myself to my art by fighting... all of it didn't matter. All that was there in that small house of music, was something I had been in love with since my birth, and something I have been wishing to fullfill in myself for the very longest time. It was art. Plain and simple, the most beautiful and artful music ever played for my ears. She then dedicated a song for her parents, and with the mixture of Korean cultured sounds to the steady beats of jazz piano, I was taken into her world once again.
While in this world, I was allowed to look deep within myself once again, and continue to try and find the trueness I had within. I have found it, but it reveals itself to me slowly, and in mysterious ways.
She had found her number one love in life, and she does it furiously, with such power and passion that it mesmerizes those around her. Indeed my love is martial arts, but it is not fighting. My love is that of fantasy and self-expression that can be utilized in reality...to create magic in a world where there is none.
My love, as it always has been, is the art of writing. My love is writing.
In my life, I have many things. People see me as a special character of sorts, I am a flirter, a empathetic listener, a strong man when needed, and a dear friend. But I like to walk alone, and feel the emotions I have. I like to be the one who must face all and rise above it in the end, no matter what the cost. I have done it in my emotional life, my martial art, my challenge matches, my schooling, my relationships with other people, and most of all....my inner soul and questions on my self.
My life....quite simply.....is my story. I am a writer, and I live as I believe myself to be.
I want to write, to create, and bring to life the characters that I have seen inside myself.
I want to express them with the same passion I saw tonight.
I still want to be a martial artist, and in fact I am one. However I do not have to fight constantly to prove it, and I do not have to lose sleep because I wish not to "challenge myself" one last time. It's time to grow up, Ryu.
There is so much more in life, so much beauty, passion, and expression to be enjoyed without worrying about who the **** tough guy is...
Train your judo, train your BJJ, roll with your partners, train realistically with your friends, spar hard with those that can help you....
But master yourself. It's the one thing you've yet to do.

......but I sense you're close...

Thanks, JB..



"One who takes pride in shallow knowledge or understanding is like a monkey who delights in adorning itself with garbage."

Fish of Fury
11-05-2001, 08:25 AM
well don't stop now, it's just getting good :)

__________________________________________________ _________________________ "I'm just trying to lull you into a genuine sense of security!"

Fish of Fury
11-05-2001, 08:26 AM
oh, i see you didn't :)

__________________________________________________ _________________________ "I'm just trying to lull you into a genuine sense of security!"

11-05-2001, 08:27 AM
I wanna hear more about janguen ;)

"Just because I joke around sometimes doesn't mean I'm serious about kung-fu.
" - nightair

11-05-2001, 08:40 AM
That's it for now. :)

The rest of the night will be spent working on a philo test, some Buddhist chanting, and possibly a few knee on stomach drills haha.

Goodnight, and enjoy!


"One who takes pride in shallow knowledge or understanding is like a monkey who delights in adorning itself with garbage."

11-05-2001, 08:45 AM
Cool thoughts. I can completely relate to all that. :)

You're fu(king up my chi

11-05-2001, 09:09 AM
You definetely did some inner searching there Ryu, very self-righteous of you to come forth and be public with the form on such a personal note. Not often do people reveal the self in such a way. You give inspiration to all of us.

You write the story. You write your life.

- Nexus

Johnny Hot Shot
11-05-2001, 09:23 AM
That was great.
You made me smile on a really s!tty day.


"Life's a great Adventure, Mate"
Jacko Jackson

11-05-2001, 10:38 AM
Awesome story, Ryu.

Now, if you could motivate me to finish my database management project that is due in 13 hours I would be even more impressed.

Is Janguen really a Korean name? Is it jang-eun? Wow, I'll do anything to avoid doing homework.


11-05-2001, 10:43 AM
Oops! Yes it is JangEun... (how embarrasing :D )

Johny Hot Shot,
glad it helped! My day was uplifted too.

Nexus, I doubt I'm an inspiration :)
But thank you for the sentiment!



"One who takes pride in shallow knowledge or understanding is like a monkey who delights in adorning itself with garbage."

11-05-2001, 11:35 AM

Beautiful, mate.


-A hundred enemies, a hundred cups of wine. Infinite enemies, infinite wine.-

11-05-2001, 02:21 PM
While in this world, I was allowed to look deep within myself once again, and continue to try and find the trueness I had within. I have found it, but it reveals itself to me slowly, and in mysterious ways.
She had found her number one love in life, and she does it furiously, with such power and passion that it mesmerizes those around her. Indeed my love is martial arts, but it is not fighting. My love is that of fantasy and self-expression that can be utilized in reality...to create magic in a world where there is none.

I LIKE IT..-see ya aint drinking 2nighte eh RYE

"I finish the job with a tiger claw into the throat. Remember guys'INSERT CORNY WHITEBOY VOICE' use extreme violence against your opponents always, that will discourage them from hurting other people" kungfu site technique sec.VS?."...

11-05-2001, 04:09 PM
Yes, the problem with martial arts is that it's very hard to do it "for real" - cuz likely someone will get hurt. Whereas with music or other arts, you can do it "for real" everytime and for everyone. And everyone's happy. That's why martial arts is a stepping stone for me, and I eventually want to get into other things. For example, I would actually really love to learn to sing - anyone know some good websites or schools for that?

Chang Style Novice
11-05-2001, 04:10 PM
Nitpick -

If you're playing jazz with steady beats, you're doing it wrong. Jazz is supposed to SWING!

And that's the very worst thing I can say about this excellent piece of writing.

I am the Grand Ultimate Silk Pyjama

11-05-2001, 04:11 PM


11-05-2001, 09:01 PM
Don't worry, some of her pieces started out that way, but they led into lots of swing! I'm no expert on jazz, but what I heard was something awesome. :)

Thanks for the compliments guys.



"One who takes pride in shallow knowledge or understanding is like a monkey who delights in adorning itself with garbage."

Kung Lek
11-05-2001, 09:19 PM
Ah, he who writes what he knows, writes best.

nice piece Ryu.


Kung Lek

Martial Arts Links (http://members.home.net/kunglek)

11-06-2001, 09:55 AM
Would you shoot me an email?

I've been working on some of the concepts you alluded to concerning your writing and would like to talk this over with you. :)

11-06-2001, 02:03 PM
great writings Ryu

"maybe not in combat..... but think of the chicks man, the chicks!"